She is the villain Bai Yueguang

Chapter 348 Can this guy be steamed (thank you Ye Yu for the reward)

Chapter 348 Can this guy be steamed (thank you Ye Yu for the reward)
Hua Zhixue had a very long dream.

Even after she woke up, she still felt that the dream about Jing Yi was too lonely and sad.

a long time.

People are subject to change, let alone those who are in high positions and have a long lifespan?
Reasonable, but not surprising.

Hua Zhixue doesn't remember how she fell asleep last night.

When she woke up and found her own room in the Pavilion of Spirits, she was still at a loss.

came back?
Drowsily, she reached out and fumbled around the pillow, found her mobile phone and took it out to look at it.

There is a new message.

It was sent by Yu Chenxiao, and the sending time was after one o'clock in the morning.

Hua Zhixue rubbed her eyes and opened the dialog box to see, Yu Chenxiao first sent her a long list of messages, and then a few irrelevant messages.

Probably thought she was angry.

So he blah blah blah blah blah.

However, she just fell asleep and didn't see the news.

Hua Zhixue thought for a while and didn't know what to reply, so she sent him two words in a chic way: I have read it.

The wound on Xun Sheng's body was healed by Hei Lianhua last night.

It's not her turn to worry at all.

It's just that the current development is really magical, Hua Zhixue caressed the bracelet on her wrist.

The phantom of Peony's spiritual power soon emerged.

"Sixth Young Master, are you looking for me?"

Peony over there seemed to be busy with something, but when she was summoned out, she still stopped her hands.

"Why did Jing Yi come here? Was it arranged by Emperor Xi?"

She has not been able to see Jing Yi now, and she is in the Spirit Pavilion.

It is very likely that Jing Yi showed her the dream last night, so she fell asleep and was brought back by Jing Yi.

"Yes, but it is up to Master Xidi to decide whether he is qualified or not."

Peony nodded seriously when she heard the words.

So even if she knew the candidates for Shijun, she couldn't really tell her who would be qualified and who would stay.

These are all chosen by Xidi.

"Got it, go get busy."

Hua Zhixue sighed helplessly, and when Mudan saw this, she hurried away to disperse the phantom of spiritual power on her own.

What else can I say?
It was all arranged clearly. Apart from accepting the reality and coping with the status quo, we had to find a way to get rid of the status quo as soon as possible.

Sun Moyi did not enter that noble academy.

The sweet love in the academy did not unfold.

This main plot is already biased and can't be more biased, and there are conditions for her to leave.It should be to let the hero get on the right track, or she should solve the trouble by herself.

But what could be the trouble?
Hua Zhixue opened the door depressedly, but she was stunned just as the door opened.

Standing in front of her was Yu Chenxiao.

He seemed to want to visit her, and just raised his hand to knock on the door, but unexpectedly her door opened in front of him.

Yu Chenxiao's expression suddenly became unnatural.

This guy is still so awkward.

"You need me for something?"

Hua Zhixue didn't pay much attention, she closed the door and went downstairs.

Seeing this, Yu Chenxiao hurriedly followed.

"That's right. The association said that the task was completed very well."

Yu Chenxiao staggered his gaze so as not to look at her.

Girls have this reaction, they should be angry, right?After the task was completed, he just left her alone and didn't wait for her to come to him.

He had thought about it.

Since she ignored him, forget it.

But thinking about it carefully, Qin Xian'er had already greeted him in advance, it seemed a bit too much for him to sulk and ignore her here alone.

(End of this chapter)

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