Quickly wear this bowl of dog blood, I'm done

Chapter 78 Want to kill me to preach?no doors (15)

Chapter 78 Want to kill me to preach?no doors (15)

Up to the ceiling, down to the floor, as large as the wall, as small as the bench, all the things inside are made of bamboo.

Compared with the majestic and resplendent halls that Gou Xue had seen before, this Green Bamboo Pavilion was elegant and stylish at best, but shabby at worst.

Gou Xue really couldn't put her conscience in a nice way, but she didn't dislike it, so she had to give a compromise answer: "Simple and low-key has connotation."

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Liangji heard the implication of Gou Xue's words, couldn't help but laughed twice, and then said without embarrassment: "It may be a bit crude, but it is also beneficial. The wall made of bamboo will not hinder the spiritual energy, and you can practice in the room." The effect is almost the same as practicing outside, so there is no need to go outside to bask in the sun."

After saying that, he smiled sillyly, as if he really thought Qingzhuxuan was very good.

"This is probably about having fun in the midst of hardship. It's a really good mentality."

Gou Xue didn't know what to say, so she could only complain and keep silent.

Seeing that Gou Xue didn't speak anymore, Zhang Liangji couldn't continue to be "awkward", so he had to change the subject: "Junior Sister Xiaoxue, actually, I've always wanted to ask you a question, which brother did you listen to what you just told Master?" Said? Why didn't I know?"

"You don't need to know this, you just need to know that I can't let Mo Wushuang be my master." Gou Xue replied without thinking and expressionlessly.


Zhang Liangji actually doesn't quite understand why Gou Xue doesn't want Mo Wushuang to be her master.

Mo Wushuang's aptitude and talent for cultivating immortals can be said to be unparalleled in the world, and he is the favored son of Qing Yunzong. If it wasn't because he wanted Gou Xue to be his own junior sister, he would actually support Gou Xue in worshiping Mo Wushuang as his teacher of.

"Do you believe in past lives?"

Gou Xue put on a "serious face" in an instant, speaking seriously.

"What does this have to do with past and present lives?"

Zhang Liangji was completely confused.

"In fact, I not only lived my whole life, but also I clearly remember the events of my previous life. Do you know how I died in my previous life?"

Gou Xue continued to "play tricks".

Zhang Liangji shook his head.

"I was killed by Mo Wushuang."

Gou Xue gritted her teeth and said every word.


Zhang Liangji almost thought he was hallucinating.

Mo Wushuang's reputation in the sect has always been good, how could he kill his fellow disciples?
"It's a long story, but I can keep it short."

Gou Xue stroked the general plot of the main plot, and said concisely: "In short, I was accepted as a direct disciple by Mo Wushuang in my previous life, and became a Taoist couple with him when I grew up. If you want to ascend to immortality, you cannot have a Taoist partner, so he killed me to prove the Tao."

"No wonder you are so resistant to coming to Qingyun Sect, it turns out that's the case."

Zhang Liangji firmly believed in Gou Xue's words, and felt a sudden realization.

"Sorry, Junior Sister Xiaoxue, I shouldn't have brought you here by force, I'll send you back right away."

Zhang Liangji made a prompt decision, quickly picked up Gou Xue, and strode out.

"Do you want to be so stupid?"

Gou Xue wanted to hit someone, but even if her small body could use martial arts, it would not be of much use, so she had to be patient and said: "If you send me back now, how are you going to explain to your master and the sect leader?"

"It doesn't matter. I am responsible for all the work. The worst that can happen is that I will be expelled from the sect. Although I feel sorry for Master, I can't let you die because of this."

Zhang Liangji glanced at her with extremely firm eyes.

"Zhang Liangji, I am just a person who has nothing to do with you. Why do you have to do this for me?"

Gou Xue really couldn't bear to involve this "stupid" person, so she had to pretend to be indifferent and questioned.

 I finally saw the cutie who left a message directly in the comment area. His nickname is AA Yanhong. Although the number of words did not reach the 30 words I wrote before, I still improved it, because it is really rare.

  Let me simply change the requirements. From today on, as long as the comments are made with heart, no matter how many words are written, they will all be refined.

  Little cuties, hurry up and get active, don't let me always talk to myself in the comment area, I will also feel lonely QAQ
(End of this chapter)

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