Quickly wear this bowl of dog blood, I'm done

Chapter 602 Extra Story: Ye Yun's Self-Report

Chapter 602 Extra Story: Ye Yun's Self-Report
My name is Ye Yun, and I am a heinous person. I once killed my best teacher, and I am an out-and-out white-eyed wolf.

I don't deserve to be forgiven, and I have no reason to justify myself, but I still want to say that I'm not all that bad to begin with.

In my previous life, before I met people from Lingyun Sect, I never thought about betraying Master Qingxue, because I felt that my treatment in Xuanling Sect was pretty good, and Master Qingxue said that as long as I successfully established the foundation, He will raise me as a personal disciple so that I can be the elder of Xuanling Sect in the future.

I was originally very satisfied with this, until I met the disciples of Lingyun Sect and found that the treatment of the outer disciples among them was better than mine, and the treatment of the inner disciples was even more incomparable, and Master Qingxue But she said that she gave me the best treatment from Xuanling Sect...

This made me feel that I was cheated, because I was jealous of Lingyunzong's disciples, and I didn't even think about it because Xuanlingzong was not as good as Lingyunzong and didn't have so many resources, so the best treatment in the sect would be better than that of Lingyunzong. Ordinary treatment from the Lingyun Sect.

At that time, my thoughts were distorted. I would only see the good of Lingyun Sect and the bad of Xuanling Sect, and see other people's showing off and my own shabbiness.

I can't see Master Qingxue being kind to me, and I don't think that Master Qingxue actually gave me the best treatment she can give me. I just think that either she lied to me or this master It's a piece of crap that doesn't give me the resources I need at all.

Since then, I've really gone rogue.

In order to obtain more cultivation resources, I decided to betray Master Qingxue, leave the Xuanling Sect, and worship the elders of the Lingyun Sect as my teacher.

I tried every means to contact the disciples of Lingyun Sect many times, and through them I got in touch with an inner sect elder named Jia Renyi.

Jia Renyi knew that I was a disciple of Xuanling Sect, but he did not refuse my request to become his disciple. He just made a request and gave me a bottle of high-grade poison.

He said that as long as I could prove my determination to join his sect and kill my original master, he would make me an inner disciple of Lingyun Sect and give me treatment no less than that of his direct disciple.

I agreed without even thinking about it, because I never thought that there were people worse than me in the world.

Jia Renyi lied to me.

When I poisoned Master Qingxue, killed her with my own hands, and put her body in a storage bag and sent it to Jia Renyi, he told me that I did a good job and that he liked me like this. People's eyes are full of contempt.

In the end, he only made me a registered disciple. In order to avoid being discovered by the Xuanlingzong, I killed Qingxue, an inner sect elder, and he ordered me to burn Master Qingxue’s body, and asked me to change my name. Changed my name and my face and turned me into another person.

I hate Jia Renyi's hypocrisy and oppression of me, but I don't regret what I did to bully my master and destroy my ancestors, because I have at least entered Lingyunzong, as long as I work hard to improve my cultivation, sooner or later I will become a member of Lingyunzong Master.

I thought so, but I didn't expect that Jia Renyi had already arranged the ending for me.

I'm just a dog and pawn he cheated. When there is value for use, he will squeeze me to his heart's content, and once there is no value for use, he will be ruthlessly abandoned.

That was my third year in Lingyun Sect. Before I established my foundation, I had already become Jia Renyi's son's scapegoat.

It wasn't until I died that I understood what regret meant.

Master Qingxue is willing to give me the best, but I treat her whole heart as a donkey's liver... If I can do it all over again, I will definitely live up to her.

 I thought about this story and asked some questions, and finally wrote this extra.

(End of this chapter)

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