After rebirth, I became a boss

Chapter 252 Perhaps things have changed (2 more) 2000+

Chapter 252 Perhaps Things Are Already Different (Part 2000) [-]+
The soul-calling ceremony consumed too much energy of Zheng Xiaen, and after experiencing the thunder disaster in the late stage of foundation establishment, her body was already clamoring for a rest.

Zheng Xiaen fell asleep, completely forgetting that the gate of entering the world is still sealed by her spell.

At this time, the sky has begun to turn white, but they still haven't found a way to break the spell of the gate of the world.

At this time, they completely forgot their original purpose, which was to go to G City to find that strange formation that suddenly appeared.

Now, each of them is obsessed with breaking the spell.

"Hey, tell me, can the people in the Palace of Light break this spell?"

"It should be possible. After all, the Hall of Light is the closest thing to God in our world of spiritual cultivation."

"But you said, why haven't you seen anyone from the Guangming Palace for so long?"


The man didn't know why the spell had appeared for so long, and no one from the Guangming Palace appeared.

"His Royal Highness is coming, get out of the way."

Suddenly, someone in the crowd yelled, and everyone voluntarily moved out of the way.

A spiritual cultivator wearing a flowing cloud white robe came from a distance.

Walking in the front was a tall man wearing a dark gold mask and a white flowing cloud robe.

The man has a slender figure, and his raised fingers are even more distinct.

If Zheng Xiaen were here at this time, he would spit on the ground and shout, hypocrite, pretending.

"This talisman is a forbidden talisman."

The man's hand was lightly placed on the barrier, and the spiritual power he brought up caused the barrier to continuously scatter ripples.

"Oh my god, Your Highness has already broken through to the baby transformation!?"

Everyone whispered and lamented that the man had broken through to a baby before he was a hundred years old.

It seems that there is hope for a fairy-level spiritual practitioner to appear in the spiritual world.

"Oh my god, is it really a spell!?"

On the transparent barrier, because of the stimulation of the man's spiritual power, a red rune appeared.


The man looked at the rune that appeared, aroused his spiritual power, and suddenly there was a burst.

Immediately, the spell emitting red light gradually shattered in front of everyone.

Seeing the shattered spell, the patriarch of the Fu family couldn't help frowning.

Zheng Xiaen, who hadn't slept for a long time, suddenly opened his eyes.

Zheng Xiaen stared at the ceiling in a daze for a while, then sat up and smiled softly.

"It's still a question of cultivation, it was forcibly broken so easily."


Yingbian's cultivation...

There should only be those few in the world of spiritual cultivation...

And the most likely one is the one who pretends the most...

Zheng Xiaen sighed, got out of bed and poured himself a cup of hot water.

"Master, there is news. Your filming of "Three Realms" has been scheduled for the tenth day of the Lunar New Year."

Ahu took advantage of Zheng Xiaen to get up to drink water and quickly told Zheng Xiaen the news he had just seen.

Zheng Xiaen was not too surprised when he heard this.

Before, Zhang Duxian told her that if possible, he would try his best to set the premiere time of "Three Realms" in the next year.

However, such an arrangement must have the support of contacts.

Now, "Three Realms" has been finalized in less than half a year, which shows how extensive Zhang Duxian's contacts in the entertainment industry are.

"Master, do you want to read the trailer, it just came out."

Although Ahu asked this question, he still consciously sent the trailer to Zheng Xiaen's phone.

Zheng Xiaen sat on the bed after drinking the water, and read it again.

At the beginning of the trailer, Ji Tong, played by Zheng Xiaen, enters the human world inexplicably, and then meets Bai Bingling, Yu Chen, Wei Linglin, and then the climax of the four people's various entanglements. Yu Chen sacrificed his fragment.

The entire trailer, except for the opening chapter, is the climax of "Three Realms".

The pictures, layout, editing, and plot all capture the viewer's attention.

So, nowadays, although the amount of playback of the trailer is not too much, the comments under the video are blown up.

"Master, at present, it seems that you have the rhythm of fire."

Ahu quickly scrolled through the comments under the video, and stated this conclusion solemnly.

Zheng Xiaen: "..."

"I'll sleep a little longer, don't bother me."

Zheng Xiaen put down his phone, blocked Ah Hu directly, then wrapped himself in a quilt, and soon fell asleep again.

When the spell broke when entering the world of spiritual cultivation, everyone remembered their purpose.

Therefore, they all looked at the man who had broken the spell, as if secretly poking away.

"Everyone has something to do, just leave on your own, and don't care about me."

The man waved to everyone, speaking in a very gentle tone.

"Thank you Your Highness, then I will take my leave first."

When one person said this, many people would follow suit, so everyone bid farewell to the man one after another, and only those old guys were left behind in an instant.

The patriarch of the Fu family: "Your Highness, this talisman must have never appeared in the world of spiritual cultivation, right?"

"Indeed, I also searched for a long time in the Guangming Temple before I found the record about this talisman."

The man did not deny it, and replied gently to the patriarch of the Fu family, "However, there are not many records about this talisman. I only know that if the cultivation level is sufficient, you can use spiritual power to forcibly break this talisman without using the correct method of cracking it." .”

"I see." The ancestor of the Fu family bowed his hand to the man, "Thank you, Your Highness, for clearing up the confusion."

After finishing speaking, he said goodbye to the man, and left with Fu Chujin's support.

The other old men chatted with the man and left.

The man smiled and watched everyone leave. After the last person left, the smile on the man's lips disappeared immediately.

"Go ahead and find someone for me."

The man looked coldly in the direction of the entrance door, and said coldly to those who came with him.


The four men in white robes replied, then quickly rushed towards the gate of the world, and disappeared in an instant.

"Whether you are Xia Ge or not, I must find you out!"

Before the man's voice fell, he disappeared in the entrance to the world in an instant.

In the depths of Beiming Forest, the small courtyard has revealed its original appearance.

"Dafeng, is Xia Laosi really going back to the spiritual realm?"

Zhizhi stood by the edge of the strong wind, watching the red snow melting faster and faster, he couldn't help looking forward to it.

Dafeng was silent for a while, feeling a little sad.


Maybe Zhizhi didn't understand the reason behind Hongxue's appearance, but how could Dafeng and the other spiritual beasts in the depths of Beiming not see it?

When Xia Laosi came back, maybe everything had already changed.

After experiencing death, she returned from the mortal world to the spiritual world, and then came back here, maybe...

It has already changed drastically!
This Hongxue is her, becoming her is the best proof that she is not her.

"This time, when Fourth Xia comes back, I must give her a good lesson!"

Zhizhi flapped her wings, trying to make her tone fierce, "Otherwise, she wouldn't even know where her home is!"

Zheng Xiaen, who didn't know Zhizhi's plan at all, fell asleep straight into the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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