After rebirth, I became a boss

Chapter 374 Seal (2) (2 more) 2000+

Chapter 374 Seal (2) (2000 more) [-]+
"I do not know how?"

Zheng Xiaen's identity was not a secret among the supervisors.

It was precisely because of this that Herring was particularly shocked by the fact that Zheng Xiaen had a master.

"We don't know who your lord's master is."

Heiheiwuchang pursed his lips, remained silent for a long time, and then said such words.

Herring: "...Your pagoda is cheating on my old lady!?"

Herring became irritable for a moment, and directly questioned them loudly.

Black and white Wuchang instantly felt the weight of thousands of gold, and his back couldn't help but tremble a few times, "Sir, we really don't know your master, but..."

Halfway through Hei Wuchang's words, he suddenly stopped.

Really, I don't know how to say it.

Herring's face turned pale, and his eyes began to turn cold.

"Your Majesty's current cultivation method is the Xuanming cultivation method."

Bai Wuchang said directly to Herring.


Xuanming technique! ?
that is not……

Isn’t that that person’s exclusive skill? ?
Why... why my sister also learned the skills of that person! ?
"Go back, I don't need you here!"

Zheng Xiaen didn't care what Herring and Black and White Wuchang thought, and immediately issued an order to expel them.

After finishing speaking, he didn't care whether they were willing to leave, and sent them back to the underworld directly.

The appointment ceremony is not what Zheng Xiaen cares about now.

Wu Jian is not what Zheng Xiaen should care about now.

What she has to do now is to successfully seal the entrances of the mortal world and the spiritual world.

Zheng Xiaen stood in the void, the tear mole at the corner of his eye revealed a coquettish red light.

"The thread of space!?"

Zheng Xiaen's eyes widened and he sighed in shock.

Unexpectedly, this time she sealed, she actually saw the thread of space! ?

This also means that she has stayed at the formation level for nearly ten years, and finally has a breakthrough!

Everyone in the world doesn't know that the level of the formation doesn't end when it reaches a high level.

Above the advanced level, there is a deeper attainment, that is space.

Only after touching the line of space, on top of the formation, can it be considered a great achievement.

"I didn't expect that at this time, I broke through the great success of the formation."

Zheng Xiaen narrowed her eyes, stretched out her hand and gently moved the line of space in her eyes.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a space at the entrance of the entrance to the world, and something changed suddenly.

Zheng Xiaen raised his eyebrows and stopped messing with the space lines.

After all, every line in her eyes represents a space.

Zheng Xiaen was thinking, and the whole person jumped from the air to the formation on the ground.

This formation must use the person who draws the formation as the formation eye, and then cooperate with space magic to seal the entrance to the mortal world.

At this time, because of the appearance of the sealing formation, she saw the line of space.

Now, it is easier for her to change the space.

Zheng Xiaen thought about it, and all the spiritual power in his body boiled instantly.

After that, more than a dozen spatial threads started to move by themselves.

Zheng Xiaen's face also began to turn pale.

Although Zheng Xiaen is still Xia Qi's face now, it still has the blood that should be there.

Otherwise, if the disguise is too fake, she might not be able to handle a round in front of Salem.

"Pen of nothingness, go!"

Just when everything was finished, Zheng Xiaen summoned the Pen of Nothingness and let it leave some blessing formations at the space nodes.

The modified space lines are usually relatively fragile, so the blessing formation is to protect these space lines from being broken by one blow.


Zheng Xiaen's rosy face instantly turned extremely pale, "Just disappear!"

All of a sudden, at the gate of entering the world, a sharp and fierce black lightning struck down.

Zheng Xiaen saw that the body reacted more clearly than the brain, and immediately used the remaining trace of spiritual power to stay away from the entrance to the world.


The black lightning that suddenly appeared, although it struck at the entrance to the world, but the teahouse that was very close was affected.

All of a sudden, the teahouse collapsed instantly.

Zheng Xiaen: "..."

The shopkeeper crawled out of the ruins: "..."

"Cough cough cough..."

Zheng Xiaen supported a big rock, covered his lips, and coughed a few times, "I didn't expect that there is such a powerful thunder in Tiandao."

Zheng Xiaen had never encountered this kind of thunder before.

Even her master never told her that Tiandao still has this kind of thunder.

"Fortunately, I hid quickly,"

Zheng Xia'en's gaze stayed on the big pit at the entrance to the world, "If I get hacked by it, I'm afraid I will go straight to heaven in this state!"


Just when Zheng Xiaen was sighing, she suddenly heard a muffled thunder sound above her head.

Zheng Xiaen raised his head: "..."

"I don't know what to say, so you're here to punish me!?"

Zheng Xiaen looked at the black thunder and lightning brewing from the dark clouds above his head, and his heart trembled suddenly.

"Didn't you just change the space!? What about you!?"

Zheng Xiaen looked at the black lightning that was swiftly coming towards her.

Hide, I'm afraid it's too late!

Zheng Xiaen clenched his teeth and released the Pen of Nothingness, intending to forcibly catch the unfathomable black lightning.


Just when the black lightning was about to strike Zheng Xiaen, she suddenly felt her whole body being protected in her arms.

"Mu Xiaowu...!?"

When Zheng Xiaen felt the person coming, his already pale face instantly became even paler.

"You're fine..."

Zheng Xiaen gently pushed Mu Wu away, and was about to ask him how he was, when he saw black lightning flashing in his eyes.

Zheng Xiaen: "..."

The black lightning is so powerful that even if Zheng Xiaen didn't try it, he could still feel its huge power.

But Mu Wu sucked it in directly.

That's right, he directly sucked this black lightning into his body.

"You are the Mu Xiaowu who has been hidden for a long time."

Zheng Xiaen looked at Mu Wu and said with certainty.

In fact, she found out last time that there was something strange about Mu Wu.

The memory is incoherent, the personality is somewhat changeable, and the strength is also strong at one time and weak at another...

Then, after the last time, Zheng Xiaen determined that the Mu Wu she knew might not be the complete Mu Wu.

Perhaps, for some reason, Mu Wu sealed or hid his original self, and then left the current Mu Wu.

"So, is the person in your heart the current me, or the incomplete me?"

Mu Wu chuckled, as if he wasn't surprised that Zheng Xiaen would say such a thing.

"Aren't you the one who confessed your love to me?"

Zheng Xiaen didn't answer directly, but asked back with a smile.

Mu Wu took a deep breath, held Zheng Xiaen's face in his hands, and there seemed to be some kind of dazzling light in his eyes.

Zheng Xiaen felt a little hot on his face.

In particular, there is a tear mole in the corner of the right eye.

(End of this chapter)

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