After rebirth, I became a boss

Chapter 159 Brother 5! ?

Chapter 159 Fifth Brother! ?
After Mu Wu hung up the phone, he was immersed in that inexplicable depression.

Mu Wu kept thinking, why did Zheng Xiaen's tone reveal those emotions?
Is it because I heard that Yu Xiaoyan is from the spiritual world?
Or was it because Yu Xiaoyan deceived her?
Or... or both...

and so……

Zheng Xiaen has always rejected the spiritual world, right?
Mu Wu's mood became more and more depressed, and the aura exuding from his body became more and more unstable.

"If she knew me..."

"Fifth Brother!?"

Zhou Chen suddenly pushed the door open and came in, seeing Mu Wu with mixed breath, he yelled in horror.

Zhou Chen never imagined that the magnetic field around the company suddenly became unstable, and it turned out to be because of Wu Ge's unstable breath.

Mu Wu was immersed in his own world and almost lost his mind.

"I am fine."

Mu Wu covered his heart, took a deep breath with his eyes closed, and raised his eyes to glance at Zhou Chen at the door.

"Fifth Brother, Master said that you must control your emotions well, otherwise you will easily..."

Zhou Chen was telling Mu Wu worriedly, but when he saw the irritability and indifference in Mu Wu's eyes, Zhou Chen's voice became smaller and smaller.

At the end, Zhou Chen didn't dare to speak any more.

"Why did you come to me?" Mu Wu returned to his usual indifference, but Zhou Chen secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw him.

"It's nothing." Zhou Chen shook his head.

"Then what are you still doing here?"

Mu Wu sat on the chair at the desk, took out a document, and just opened a few pages, seeing that Zhou Chen was still standing still, he said expressionlessly:

"Is the work I gave you not enough? Do you want me to give you more?"

"No no no."

After Zhou Chen heard this, he shook his head crazily and waved his hands crazily, "No need, fifth brother. If you add more work, I won't have to celebrate the New Year!"

After finishing speaking, Zhou Chen hurriedly greeted Mu Wu, and rushed out of Mu Wu's office in a hurry.

At the old house, after Zheng's father and mother finished their lunch at noon, Guan Ge found an excuse and sent them out of the old house.

During the period, Guan Ge also explained the reason why Zheng Xiaen stayed in the old house by the way.

In this regard, Zheng Xiaen is quite satisfied with Guan Ge's handling ability.

Just ...

What Guan Ge said to Zheng's father and Zheng's mother was that the old man really liked her as his granddaughter, so he wanted to keep her in his old house and get closer to her.

After Zheng Xiaen found out, "..."

Forget it, it's just an excuse, what you said is not important.

After Guan Ge sent away Zheng's father and Zheng's mother, Zheng Xiaen found Guan Shisan again.

Zheng Xiaen asked Guan Shisan to help find a photo of Zheng Fangshen and Lin Shuang together, as well as clothes worn by Lin Shuang before his death.

The things that Guan Shisan was asked to prepare were actually essential things for Zheng Xiaen's formation this time.

Perhaps, because the mortal world is approaching the end of the year, the snow in this mortal world is getting bigger and bigger.

In the afternoon, Zheng Xiaen removed the invisibility technique on Zheng Fangshen.

"Guan Ge, who is this Miss Zheng?"

Guan Shi stood in the distance, watching Zheng Xia En, holding a branch in his hand, braving the heavy snow, drawing something in the snow.

After Zheng Xiaen finished drawing completely, Guan Shi looked at it seriously.

Then, Guan Shi discovered that in the snow, almost every line drawn by Zheng Xiaen had a strong spiritual power bonus.

"Miss Zheng, could it be... are you... setting up an formation?"

Guan Shi looked at Zheng Xiaen, and took out the photos and clothes that they had prepared earlier from her storage space, and asked Guan Ge in shock.

Although Guan Ge was shocked, he didn't show it.

(End of this chapter)

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