Chapter 124

"Director Zhang, thank you for your kindness, but..." Zheng Xiaen said apologetically, "I don't want to do that."

"Director Zhang, there is Mr. Zheng outside, looking for Miss Zheng Xiaen and Zheng."

Outside the studio, a staff member led Guan Ge to the door, Zheng Xiaen saw him and frowned suspiciously.

Guan Ge said to Zheng Xiaen respectfully without expression: "Miss Zheng, Mr. Zheng is here to pick you up!"

"..." Zheng Xiaen's expression instantly became complicated.

She just said yesterday that she doesn't plan to be an actress anymore, but today, her father came to look for her?
Also found here! ?

After listening to Guan Ge's words, Zhang Duxian looked at Zheng Xiaen's expression with some confusion and confusion.

Mr. Zheng?
Could it be...Xia En's father?

But, didn't Xiaoyou say before that Xia En was born in a small city?

How come there is still a father in G city who can be called the general manager?

Don't blame Zhang Duxian for thinking too much, after all, City G is a big city with a developed economy.

Here, it can be called a total, really not too much.

Usually here, except for the president of the family, people from outside are called Mr., Ms., Miss or something.

If other companies come to discuss business, they will say that Mr. or Ms. or Ms. of such and such company is here.

Only a small number of people, such as those who are listed on the asset ranking list of G City, or those who belong to several major consortiums in G City, will be called the general public outside.

"Looking for you?"

After all, Zhang Duxian is a person who has seen the big world. No matter how turbulent his heart is, he still looks calm on the outside.

Zheng Xiaen: "..."

"Don't say I didn't come to look for you." Zhang Duxian took advantage of Zheng Xiaen's lack of rebuttal, blocked her mouth in advance, and said, "There is no one else in this studio except you, Zheng Xiaen."

Zheng Xiaen: "...they are looking for me."

"Guang Ge, tell my dad to go back to the car first, and I'll get down later."

Zheng Xiaen sighed, and then confessed to Zhang Duxian with a look of helplessness: "Director Zhang, my physical weakness is really not an excuse."

"The Zheng family's daughter has heart disease."

"..." Zhang Duxian stared, and looked at Zheng Xiaen in disbelief, "You mean, you are... the daughter of the Zheng Group!"

The Zheng Group is one of the three lifelines that support City G. Unexpectedly, Xia En's identity is...

No wonder, it's no wonder that Zheng Xiaen's entry into the entertainment industry is like playing for fun, and Xiao You rarely objects to Zheng Xiaen, so it turns out that she is the daughter of the Zheng Group.

Zhang Duxian looked at Zheng Xiaen in shock.

However, since this is the case, then Xia En has a heart condition, so it is really not suitable for him to hang out in the entertainment industry.

Putting himself in his shoes, if he also had a daughter with heart disease, he would definitely not agree with his daughter entering the entertainment industry.

Zhang Duxian figured it out, and finally stopped persuading Zheng Xiaen not to quit the circle.

Although Zhang Duxian was real and Zheng Xiaen didn't look like he had a heart attack, he couldn't make fun of his life.

If something really happened, no one would be able to bear the responsibility.

Zheng Xiaen chatted with Zhang Duxian for a few words, then took the elevator downstairs.

When Zheng Xiaen entered the elevator, there were two guys in black clothes and black hats.

Through the reflection of the elevator door, Zheng Xiaen saw that they lowered the brim of their hats.

Moreover, after Zheng Xiaen entered the elevator and the elevator began to descend, the two people moved quietly and stood at the two innermost corners of the elevator.

Zheng Xiaen narrowed his eyes, touched his nose indifferently, and sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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