Chapter 56

"How sure are you that you can successfully kill Murong Ying? After killing Murong Ying, how sure are you that you can successfully escape?"

Regarding Gou Xue's "ambition", Murong Han calmly gave two soul tortures.

"As long as I'm well prepared, I'm [-]% sure that I can do these two things successfully."

Gou Xue couldn't be sorry for her pretense just now, so she could only guarantee it with a cheeky face.

"How do you prepare? And how do you prevent people from knowing that I asked you to kill Murong Ying?"

Murong Han threw out the second company of soul torture.

"I have a plan."

Gou Xue continued to bite the bullet and pretend to be aggressive.

"If you can neither guarantee that you will be able to escape unscathed, nor that you will not implicate the entire Murong Mansion, I will not agree to cooperate with you."

After finishing his speech, Murong Han got up and walked out of the main room, and left Wanyuan with the people waiting outside.

"So-and-so, I don't seem to think so much, what should I do?"

Gou Xue pretended to patronize this time, and didn't think about it that much at all.

Although she is very powerful now, Murong Ying not only has many great masters under her command, but also has many hidden guards hiding in the dark around her. Once discovered, she may be besieged by dozens of masters at the same time, and she can attack with a dozen at most. Ten, how can I get rid of my body by then?
"Although your idea is a little bold and ill-considered, it is not completely unworkable. Maybe you can consider exchanging it for an invisibility item."

Based on the principle of encouraging as many hosts as possible, XX put forward suggestions that could help.

"Can this small world use this kind of prop?"

Invisibility sounds fantastic at first glance, and this small world is similar to the ancient small world of country Z. Gou Xue feels that it has clearly exceeded the world view of this small world, and it should be an illegal prop.

The fast travel game has regulations in this regard. The props used by the host cannot obviously exceed the world view of the small world. For example, in the previous small world, Gou Xue can use medicine that can cure all diseases, but cannot use the elixir that makes people live forever. The small world can practice the internal skills of other martial arts worlds, but it cannot cultivate immortals. Otherwise, it is illegal to use props, and not only points will be deducted, but additional penalties will also be imposed.

"If it's the kind of magic weapon in fantasy novels, it is indeed an illegal prop, but the invisibility prop I'm talking about is not that kind, but a bionic invisibility cloak designed by imitating a chameleon. The environment changes color to achieve the effect of 'stealth'."

So-and-so has considered this a long time ago, and will not commit a crime knowingly.

"Isn't it the same as wearing a night suit and a black mask at night?"

Gou Xue was almost powerless to complain.

The principle of the bionic invisibility cloak is to use optical illusions. The premise of using it is that there are colored things around. What if the surroundings are very empty and there is nothing at all?

She felt unreliable after thinking about it for a while.

"Of course it's different. The night clothes can only hide you in the dark at most, and can't cover your body shape, but the bionic invisibility cloak can blur your outline. Even if there is really nothing around, the invisibility effect is not very good. Well, you can't see your original body shape, isn't it more beneficial to cover up your identity?"

So-and-so argues hard.

"How many points does this cost?"

If it is not expensive, Gou Xue can barely consider it.

"2 points, but this is not really for you, it will only give you the right to use it for ten days, and you have to promise not to damage it, otherwise, you will have to pay five times the compensation."

So-and-so doesn't intend to cheat Gou Xue, so he will make it clear in advance that there are special regulations about props.

"Is it so pitiful?"

Gou Xue still thinks it's a scam, if she really accidentally breaks the props, will she have to pay for it?
 In order to successfully make up the update this time, I got up early today.

  I usually get up at around [-] o'clock at home, but today I got up before [-] o'clock. Although I still lost some time in the morning, today's time is definitely more than yesterday, so I think today should not let the flag down Lose.

(End of this chapter)

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