Chapter 321 Ruins
Thousand demons will.

It's not that only monsters can participate, and some humans will also mix in. After all, some big monsters who participate are unwilling to reveal their identities, and basically wear a mask.

Hua Zhixue was wearing a fox mask.

It was Xun Sheng who took one from his collection and gave it to her.

"Is the entrance here?"

When she climbed up the mountain with Xun Sheng, Hua Zhixue looked at the shrine that seemed to have been abandoned for a long time and couldn't help turning her head to look at him.

"Yes, the Thousand Demons' Meeting will be held at the site of God's Domain."

Xun Sheng also put away his folding fan, looking at the scene in front of him.

The red-painted wooden columns looked faded.

The place where they are is the torii gate at the entrance, and extending inward is a bluestone road with no end in sight.

She doesn't know much about these either.

But it is vaguely known that torii distinguishes the realm of the gods and the secular.

Step into it here.

It also means that you have reached the realm of the gods.

Holy area?

Hua Zhixue's expression moved slightly, and an inexplicable sense of familiarity welled up in her heart.

But it feels very strange.

There seemed to be a warm and friendly force gushing out of her body, as if responding to something.And there seemed to be a gentle voice in her ear, calling her constantly.

The sound is very light.

It seemed that the ethereal sound came from an unknown place. When she wanted to find it, what she touched was nothingness.

It seems that someone wants to guide her into a strange world.

It seems that she still wants her to drive away the later intruders.

The soft voice became more and more urgent, and in the end it was even crying.

Eagerly, eagerly.

As if looking for something.

It's just that the mournful voice made Hua Zhixue feel even more irritable.

For no reason, the voice seemed to want her to be infected by this grief and anger.

Hua Zhixue shook her head vigorously.

Suppress the restless divine power hidden in the deepest part of the body that has never been used.

Hua Zhixue drove away all these voices.

"what happened?"

Xun Sheng didn't notice anything unusual about her, but only saw that she seemed a little impatient, so he asked one more question.

"It's okay, I just feel a little uncomfortable."

Hua Zhixue was not infected by that emotion.

But still unavoidable, I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.

These monsters dare to hold a thousand monsters meeting here. Could it be possible that they really regard themselves as gods?
"It's normal, demons will be more repulsive to humans, and humans are the same."

Xun Sheng smiled slightly.

Many capable human beings who come here for the first time will also feel that the evil spirit is too heavy and uncomfortable.

After all, even with superpowers.

The body is still human, although it has a certain resistance to the evil spirit, but the evil spirit of this level of Qianyaohui is not generally heavy.

Hua Zhixue remained silent.

The evil spirit here is dispensable to her, and it can't affect her.

Really made her uncomfortable.

It is the intruder who occupies the magpie's nest.

Xun Sheng waved his folding fan in front of her, and whispered what seemed to be the language of the demon clan.

And in front of him.

It seems that something is gradually opening in response to his call.

Xun Sheng put away the folding fan, turned around and reached out to Hua Zhixue.

"come over."

Behind him, there seemed to be a ball of light that was constantly being enlarged.

Hua Zhixue took his hand without hesitation.

And when they came into contact with each other, it seemed as if they fell into some kind of space-time tunnel in an instant. Hua Zhixue felt dizzy and her body's center of gravity was completely out of control.

But even so.

She could also clearly feel that someone grabbed her wrist halfway and pulled her to the other side.

(End of this chapter)

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