Quickly wear this bowl of dog blood, I'm done

Chapter 501 How to Mix in the Buddhist Circle (12)

Chapter 501 How to Mix in the Buddhist Circle (12)

On January 1th, the MV shooting site.

"Excuse me, shall I sing later?"

Before anyone else arrived, Gou Xue cautiously asked the MV director.

"No, you are participating in the filming as a special guest actor, you can be in charge of the performance, and the song will be matched by a professional singer."

The director handed her the shooting script of "I'm Still That Girl Before", and continued: "You can act according to the above. If you want to play freely, you can also discuss with me. As long as the changes are reasonable, I will make changes." Shoot according to your ideas."


Gou Xue knew that she didn't have the ability to play freely, so she quickly read the script carefully.

The script was written very simply, and she could understand it. However, the actual filming was still a mess.

The director always felt that "Tong Xue" didn't seem to be a professional actor, but his attitude was quite sincere, so he patiently guided him and even made a few demonstrations himself.

Gou Xue really doesn't know how to perform professionally, but fortunately, her imitation ability is not bad, and she finally finished the filming on time.

After successfully completing the tasks on the schedule, Gou Xue finally ushered in a rare "long vacation".

As long as there are no accidents, she can rest before filming "I'm Born for the Common People".

"Don't forget to learn acting."

Seeing that Gou Xue was planning to start the salted fish paralysis, so-and-so immediately gave a kind reminder.

"Can't I take a day off first?"

Gou Xue suddenly felt that it wanted her life.

She didn't seem to be busy every day in the previous week, but in fact, her shooting locations were far away from each other, and it took at least a day to travel back and forth. It was like a continuous cycle.

"I'm just reminding you, I don't mean to rush you."

So-and-so said with a deadpan expression.


Gou Xue didn't expect that she would "measure the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain", so she was speechless.

"I will help you find some more reliable materials and online courses. Remember to study on your own later."

So-and-so is not going to let her borrow props this time. After all, acting is a very practical skill.

"Can you pass the information and online lessons to me?"

When Gou Xue heard it, she bounced up suddenly.

"The materials can directly transmit data information, but online courses can't, but I have a way, just need to spend 3 points, see if you want to."

So-and-so said quietly.

"Forget it, I can search the Internet myself."

Gou Xue decisively chose to rely on herself.

"Alright, you can search it yourself, I'm going for a run."

So-and-so walked to the treadmill with short legs, turned on the music mode, and started running leisurely.

"Am I being tricked?"

Gou Xue searched halfway, and suddenly reacted.

"Forget it, what so-and-so said is actually correct. A truly excellent tasker does not need to rely too much on the system."

She was completely enlightened, and she didn't want to be angry about this kind of thing at all, and she could even make excuses to comfort herself.

There are a lot of information on the Internet, and there are also many online courses. Gou Xue is not very able to judge which ones are more reliable. Thinking that Tong Xue is a "rich woman" anyway, she bought a paid online course from a regular platform.

The online course was taught in detail, and Gou Xue watched it for a week.

Just as she was planning to practice in actual combat, Gou Xue received a message from Huang Minhui.

WeChat message:

Huang Minhui: I picked a public welfare micro-movie for you, and the role I chose for you is a teaching teacher. Please read the script.

Huang Minhui: Screenplay.doc
Tong Xue: Okay.

3 minute later.

Huang Minhui: Have you finished reading?

Tong Xue: It's over.

Huang Minhui: How is it?Want to act?
 I will write another chapter later to add more to Xinyumengsha.

(End of this chapter)

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