After rebirth, I became a boss

Chapter 329 The same thing as them (1 more) 2000+

Chapter 329 The same things as them (one more) 2000+
"So, sister, undo the barrier and let me go!"

"If you want to leave, why did you wait until now?" Zheng Xiaen snorted coldly, "You have been in a coma for half a month, what you have been waiting for is now!"

"If the action of spreading the plague monster fails, you will replace him and spread the disease to the entire spiritual world before the disease is lifted! You want to open the barrier, not because you want me to let you go, but to make the whole spiritual world The spiritual world is infected with the disease!"

There is only one epidemic demon, and the antidote that can be made is very limited. If people in the spiritual world contract this disease, they will definitely be destroyed.

"You know, your current behavior is ruining the entire world of spiritual cultivation, including all beast cultivators!"

"Heh," Yu Yuan couldn't help but sneer when he heard Zheng Xiaen's words, "The beast cultivator never treated me kindly, so why should I care about the future of the beast cultivator."

"elder sister……"

Yu Yuan tilted his head, his black and white eyes were still as simple and pure as a little boy's, ignorant of worldly affairs.

"From the first time I met you, I knew that you were a beautiful sister, and I also knew that if it was you, you would definitely be able to save me."

"Because, I saw the same things as them in you, sister."

Hearing Yu Yuan's words, Zheng Xia En's cold eyes flashed a wave.

A very small number of birds, when they meet some people with strange fates, can beat that person's ancient and modern fate.

Unexpectedly, Yu Yuan actually saw something from her body.

No wonder, when she appeared just now, he didn't call her brother, but sister.

The changes in Zheng Xiaen's eyes were so small that Yu Yuan didn't notice any changes.

Yu Yuan couldn't help but took a step forward, "Sister, don't you wonder who you are?"

"It doesn't matter who I am! What matters is that I didn't save you!"

Zheng Xiaen couldn't help but sighed, "It's my fault too, I didn't notice your strangeness the first time."

"After all, I just found out that the body of the monster is actually a serious person!"

As soon as Zheng Xiaen finished speaking, a long red sword suddenly sprang out from a distance and stabbed at Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan was shocked and flew high into the sky, avoiding the long sword's attack.

In the next second, the long sword transformed into a person, standing in front of Zheng Xiaen.

Zheng Xiaen looked at the man: "...!?"

"Xie, why are you here?" Zheng Xiaen asked suspiciously, frowning.

"At the master's order, protect Miss Zheng secretly." Xie straightened her back, and said to Zheng Xia'en in a serious manner.

Zheng Xiaen: "...I'm afraid you have some misunderstanding about the four words of secret protection, right?"

The corner of Zheng Xiaen's mouth twitched slightly, and she swept away the evil that was blocking her view, and looked at Yu Yuan who was flying in the air.

Yu Yuan is a bird, and the seal on his body was forcibly broken when he went berserk last time.

Originally, Zheng Xiaen was entrusted by old man Yu to seal his bloodline again, but she never thought that since he has not stabilized, she can't seal it hastily.

Now, seeing Yu Yuan in the air, Zheng Xia En has a sense of being tricked by him again.

This Yu Yuan was so disguised that even she couldn't see through it.

Thinking of this, Zheng Xiaen frowned, looked at the noisy spiritual cultivators hiding in one place in the courtyard, and bit his lip.

Now, with so many spiritual cultivators around, she can't summon the Pen of Nothingness or Qi Nine Tails. After all, this is Xia Ge's standard equipment, and she can't blow herself up in front of so many people.

Thinking about it, this was one of the reasons why Yu Yuan only killed people from Wanling Medicine Shop and completely ignored those people.

"Sister, you want to kill me too, right?"

Yu Yuan looked down at Zheng Xiaen from a high position, the aggrieved tone, the pitiful look in his eyes, he was accusing her of why she abandoned him.

Zheng Xiaen couldn't help but shuddered, she was so impressed by Yu Yuan's acting skills.

"Since that's the case, sister, don't blame me!"

Saying that, Yu Yuan wrapped his body with his wings and rushed towards the barrier.

Zheng Xiaen's breath was stagnant, "Xie, stop him!"

This is the enchantment arranged by old man Yu. Now that old man Yu is extremely weak, this enchantment may not be able to withstand Yu Yuan's full blow.

When Xie heard this, he turned into a sword in an instant and rushed towards Yu Yuan quickly.

Zheng Xiaen didn't sit idle either, and made quick gestures with both hands.

Just when Yu Yuan was about to collide with the barrier, the underworld fire instantly rose around the barrier.

Looking at the light blue flame, a trace of fear flashed in Yu Yuan's eyes.

Yu Yuan didn't know what that flame was, but deep down in his heart, even on his outer skin, he was afraid of this flame.


The red long sword instantly pierced Yu Yuan's wings, and there was a sound of weapons colliding.

Yu Yuan suddenly felt a burning pain in his wings, and stepped back a few steps, not daring to confront the long sword head-on.

Zheng Xiaen watched from below, but her brows were tightly frowned.

Yu Yuan didn't have any evil thoughts emanating from him, why did he become a monster?
The reason why Zheng Xiaen believed in Yu Yuan from the very beginning, besides the pure aura emanating from him, was that...

His body did not emit the stench that belonged to demons, which made her despise.


When Zheng Xiaen was thinking about this, he suddenly heard the sound of flames burning something.

Only then did she remember that the demon skin was still being refined in the three-legged alchemy tripod.

Zheng Xiaen glanced at Xie, and then quickly returned to the tripod.

Looking at the milky white liquid wrapped in layers of power, Zheng Xiaen put the translucent feathers in the spirit storage space into it.

When the feather was put into the alchemy cauldron, the power surrounding the milky white liquid created a gap and quickly sucked the feather in.

Zheng Xiaen watched, and dropped two drops of blood along the way.

"Yu Yuan, I don't want to kill you, but today, don't even think about leaving!"

Zheng Xiaen suddenly appeared in mid-air, squinting at Yu Yuan who had been avoiding evil attacks.

Although Yu Yuan is a bird, but compared to Sword Spirit and Xie, his cultivation still has some gaps.

Thinking about it, Yu Yuan also discovered this, so he didn't confront Xie head-on.

"Sister, you can't stop me!" When Yu Yuan saw Zheng Xiaen's appearance, he changed his defensive posture and rushed towards Zheng Xiaen instantly.

Zheng Xia'en's eyes narrowed slightly, and he quickly made a tactic in his hand.

Immediately, the space seemed to be compressed by some kind of force, and Yu Yuan quickly hid aside with his eyes on one side.

However, time is still too late.

Yu Yuan could only feel a huge pain from his whole body, as if he had been crushed by something.

Before his eyes, great changes had also taken place.

It was pitch black, nothing could be seen or touched, as if he was the only one in the entire small space.

"seal up!"

Yu Yuan suddenly heard a lingering voice, and the wings on his back instantly retracted from his body.

(End of this chapter)

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