Quickly wear this bowl of dog blood, I'm done

Chapter 96 Want to kill me to preach?no doors (33)

Chapter 96 Want to kill me to preach?no doors (33)

"Is there no soul-replenishing pill in this small world?"

As long as Zhang Liangji can be awakened, Gou Xue will look for him without hesitation, even if he has to search all over the world.

"Wait a minute, I'll take a closer look at the novel."

So-and-so quickly went through all the information in "Cultivation of Immortality: Wife Killing and Proving the Way" in his mind.

"Yes, although the mortal world in this small world does not have such super high-level pills, but the fairy world does."

Someone discovered this in the hidden settings.

"Why is it such a setting?" Gou Xue frowned suddenly, "I'm already a demon cultivator now, and demon cultivators cannot ascend. How could I go to the fairy world?"

"Don't worry, since it's something that exists in this world, there is still an item available in the points mall. You can exchange it for a high-level copy item to copy the soul-replenishing pill from the fairy world." So-and-so said calmly.

"Then redeem it quickly!"

Gou Xue didn't even want to complain about why he didn't tell her earlier.

"This costs 50 points and can only be used once. Are you sure you want to redeem it?"

So-and-so glanced at Gou Xue's remaining points, always feeling that she might be in pain.

"Do you think I'm the kind of person who values ​​points more than lives?"

Gou Xue rolled her eyes toward the sky.

"Okay, if you want, that's fine."

So-and-so immediately exchanged for a high-level duplication item.

After getting it, Gou Xue copied a soul-replenishing pill from the fairy world according to the instructions, and fed it to Zhang Liangji.

2 minute later.

"Why haven't you woken up yet?"

Gou Xue forced herself to wait calmly for a while, but Zhang Liangji still didn't wake up, and she couldn't calm down anymore.

"It takes time for the Soul Replenishing Pill to work, so don't worry."

So-and-so really didn't realize how long Gou Xue had been waiting. The soul-replenishing pill probably hadn't been completely absorbed by Zhang Liangji yet.

"Can the soul-replenishing pill completely restore his soul?"

Gou Xue was still a little worried.

"It is unrealistic to repair 100% of the problem, but it is still possible to basically return to normal."

So-and-so answered objectively.

"Then will he still remember me?"

Gou Xue's expression instantly became extremely sad.

"Is there no bloody setting like amnesia?"

Looking at Gou Xue who was possessed by a drama queen, someone almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

"If there is no amnesia, what will be the impact?"

She blinked innocently.

"It may affect intelligence. People like Zhang Liangji, who are originally stupid on the surface but are actually very smart, may become really stupid after their soul is damaged."

Someone said it as tactfully as possible.

"Don't you mean that you might become stupid? Do you need to put it so tactfully?"

Gou Xue inexplicably felt that XX seemed to be "counting words".

"I'm not afraid of getting you hit."

So-and-so couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Actually, it's good for him to be really stupid. If it wasn't because he was too smart and guessed that Mo Wushuang had a conspiracy, he wouldn't be what he is now."

Gou Xue looked down at Zhang Liangji.

There was a playful smile on her lips, but there was deep regret and self-blame in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I hurt you."

Gou Xue closed her eyes with tears in her eyes, and began to cast the spell of amnesia.

"What are you going to do?"

So-and-so didn't expect that Gou Xue would suddenly cast a spell on Zhang Liangji, and couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

"Let him forget about me."

After Gou Xue finished performing the technique, she answered someone's question.

She originally wanted to completely erase Zhang Liangji's memory about her, but Zhang Liangji's current Yuanshen is already in a damaged state. If he directly erases the memory, it will cause more damage, so she can only use Feng Memlock, sealing part of his memory away.


So-and-so was very puzzled.

 This chapter was actually written yesterday, and it was only revised today, and it was also slightly revised when it was posted yesterday.

  I did finish writing the climax yesterday, but I couldn’t post that much in one day, so I left it until today.

  Today is National Day, so let’s add another chapter.

  Thank you to all the cuties who voted and left messages for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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