Chapter 50

"No, sister Xiaocui and I just discussed whether you really don't like her."

Gou Xue switched to "good personality" in a second, looked up at Hei Yu, and said seriously:
"Master Xiaohei, Sister Xiaocui has a crush on you, but she doesn't dare to tell you because she thinks you don't like her. Today is Chinese Valentine's Day. I originally wanted her to tell you her feelings, but Sister Xiaocui doesn't agree. ."

"You mean she likes me?"

Kuroba instantly turned into an expression of seeing a ghost.

"No! Miss is just lying to you, don't believe it!"

After Xiaocui finished speaking recklessly, she covered her face and ran out.

"Miss, you shouldn't lie to me, right?"

Hei Yu always felt that what Gou Xue said this time was probably "nonsense".

"Master Xiaohei, are you stupid? Can't you see that sister Xiaocui is shy?"

Gou Xue was really speechless, but she didn't say anything more, because the dishes were already cooked and had to be served quickly.

"Is she really pleasing me? But how could she be pleasing me? "

Hei Yu was pondering while serving the rice.

"Master Xiaohei, can you finish eating so much?"

As soon as Gou Xue scooped up the vegetable soup with a shovel, he saw that the rice in Hei Yu's bowl had piled up into a "hill", and he was still adding rice to it.

"It should be finished."

Hei Yu looked down, feeling embarrassed.

"But haven't you already eaten a big bowl?"

Gou Xue remembered that he would usually only eat two large bowls at a meal, and he would "eat based on the food." If the food was not delicious, he would eat less.

"Then put it back a little bit."

Heiyu was even more embarrassed, and hurriedly used a rice shovel to flatten the "hill".

"Shall I explain to Xiao Cui?"

Gou Xue struggled for two seconds, and finally decided to "send the Buddha to the west".

While Hei Yu was still picking up the vegetables, Gou Xue quickly corrected her expression, and said in a serious manner: "Master Xiao Hei, I don't think you should be prejudiced against Sister Xiao Cui. The previous incident was just a misunderstanding, and it will be fine if the misunderstanding is resolved. Sister Xiaocui is not as bad as you think."

"Actually, Sister Xiaocui has never said bad things about you behind your back, and she is actually very gentle. Although her cooking skills are not very good, she is a very good worker and very hardworking. If you marry Sister Xiaocui When you are a wife, you will be happy in the future."

By the way, she summed up Xiaocui's main advantages, and vigorously "Amway".

"Miss, don't mess around with mandarin ducks. I never thought about getting married. I won't marry a wife."

Black Feather said with a sullen face.


Gou Xue was very puzzled.

"So-and-so, can't secret guards take wives?"

She quietly asked so and so.

"Although there is no such regulation, most of the hidden guards usually live a life of licking blood with the tip of a knife, and they are likely to be killed accidentally, so most of them will not choose to start a family."

So-and-so synthesized some information about the hidden guard in the novel found on the Internet, and answered objectively.

"But Hei Yu shouldn't be considered that kind of hidden guard, right?"

Gou Xue really didn't think Kuroyu's job was very dangerous, because he didn't have to do anything except watch over her now.

"He's just safer for a while."

According to the description in "The Bingshan Prince's Absolutely Loved Wife", Hei Yu's task is not only to guard the original owner, but also to protect her. The reason why he failed to protect the original owner in the end is because the man in black came too suddenly. And it was so powerful that he couldn't beat it at all.

 I really can’t write so many words today, because I can’t sleep too late (and I didn’t have time to take a shower before eating today, and I will take a shower later), so let’s make up for it tomorrow.

  Tomorrow, I originally planned to update only [-], but today's supplement is [-], and [-] should be possible.

(End of this chapter)

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