After rebirth, I became a boss

Chapter 332 Changes (2 more) 2000+

Chapter 332 Incident (Second update) 2000+
Guan Ge nodded, "Yes, young master."

Zheng Xia En apologized and left quickly.

Now, this barren mountain is covered by her enchantment. Except for a small number of people who are not infected with the disease, most of the people in it have abscesses.

Even most of the people in her panacea shop were sick, otherwise Zheng Xiaen wouldn't have ordered Guan Ge to fetch water alone.

And the reason why they contracted the disease was not necessarily because they had contact with those people, but...

The air in the barren mountains was also polluted.

Therefore, what Zheng Xiaen has to do now is to essence this barren mountain, so as to prevent the air here from bringing the disease to the entire spiritual cultivation world after she opens the barrier.

Zheng Xiaen looked at the terrain, found a small basin with a slightly lower terrain, and summoned the Pen of Nothingness.

"Sure enough, only you can help me!"

Zheng Xiaen sighed, looking at the pen of nothingness hanging in front of her, scratching the palm of her hand.

"Both Qi Jiuwei and Shangguan Feng can only fight. Moreover, one is still locked up by the underworld, and the other has been arrested. Now, only you are left, and you can fight side by side with me!"

The Pen of Nothing seemed to understand Zheng Xiaen's words, and emitted a faint golden light.

"What did you say?" Zheng Xiaen exclaimed suddenly, "Mu Wu can also fight side by side with me?"

"I haven't asked you yet, why can I use Mu Wu's spiritual power?"

In Zheng Xiaen's hand, the Pen of Nothingness emitted bursts of light, and then went out directly.

Zheng Xiaen: "..."

"Hey, I said, don't play dead for me!"

Zheng Xiaen kept drawing the array, but the expression on his face was not very good, "Why did you pretend to be dead for me just now when I asked Mu Wu, didn't you do it on purpose?"

"Did you get bribed by him and forget that I am your master?"

No matter what Zheng Xiaen said, the brush of nothingness just didn't even give a response.

Zheng Xiaen: "...the elbow knows how to turn outward!"

After Zheng Xiaen finished drawing the formation, he glanced at the Nihility Brush in his hand angrily, and took it back cursingly.

After finishing all this, Zheng Xia'en took out a freshly refined elixir, put it in the eye of the formation, and quickly made a formula with both hands.

In an instant, a silver light rushed towards the barrier in an instant.

And along the barrier, surrounded the entire barren mountain.

"This purification array 2.0 should be able to purify the disease here!"

Zheng Xiaen's ruddy complexion instantly turned pale.

To purify the entire mountain would take a lot of her spiritual power and energy.

Spiritual power may be restored with pills, but energy cannot.

Recovering energy, but it takes a long time to recover.

Besides, she had suffered severe backlash half a month ago.

That's why she looked so weak when she was exhausted for a while.

"Miss Zheng..."

After Guan Shisan cured the disease immediately, he quickly followed the direction pointed by Guan Ge and came to find Zheng Xiaen.

Zheng Xiaen heard Guan Shisan's voice at the center of the formation and looked around, "Why did you come here? Do those people have other symptoms?"


Seeing Zheng Xiaen's pale face, Guan Shisan couldn't help speeding up his steps, "Miss Zheng, your face..."


Zheng Xiaen frowned and yelled, "Don't come close!"

Guan Shisan stopped walking instantly when he heard the sound.

It was also at this time that he saw that under Zheng Xiaen's feet, there was a blood-colored formation emitting a faint light.

After about a while, the light of the formation began to dissipate.

And Guan Shisan saw that Zheng Xiaen's face was already pale.

"Miss Zheng..."

When the bloody formation disappeared, Zheng Xiaen staggered, Guan Shisan saw it and quickly supported her.

"Miss Zheng, are you okay?" Guan Shisan asked very worriedly.

Zheng Xiaen shook his head, "It's okay, just rest for a few days."

Zheng Xiaen said, using Guan Shisan's strength, he stood up straight and quickly performed the secret with one hand.

The next second, a bloody spell appeared from the air and shattered instantly.

The enchantment of the barren mountain also disappeared instantly.

"The enchantment disappeared!?"

Meng Zhitong, who was guarding outside the barren hill, was surprised, turned into a cat in an instant, rushed into the barren hill, and ran towards the panacea shop.

"Let's go, go back!"

Today's Zheng Xia'en, if it weren't for Guan Shisan's support, he might be so weak that he can't even stand firmly.

Guan Shisan carefully supported Zheng Xiaen, not daring to take a quick step, for fear of making her paler.


Zheng Xiaen's footsteps suddenly stopped.

Guan Shisan was confused, "Miss Zheng?"

"Sister, you can't seal me!"

Before Guan Shisan's voice fell, Zheng Xiaen heard a familiar voice behind him.

The look in Zheng Xiaen's eyes suddenly changed, and before Guan Shisan could react, he pushed him away instantly.


Zheng Xiaen snorted, and was instantly strangled by the neck.

"Miss Zheng..."

"Sister, your complexion looks very bad!"

Yu Yuan pinched Zheng Xiaen's neck, with the tone of a good brother caring about his sister.


Zheng Xiaen looked at Yu Yuan in front of him in pain, shock flashed in his eyes.

Today's Yu Yuan no longer has an ugly skin like a monster.

Now he looks just like any other person.

No, it should be said that Yu Yuan returned to his original appearance.

With a small fair face and bright eyes, he looked at Zheng Xia En with a smile.

"Sister, I've recovered, don't you feel happy for me?" Yu Yuan's ruddy lips showed a clean smile.

Zheng Xiaen smiled wryly, "Yu Yuan, I feel really sad for you."

"Your inner demons have a huge influence on you!"

Yu Yuan tilted his head and laughed, "Sister, what a demon, this is the real me, the me that has been hidden deep in my heart and has never appeared!"

Saying that, Yu Yuan looked at Zheng Xiaen's paler and paler face, and relaxed his hands a little.

"Sister, you simply..."

Before Yu Yuan finished speaking, a fierce sword force suddenly appeared from the side.

"Miss Zheng..."

Yu Yuan dodged to the side subconsciously, and Zheng Xiaen, who was strangled by the neck, took advantage of the situation to break free from his control.

When Guan Shisan saw it, he quickly rushed in front of Zheng Xiaen and protected her behind him.

"Sister, you guard, you are really annoying!"

Yu Yuan blinked, and said annoying words in the simplest tone.

A very bad premonition suddenly rose in Zheng Xiaen's heart, "Guan Shisan, hurry up!"


Yu Yuan laughed, "Sister, do you think he can go?"

"Miss Zheng, I'm not leaving!"

As Guan Shisan said, he raised his sword and rushed towards Yu Yuan.

Even if there was no chance of winning, it was impossible for him to leave such a weak Zheng Xiaen here alone.

In a few moments, Guan Shisan was at a disadvantage.

Zheng Xiaen watched Yu Yuan play with Guan Shisan Wan like teasing a pet, biting his lips tightly.

How to do?
How to do?
(End of this chapter)

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