villain she defiant

Chapter 337 The Bamboo Horse Has the Status of a Demon Lord 17

Chapter 337 The Bamboo Horse Has the Status of a Demon Lord 17
944: ?
This, this, this, I have never seen you say that before! ?
but calm down a little,
[Master Ditang, did you find something wrong, that's why you are so indifferent? ]

[what? ]
"He lied." Ditang hid under the eaves, holding a big rooster in his left and right hands that he stole from the chicken coop in the dark, and looked at the struggling village chief over there, "That bone, the village chief's son is fatal!" On the top is the position from the back of the head to the neck, and there are traces of shield strikes on the bones, which are probably left by chopping wounds such as axes or hoes, and the neck is almost broken."

944 looked distractedly at the struggling two big cocks, [Even so, it was because his son killed Chunhua first, so he deserves to die! ]
"How do you know what he said is true?"

944 was stunned, [This...?No way? ]
Or is it too simple? !

"The village chief said he was guilty and wanted to report to the officials, so even if he accidentally killed his son, he should uphold his so-called justice to report to the officials and avenge Chunhua.

The villagers who saw Chunhua’s body shouldn’t have told Granny Chen that they felt guilty for Granny Chen, but you’ve seen Granny Chen’s home, it’s damp and messy, and you don’t even know how to put the water in the teapot How long, then how can it be sincere repentance. "

944 thinks what the host said is very reasonable, but [These can only show that the village head is hypocritical, and it does not mean that Chunhua was hurt by the village head? ]
"Then try again."

Ditang twitched his lips, and hurried down from under the eaves, walked through the heavy rain, came behind the village chief, and said loudly: "It is the village chief who participated in the killing of Chunhua!"

In the heavy rain, the village chief was pinched until his face turned pale, and he struggled violently. When he heard the cold words behind him, his hands and feet froze instantly. He seemed to freeze, and his eyes moved back.

Those gray eyes are the panic and unbelievability of being discovered and buried in the bottom of my heart.

"Put the matter on to your son, kill him to silence him, and die unjustly, leaving only a bone, so he has been blackened." Ditang sneered in the rain, behind the village chief's invisible: " Surprised or not?"

"Nonsense! Nonsense, I didn't..." The village head's kindly painful face was contorted, and he was struggling to breathe. He was struggling madly, trying to break free from the bone's palm.

"Then why did you hit him on the head with an axe!" Ditang asked coldly.

The village chief was pinched so that his brain was starved of oxygen. Hearing this, his hands trembled, his cloudy eyes widened violently, ", how...know!?"

"Your son found out that you were involved in those people's harming Chunhua, and for the sake of your village chief's reputation and for various reasons, you picked up the ax and swung it at the back of his head! Didn't you!"

"No... yes! I didn't think... like this..."

He spoke with difficulty, his hoarse voice was harsh.

Ditang's tone was cold, "What's that like!? So cruel that you attack a little girl!?"

The village head trembled violently, his breath was unstable, his old and tired body couldn't stand still, and his heart was pierced by the palm of the bone.

He looked down at his chest, blood was oozing out.

His mind went blank, and he murmured: "Because I drank alcohol... I couldn't control the emptiness in my heart, and I did something wrong that can never be undone..."

Under the infiltration of rainwater, the white bones exuded black air all over.

The village chief was pierced through the heart by this palm and couldn't survive.

He fell down and looked at his son who had become a pile of bones. He wanted to say sorry, but found he couldn't.

Blood kept spitting out of his mouth.

My heart was hollowed out.

Is that place dark?
The village head couldn't see, he closed his eyes and fell to the ground.


The death is horrific.

944 shouted: [Lord Ditang!Bone Killed! ]
Not only that, Bone took out the heart and swallowed it whole.

It is obviously a skeleton, but after swallowing it like this, it stopped in the stomach, and then the whole body seemed to have evolved, with black air lingering all over the body, and red light glowing from the empty eyes.

There were fleeing villagers in the distance, and when they saw this scene, they screamed in horror.

This cry attracted the bones.

Bone was moving step by step before, but after swallowing the heart now, it became much faster and rushed towards that person.

944 shocked: [Master Ditang!Oops!After this corpse change, it became even more ferocious!You have to think of a way! ]
Ditang casually asked, "Am I here to save the world?"

944:? ! [No...but to save the hero!The bones are so cruel, the unknown hero will suffer sooner or later! ]
"Oh, that makes sense."

Ditang ran towards the villagers holding the two roosters in her hands. She stood close to the villagers and soon came to the villagers before the bones. She stuffed the rooster with flapping wings in her hand and said: Tighten up, squat down and don't run."

944: ?
[So, Master Ditang, you have long expected this scene?Ready to hold a rooster that can ward off evil spirits? ]
Ditang raised his eyebrows, "Is that so? Then pretend that you don't know it's to end this place, touch two and go home and stew them."

944: ...

The villagers panicked even more. Where did the sound come from? A rooster was stuffed in out of thin air, it was a ghost! !

My legs were so frightened that I couldn't even move a step.

But the cock in the hand holds tight.

Ditang gave the other one to another villager.

Bone rushed over, stabbing his chest with both hands—the corners of Ditang's mouth twitched at the sharp finger bones, what a rooster is useless!
The villager's eyes widened and his mouth opened wide in fright, but he couldn't even utter a word.

Can't move for half a minute.

He was about to die.

Ditang went around behind the bones, jumped up on his toes, took out a kitchen knife from the back of his waist, and slashed at the neck of the bones!
Originally, the fatal injury before his death was here, but now he did this again, making him howl in pain, waved his hand and hit back.

As a seven-year-old child, Ditang's strength is really limited, otherwise he would have been able to cut off his crumbling head just now.

Bone was enraged, and swung his arm wrapped in black mist, Ditang jumped back to avoid it.

He retreated back, causing the bones to chase him away.

This gave the villagers a chance to escape. The villagers escaped through the small door in the backyard, and Ditang alone led the blackened bones of the corpse towards the house.

"Why am I invisible, and this corpse can still pursue it so accurately?!"

944 looked at the data in a panic, and then...

[This invisibility card is only valid for humans, as for other non-human beings, it can be seen...]
"go to hell."

Ditang closed the door, but the door was quickly smashed by bones and rushed in.

Di Tang guarded the door, swung his knife and slashed at the head.

She exhausted all her strength, and the knife cut into the bone, and she couldn't pull it out!

(End of this chapter)

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