Quickly wear this bowl of dog blood, I'm done

Chapter 63 On the beauty of good cooking skills

Chapter 63 On the beauty of good cooking skills

"By the way, Heiyu and Xiaocui were also mentioned in the article she wrote. She said that she actually liked Heiyu a little bit at first, but she didn't expect that the relationship between Heiyu and Xiaocui would develop so fast. She hadn't had time to talk to Xiaocui. Fair play, Kuroba is with her, so she feels like she won't love anymore."

When XX opened the information panel again, he suddenly remembered this paragraph and said it.

"Why does she also like Kuroyu?"

It's really not that Gou Xue wants to complain. It's not surprising that Xiao Cui, who has no love experience, would like a straight steel man like Hei Yu. How could the original owner who had been hurt by love also like him?

"Because she thinks Kuroyu is a good man who has a sense of responsibility and is devoted to love."

The original owner also wrote this point, so-and-so just followed the script.

"How did she see that?"

Gou Xue was even more confused.

"Because he is very responsible when teaching you martial arts, and he never flirts with women."

So-and-so recalled it carefully, and then followed the script: "Another particularly important point is that he can cook. Ever since she ate the food he cooked once, she has been attracted to this man."

"It's just that he had already fallen in love with Xiaocui at that time, but he didn't show it particularly clearly. It was only after seeing Heiyu took the initiative to buy a comb for Xiaocui that she realized that she had no chance."

"After two heartbreaks, she finally realized that bread is more important than love."

So-and-so basically read the original words, and some places are a little bit long-winded.

"Well, I admit that Kuroba is indeed an attractive man."

Gou Xue felt that she was persuaded.

In fact, she had heard from Xiao Cui that Hei Yu could cook before, but when she was here, Hei Yu hadn't cooked for her, so she didn't know how delicious Hei Yu's food was.

If a man is really good at cooking and is very dedicated, many women will like him no matter how much he looks like a straight steel man.

"As the saying goes, if you want to capture a person's heart, you must first capture a person's stomach... Good cooking is really good."

Gou Xue suddenly became envious of Xiaocui.

Although her cooking skills are slightly better than Xiao Cui's, they are not really good. If there is someone with good cooking skills who is willing to cook for her every day, she will definitely be happy.

"Please stop your daydreams."

Gou Xue talked to herself for a long time without stopping, so-and-so couldn't stand it anymore.

"Can't I just fantasize about it?"

Gou Xue was very displeased with someone's interruption.

"Instead of fantasizing here, why not go directly to the small world to eat. There is no way I have food here anyway, and even if there is, you can't eat it."

Someone ruthlessly put the "cruel truth" in front of her.

"Then let me hug you."

Before someone could answer, Gou Xue pulled him into his arms with lightning speed and held him tightly.

"You... are you trying to kill me?"

So-and-so felt that he was going to be strangled to death, and he was out of breath when speaking.

"I'm so sad and I need your comfort."

Gou Xue rubbed against so-and-so's furry face without blushing.

"I remember I told you before not to take me seriously as a real Shiba Inu. Why don't you keep your word?"

So-and-so resisted the urge to bite her and gritted his teeth.

"I didn't treat you as a Shiba Inu, I just really wanted to hug you and feel the rare warmth."

After Gou Xue finished speaking seriously, she reluctantly put So-and-so back.

Her soul is cold, and so-and-so has warmth, they are really different.

 Everyone should know what it means for a man to give a comb to a woman in ancient times, right?

  I think I should know, so I won't say more.

(End of this chapter)

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