Quickly wear this bowl of dog blood, I'm done

Chapter 485 Don’t Be a Puppet of the Demon Cult (19)

Chapter 485 Don’t Be a Puppet of the Demon Cult (19)

"You're not handsome, but you think you're pretty."

Zhao Feng directly gave him a headache.


Ren Xia didn't feel any pain, but he still covered his forehead and screamed.

"Mom, do you not want my son anymore?"

Ren Xia suddenly felt wronged.

Since they didn't want Gou Xue to be a child bride, why did the parents take in a girl who had no relationship with them and was about his age?

"I'm too lazy to explain it to you. You'll know it later."

Zhao Feng knew that it was difficult to explain this kind of thing to children, so he simply didn't explain it.


Ren Xia was defeated in the end, because he didn't want to suffer from brain damage again.

"But I don't want to sleep in the same room with her, can I sleep with you?"

In fact, Ren Xia's house didn't have many beddings that could be used to make the floor, so he could only sleep on the same bed with Zhao Feng and the others.


Although Zhao Feng didn't want Ren Xia to ruin the world between her and his father, it was really not good for Ren Xia to sleep with Gou Xue, so in the end she let Ren Xia sleep in their room.


the next day.

Just as Ren Xia wanted to sneak out to fish, he was stopped by Gou Xue.

"Why are you stopping me?"

Ren Xia said angrily.

"Bandits will enter the village later, it's not safe to go out now."

Gou Xue said it without mincing words.

"How do you know there will be bandits entering the village?"

Ren Xia is doubtful.

"I escaped here just to avoid them. According to their footsteps, it is estimated that they will arrive in half an hour."

Gou Xue made nonsense seriously.

"Then why don't you hide quickly? Do you want to implicate us?"

When Ren Xia saw that she was standing outside blatantly, he became anxious.

"No need, I couldn't beat them before because I had no food to eat, but now I'm full, as long as they dare to come, I can beat them to the ground."

Gou Xue continued to talk nonsense.

"Just blow it up. With your small body, it's not bad if you can beat me."

Ren Xia calmed down instantly, because he believed that Gou Xue was just bragging.

"Want to wrestle with me?"

Gou Xue rolled up her sleeves and showed off her biceps.

"Bijibi, am I still afraid of losing to you?"

Ren Xia knows that his arms are not that strong without comparing, and he feels a little guilty, but he can't lose his momentum.

"Then let's go in and compare."

Gou Xue entered the room first.

Ren Xia walked in, and lost in less than three seconds.

"It doesn't count this time, let's do it again."

Ren Xia refused to admit defeat, and played foolishly.


Gou Xue came again without hesitation.

This time, Ren Xia persisted for five seconds.

"It doesn't count this time. I want to do it again."

The more frustrated Ren Xia became, the more courageous he became, and he refused to admit defeat.

"the last time."

Gou Xue came again patiently.

Ren Xia tried his best and persisted for ten seconds, but he still lost.

"Actually, I didn't exert any force just now. Do you want to do it again?"

Gou Xue guessed that he might be cheating again, so she took a preemptive strike.

"No, I won't compare."

Like an eggplant beaten by frost, Ren Xia walked to the corner with his head drooping, squatted down slowly, and drew circles on the ground with his hands.

"You don't need to be discouraged. I am stronger than you because I know martial arts. If you can also know martial arts, you will definitely not lose."

Gou Xue didn't expect to hit him to such an extent, so she hurried over to comfort him.

"Can you teach me martial arts?"

Ren Xia turned his head abruptly, his eyes shining brightly.

"I can't, but someone can."

Gou Xue suddenly thought of a good idea.

As long as Ren Xia can become Wei Fan's disciple, wouldn't he be able to pass the main plot of being slaughtered in the village?

 The next chapter should be wrapping up.

(End of this chapter)

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