After rebirth, I became a boss

Chapter 2 Rebirth (Thanks for the recommendation ticket from book friends)

Chapter 2 Rebirth (Thanks for the recommendation ticket from book friends)
Lingqiu Country, City G...

At the beginning of August, the sky was clear, but purple thunder struck and there was a loud noise in the sky, which scared many people to stop their work and take a look at the inexplicable sky.

At the same time, the loud noise also awakened a woman who was lying in the hospital and was lifeless.

where is this?

Before Xia Ge opened her eyes, she felt that there seemed to be a layer of cloth covering her body, so when she opened her eyes, her hands subconsciously lifted the layer of cloth covering her body.


White cloth?

Xia Ge sat up in shock, looked around, and was stunned to see the dead people covered with white cloth neatly parked around.

This is...the morgue?

"Congratulations to the master for getting a new life!"

A childlike voice suddenly sounded in Xia Ge's mind.


Xia Ge looked around vigilantly, but in this mortuary, apart from the dead, there was no trace of living people.

"Master, I am the system spirit of the soul control system."

That immature voice sounded in Xia Ge's mind again.

"I am now in your sea of ​​consciousness, and you are now reborn in the body of a girl named Zheng Xiaen."

Xia Ge was a little confused, she died, but was reborn in Zheng Xiaen's body?
Also, is this soul control system the secret treasure that Salem is looking for?
"Yes master, you didn't die!" There was a trace of regret in the immature voice, as if it was a pity that Xia Ge didn't die.

Xia Ge: ...

"Master, the system has detected that your soul breath is about to dissipate in the world, so the system will automatically match you with a body that can nourish your soul and restore your soul."

A childlike voice said firmly: "Master, please collect energy as soon as possible to maintain the vitality of this body."


Xia Ge, who had just got off the bed where the corpse was placed, suddenly heard the system say to collect energy, and was taken aback for a moment.

"What energy? How to collect it?"

Xia Ge looked at the morgue seriously, and then strode towards the door in front of him.

"Energy is the basis for maintaining the operation of the system. As long as the system can operate, Master, you can always repair the soul in this body."

The system's stern voice disappeared, but it became milky.

"Since this body is dead now, maintaining the vitality of this body requires the energy of the system, so the owner needs to complete the tasks issued by the system to obtain energy."

"ok, I get it."

Xia Ge is not in the mood to listen to what the system has to say, so the answer is a bit perfunctory.

Then, pursing her lips slightly, she looked at the door in front of her.

Xia Ge took a deep breath, and once again pulled or pushed the door vigorously, but still did not open or push it open, and exhaled, "Do you have a way?"

The reborn Xia Ge has no strength, even is particularly weak, and she feels that Zheng Xiaen's heart makes her feel particularly uncomfortable.

"Sorry master, the system has already consumed too much energy looking for a body suitable for nourishing your soul, and there is no energy to help you for the time being."


Xia Ge was silent. If she was in the past, even if she had no cultivation, she would be nothing more than a door, and it would not be difficult for her at all.

But now...

Xia Ge turned pale and covered his heart, what's going on?

Why does the heart hurt so much?

Xia Ge clutched his heart, sat down by the door, and looked at the morgue again.

The entire morgue was closed, except for the locked door behind him, the only thing left was the air vent that kept releasing air-conditioning.

However, that tuyere is too high, with the current Xia Ge, it is impossible to climb up.

"With the sub-zero temperature here, even if I come back to life, I will still freeze to death here."

Xia Ge shivered, this is the place where the corpses are parked, the temperature must be low, otherwise the corpses will rot.

However, this temperature is full of strong malice for Xia Ge who just woke up from here.

Xia Ge rubbed his arms quickly with both hands, exhaling a breath of hot air.

It seems that only the simplest but most insecure method can be used.

 First of all: Thank you book friend 20200403164036322 for the recommendation ticket, and I will add it today.

  The daily update time is set at 00:00 every morning
  For the time being, one chapter will be updated every day, and more will be added if there are recommended tickets.


(End of this chapter)

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