After rebirth, I became a boss

Chapter 325 Duty, Not Obligation (1 more) 2000+

Chapter 325 Is Duty, Not Obligation (One Update) 2000+
"Am I crazy!?"

She is not some ignorant girl.

Her blood is special, if it is spread, the whole spiritual cultivation world may covet her blood.

Maybe they will join forces and capture her as a living blood bank.

Thinking of this, Zheng Xiaen couldn't help shivering.

"Then what are you going to do? The disease caused by the plague demon may not necessarily be cured by medicine."

"Naturally solve it from the source!"

Zheng Xiaen narrowed his eyes, glanced at old man Yu, and beckoned Zheng Baizhou to follow as soon as possible.

When Zheng Xiaen went back, the entire panacea store was surrounded by spiritual practitioners.

Among them, most of the spiritual cultivators looked at the inexplicable abscesses on their bodies in panic.

When you saw Zheng Xia En appearing, you asked me about the situation one by one.

Some people, after seeing Zheng Xiaen, called for help without saying a word.

It was very similar to the appearance when the plague demon was pulling the first deceased at the beginning.

"Everyone, spread out as much as possible..."

Just as Zheng Xiaen said something ordinary, the spiritual cultivators present, you push me, I push you, it's noisy.

There are still a few places, because of this incident, they are about to fight!
Looking at this situation, Zheng Xiaen frowned tightly, and his expression was extremely bad.

Looking at this situation, Zheng Baizhou stood behind Zheng Xiaen, feeling inexplicably glad that he was not a member there.

"Zheng Hanpi, you stay here!"

Zheng Xiaen spoke to Zheng Baizhou in a very cold voice, and went to the side courtyard with old man Yu.

Zheng Baizhou: "..."

Inexplicably, he felt a little sad!
"Xia Yaoshi, Xia Yaoshi, don't go, save me..."

One of the spiritual cultivators, seeing Zheng Xiaen leaving, hurriedly tried to catch up, but was stopped by a barrier.

"When will you calm down, stop making noises, stop fighting, and have order, I'll come over again!"

Zheng Xiaen looked back, slightly hooked his lips at the speaker, and said something like this.

Although, Zheng Xiaen's voice is clear and shallow.

However, their lives were at stake, and the spiritual cultivators present fell silent instantly.

Those who are going to compete, even if they don't see each other, they still hold back their temper and don't look at each other.

"Cough cough cough..."

Zheng Baizhou covered his lips with his fist and coughed a few times, "Everyone, please form five teams in the form of a queue, with a distance of one meter between each team."

"Who are you? Why..."

A female voice with a high-pitched and thin voice asked Zheng Baizhou very dissatisfied.

"Zheng family, Zheng Baizhou, has met this girl."

Zheng Baizhou narrowed his eyes, and very gently cupped his hands with the questioning girl.

When the girl caught Zheng Baizhou's eyes, she subconsciously took a few steps back, lowered her head in fear, and did not dare to speak anymore.

"I didn't expect that it turned out to be a member of the Zheng family!"

"Isn't the Zheng family in decline? I heard that they will soon be outnumbered among several major families. Why are you still so arrogant?"

"Even if they can't be ranked, the Zheng family is still a first-class family in the world of spiritual cultivation, let's not say a few words!"

Zheng Baizhou listened to the whispers of everyone present, and the smile on his face was still so gentle.

It feels like the brother next door.

Seeing Zheng Baizhou like this, some spiritual cultivators couldn't help but become wary of Zheng Baizhou.

In this way, no matter what you hear or see, a person who maintains a gentle and harmless appearance is the most vigilant existence.

Because people like this will stab you in the back at some point.

"If everyone has discussed it, can you stand in line?"

Zheng Baizhou heard that his voice became less and less, and became lower and lower, and finally spoke again.

"After all, Medicine Master Xia can afford to wait, but none of us can afford to wait!"

After hearing this, everyone thought of the inexplicable abscess that had appeared on their body, and stood in line very quickly and orderly.

"Everyone sits cross-legged and meditates to keep the speed of their spiritual energy flowing to the slowest."

Standing in the distance, Zheng Xiaen looked at several teams of spiritual cultivators who had already stood neatly. From a distance, he said loudly: "The appearance of this abscess means that everyone has been infected with the disease. I haven't found it yet. The cure, and you..."

"It must last until the day I find a solution."

After hearing Zheng Xiaen's words, everyone turned pale and looked terrified.

Zheng Xiaen's words had already made everyone present panic.

One of them asked, "Xia Yaoshi, when are we going to wait?"

Another person said: "That's right, Xia Yaoshi, if we don't wait for you to think of a solution, will we just die?"

"Isn't this asking us to sit and wait to die?"

"What kind of miraculous doctor, what kind of rejuvenation, what kind of underworld snatching people, are all exaggerations!"

"Since you don't want to sit and wait for the lifeline in my hand, then I have nothing to do!"

Zheng Xiaen shrugged and curled his lips helplessly.


"Here I am, I lost my words."

Zheng Xiaen's voice suddenly sank, without the good temper that sounded like a bargain just now, "Just you, it's my duty as a doctor, not an obligation!"

"I want to save you, so I will; if I don't want to save you..."

"Even if you die in front of me now, I will only look at you coldly!"

That person: "..."

After Zheng Xia En finished speaking, she immediately changed her tone and returned to the original tone that sounded like she was extremely bullying.

"Okay, that's enough. If you say any more, you'll hurt your temper! If you want to sit and wait for a chance of life in my hand, just do as I say. If you don't want to sit and wait for death, just do it yourself. Find a way to save yourself!"

After Zheng Xiaen finished speaking, he completely disappeared in front of everyone.

Zheng Baizhou pursed his lips, and when some people started to do what Zheng Xiaen said, he looked at those people's hands, faces, or other exposed skin, and had a guess in his heart.

He had also been in contact with these people, so why didn't he have the same symptoms as them?

Moreover, his experience with them is basically the same.

Seeing the man wrapped in black cloth clamoring to see Yaoshi Xia, he ended the sale of the elixirs ahead of time, walked out of the panacea store, and was stopped by the people from the panacea store, forbidding him to go out, and then the mountain was closed.

Zheng Baizhou has experienced all this.

However, there was no abscess on his body, and he didn't even feel the tendency of it appearing.

Why, why is everyone infected with the disease, but he is the only one who doesn't?
Is there any difference between him and them?


There is one difference between him and them.

That is knowing Zheng Xiaen, and being fed a mouthful of unknown liquid for no reason.

So, was she the one who saved him from being infected by the plague?

"What did you mean by what you said earlier?"

(End of this chapter)

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