Chapter 61

Extra episode [-]: What did Murong Han do when he thought he was going to die

The first thing: hide half of the soldier talisman.

The specific method: first forge a fake soldier talisman whose appearance is enough to distinguish the real one from the real one, but which can actually be broken when pinched, and put it in the dark compartment of the bookshelf, then insert the real soldier talisman into the bottom of a relatively thick inkstone, and place it on the desk.

Reason: The most dangerous place is the safest place.

The second thing: write a suicide note.

Specific content: slightly
Reason: Before you die, you have to explain the funeral before you can rest assured.

The third thing: write a secret letter to the subordinates who are still stationed at the border.

General content: It is recommended that they find a reason to "retire from old age and return to their hometown" as soon as possible and live in seclusion in the countryside.

Reason: Murong Ying can't tolerate them, once he is dead, they will be very dangerous.

The fourth thing: secretly donate part of the property.

Specific method: Donate money directly, and take valuable things to pawnshops to exchange them for money before donating.

Reason: It is more meaningful to donate such things as money, whether you bring it with you when you are born or die.

The fifth thing: quietly write letters to relatives of the mother clan, and send them part of the money.

Reason: Since the death of my mother, I have had too little communication with relatives of my mother's family, and I have not honored the elders of my mother's family. I hope that the money given away will make them comfortable for the rest of their lives.

Sixth thing: "Expulsion" part of the servants.

Specific method: Except for the hidden guards, some guards, the cook and Gou Xue's personal maids, all of them will be sent away with money.

Reason: Try not to implicate innocent servants as much as possible.

The seventh thing: arrange a place for the remaining servants.

Specific method: help them figure out where to go in advance, and if he really can't hold on anymore, let them leave Murong Mansion.

Reason: To protect loyal subordinates as much as possible.

The eighth thing: write a letter to Jiang Wanrou.

General content: His time is numbered, I hope she can let go of the past and find another lover, I hope she will be happy in the future.

Reason: When a person is about to die, it is useless to worry about it.

Result: It was not sent out in the end.

Ninth thing: Arrange a place for Gou Xue alone.

Rationale: While maybe she wouldn't want to leave early, it's safer to leave if he's really going to die.

Result: The miracle doctor came in time, and before he could figure out how to arrange Gou Xue, he learned that he could still be cured.

At this point, Murong Han finally did not have to die young.


Extra Story [-]: The origin of the fast travel game and the tasker system
The original name of the fast travel game is "Restart Game", and the slogan is: restart life, make up for regrets, and have no regrets in this life.

The main work content is: to give some unfortunate people in the small world derived from ancient web articles a chance to start over, and the price they need to pay is part of their soul power.

Soul power is an extremely special and precious energy, and only if human beings are willing to actively contribute a part of the soul power, the soul power will not fail.

Paying only a small amount of soul power will not have a great impact on human beings, it will only shorten the lifespan of three to five years, and normal people can generally live to around 70 years old, so the Quick Transmigration Bureau believes that this kind of price is not big .

At the very beginning, there was no tasker system in the Quick Transmigration Bureau. They all directly asked the people who made transactions with them, that is, their customers were directly reborn to the starting point of the greatest tragedy in life, and let them change their own lives. .

As a result, the quick travel game found that the effect of this was not good, because although some people had experience in the "previous life", they still only knew what not to do, but did not know how to do it, so they still failed to change in the end. destiny.

Some people also failed because the original situation was too difficult, no matter how hard they tried, they could not get out of the predicament by themselves.

There are too many examples of failures, causing many people who originally wanted to try to restart their lives to lose trust in the fast-traveling game. In order to change this situation, the fast-traveling game quickly made adjustments and changed it to let you know what to do. Instead of them, more people overcome difficulties first, and then return their lives to customers, thus creating a tasker system.

The full name of the tasker system is "partner tasker system composed of intelligent biological systems to cooperate with each other", which is composed of intelligent biological systems and human souls.

Among them, the human soul is the task executor, because only the human soul can adapt to the human body, and the system is responsible for "controlling the field" and providing information support, and cooperates to solve the customer's plight.

In the beginning, there was no point mall in the fast travel game, and it was developed later.

The existence of the points mall has greatly improved the work efficiency of the taskers and the success rate of the task. Therefore, the point mall has been preserved and is gradually expanding.

The first generation of taskers were human employees recruited by the Quick Transmigration Bureau. Later, as the business grew bigger and more tasks were required, it became more and more difficult to recruit people, so the Quick Transmigration Bureau changed its original approach.

Most of the current taskers want to be resurrected after accidental death. They will work very, very hard to resurrect, which is much easier to use than the first generation of taskers.

It's just that there was an accident recently, and that was Gou Xue's "random entry".

In the not-too-distant future, the Quick Travel Bureau may usher in a new round of reforms.

 These two add up to 1500 words (excluding the title), I put them together and count them as an update, so it shouldn't be too much, right?

  PS: In fact, this chapter was written last night, but it has not been revised.

  Yesterday, I wrote a total of [-] characters in the two volumes, and I feel like my shoulders are going to be crippled.

  If it wasn't for the fact that the other part was written faster, one chapter (40 words) was basically controlled within [-] minutes, and I couldn't finish it last night.

  The writing of this one is much slower, basically a chapter will not be less than one hour, and less than one hour is when the inspiration is bursting and the hand speed is also fast.

  Why is the other one written faster?Because the other one is not as elaborate as this one, and the other one is much more casual.

(End of this chapter)

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