Quickly wear this bowl of dog blood, I'm done

Chapter 614 Experiencing the Life of a Writer (10)

Chapter 614 Experiencing the Life of a Writer (10)

After washing the dishes and tidying up the stove, Gou Xue went back to the bedroom.

She plans to play with her mobile phone for a while, then sleep for half an hour, and then get up to exercise.

"By the way! I don't know if all of them were sent out on a regular basis yesterday, so let's check."

As soon as Gou Xue's head touched the pillow, it bounced off.

In line with the principle of ensuring nothing goes wrong, Gou Xue opened two writing software respectively, and checked the chapters and quantity sent out.


When she was about to exit the second software, she swiped to the function section called "Settings", and found that there was an outline of several hundred words in it. Out of curiosity, she clicked in.

"Fuck! Is this really an outline?"

The content inside shocked Gou Xue, because it was the first time she saw such a concise outline.

What Ping Xue wrote was a quick passage, but the outline didn't have a complete sentence, and there was no summary of the plot, but only some key words and names of people. The outline of a few hundred words contained the content of more than a dozen planes.

"No one can understand this kind of outline except Pingxue himself."

Gou Xue couldn't see the specific content at all, but could only see the main characters and themes in each plane.

"Isn't this great? Even if the outline is accidentally leaked out, you don't have to worry about it being stolen."

So-and-so felt that there was nothing wrong with it, and it was not written for others to read anyway.

"Don't you need an outline to sign a contract?"

Gou Xue vaguely remembered that signing a contract with a website depends on the outline.

"Some websites are no longer needed, because there is no need to fill in the outline on the contract, unless it is an internal submission to the editor."

So-and-so said without thinking.


Gou Xue turned off the phone, lay down, closed her eyes and continued to chat.

"It is not to publish the novel directly on the website, but to put the content of the first [-] to [-] words of the novel and a more specific outline in a file and send it to the editor."

So-and-so gave an easy-to-understand explanation.

"Is there any advantage in this?"

Gou Xue doesn't know much about inner casting.

"If it is published directly, the author may need to wait until the work is published with [-] or [-] words or more before he knows whether his novel can be signed, and the release of the work needs to be reviewed, and the review sometimes delays a certain amount of time. Time, because it is not necessarily the contracted editor who is responsible for the review of new books, and most of the works that pass the review cannot be deleted directly. If the contract cannot be signed and the author does not want to write, it will be more troublesome to deal with.”

"Internal investment can not only avoid this kind of trouble, but also see if you can sign a guarantee or buyout. For authors with relatively low subscription income, signing a guarantee or buyout will be more secure than signing a share."

So-and-so is methodical and authentic.

“Are there different types of signings?”

Gou Xue suddenly found that she didn't seem to know much about contracting novels.

"That's right, generally speaking, sharing is the easiest way to sign, because sharing basically only provides benefits for full attendance and 15% of subscriptions and rewards for authors, while the other two are calculated based on the number of updated words, and most of them will not Less than [-] yuan per thousand words."

"If Pingxue signs a contract with [-] words and [-] words every day, she can earn a minimum income of [-] yuan a month."

In order to facilitate understanding, XX gave a specific example.


Upon hearing the income of [-] yuan, Gou Xue felt that being a full-time writer was not out of the question.

If you can get a relatively high guarantee or buyout price, isn't it a profit?

 Believe me, if the website really thinks that your writing is of high quality and has great potential, the guarantee and buyout price will never be low. For those who only pay a few yuan for a thousand words, it is actually better to give it to Quan Qin. Almost, then there is no need to sign such a contract, especially a buyout, because after the buyout, your work has nothing to do with you, and the subsequent income has nothing to do with you.

(End of this chapter)

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