She is the villain Bai Yueguang

Chapter 353 Let's Do Something (Thank you Ai Ai Liang for the reward)

Chapter 353 Let's Do Something (Thank you Ai Ai Liang for the reward)
It stands to reason that it is not difficult to get close to the new administrator.

What's more, he also felt that the administrator's breath seemed a little too familiar, but he couldn't remember why he felt familiar for a while.

So you have to get in touch to be sure.

But that Xunsheng.

Why is it so annoying?
The administrator has him everywhere, and after a while, he felt that Xun Sheng's breath was approaching the administrator, or the administrator's breath was approaching Xun Sheng.

Hey, no.

What are you two so busy doing?
Qiu Chi said that he was very irritable and speechless. He must not have a good impression of Jing Yi's sudden appearance. It must be tricky to be here.

You have to be careful no matter what.

Fortunately, Jing Yi didn't seem to know him, nor did he know the little vest he hid so well.

So Qiu Chi wasn't worried about losing his vest.

Xun Sheng watched her too closely, so Qiu Chi could only find an opportunity to bring her here.

It's just that when he saw Hua Zhixue, he was still a little absent-minded.

have nothing to say.

Her appearance has not changed at all, and Qiu Chi even saw a sleeping soul in her.

It was the same as that of Jing Yi.

But the difference is that her appearance and personality seem to be the same as before.

But Qiuchi wasn't sure if she had any memory.

So we still have to wait and see for a while.

And it seemed that Xun Sheng didn't watch her as closely as she did. Before Qiu Chi could finish speaking, Xun Sheng came to her.

no way.

This can only be saved until the next opportunity to see you again.

"Playing games all night? It's really you."

Hua Zhixue didn't expect Qiu Chi to have an accident like this, but young people nowadays seem to have this upside-down routine, and their bodies will definitely not be able to handle it in the long run.

"I feel like I'm dreaming."

Qiu Chi's expression became a little hesitant, after all, he was half asleep and half awake several times.

He could see the white ceiling of the hospital.

It feels very close to reality, but also very far away, which belongs to the boundary that can be seen but cannot be touched.

"I feel so too."

Hua Zhixue reached out and touched his forehead, then touched her own.

After the comparison, she whispered, "I don't even have a fever."

Becoming a non-human being, or being a black dragon, even saying it is amazing.

Hua Zhixue glanced at the messy black hair hanging behind him.

Suddenly it came to mind.

"Let me braid your hair!"

Qiu Chi squinted his eyes when he heard the words, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Didn't her mind fall into the pit?
"Why don't I try to see if this is a dream?"

He hooked his lips and smiled viciously.

And Ying Jiuyin's hand, which had just settled down not long ago, also quietly supported her lower back and moved up and groped. The hand with well-defined knuckles was blatant, and what remained at the fingertips was the delicate and soft touch of her skin.

"How are you going to try?"

Hua Zhixue frowned and put her hands on his shoulders, feeling a little unnatural to be touched like this.


He also seemed to be hesitant, but he still hugged her and bent down to press her down, but when she was lying down, Ying Jiuyin also supported her with his hands so that she wouldn't fall into the flowers all at once.


Hua Zhixue felt something was wrong looking at this posture.

A bad premonition gradually rose in my heart. Could it be what she thought? Could it be that he wanted to use this method to test whether he was dreaming?

(End of this chapter)

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