Quickly wear this bowl of dog blood, I'm done

Chapter 469 Don’t Be a Puppet of the Demon Cult (3)

Chapter 469 Don’t Be a Puppet of the Demon Cult (3)

"At that time, the original leader is still there, right?"

Gou Xue had to confirm this first.

"Yes, Hua Tieniu hadn't been plotted against at that time."

So-and-so said without thinking.

"What the hell is Hua Tieniu?"

Gou Xue had the illusion of changing the subject.

"The leader's name, his surname is Hua, and his name is Tie Niu."

So-and-so still replied without thinking.

"Pfft hahaha..."

Gou Xue couldn't hold back any longer, and burst out laughing.

"Is it so funny?"

So-and-so was a little puzzled, because it didn't get Gou Xue's smile.

"Actually, it's okay. I just thought of Huangfu Tieniu."

Gou Xue suppressed a smile, and said solemnly: "When a very compelling surname is paired with a very down-to-earth name, it usually gives people a very funny feeling, just like Huangfu Tieniu and Nangong Cuihua .”


So-and-so suddenly remembered that he seemed to have seen the love story between Huangfu Tieniu and Nangong Cuihua on the Internet. Although he was not interested, the name was indeed a bit funny.

"If the body is a child, will the effect of the skill be reduced?"

Before setting off, Gou Xue raised a very crucial question.

"Theoretically not, but because the child's size is relatively small, it may be affected to a certain extent when it is actually displayed."

So-and-so answered very rigorously.

"Help me activate all the martial arts skills."

After Gou Xue finished speaking, she stepped into the soul transmission channel.


"The name Niuniu doesn't sound very nice. How about changing your name to Hua Ranxue?"

The moment she entered Huaranxue's body, Gou Xue felt that she was vacated.

When she opened her eyes, it turned out that a middle-aged man with bronze skin, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a rough face lifted her up and turned her around a few times.

Gou Xuedun felt dizzy and dizzy.

"So-and-so, is he Hua Tieniu?"

She can't speak, and can only communicate with so-and-so with her thoughts.


So-and-so knew from his appearance that he was definitely the Hua Tieniu in "I'm Immortal with the Devil's Cult".

"Why doesn't Niuniu talk? Does it mean you don't like the name your godfather gave you?"

After discovering that "Hua Ranxue" had been silent, Hua Tieniu was a little puzzled, and quickly put her down.

Gou Xue stood there for a while, then showed a sweet smile, and said carefreely: "No, Niu Niu was just a little dizzy, and didn't hear what Daddy said clearly."

"What did Niuniu call godfather just now?"

Hua Tieniu almost thought he had heard it wrong.

"Can't Niuniu be called godfather?"

Gou Xue was puzzled.

"Of course not, Niuniu will call out again for godfather."

Hua Tieniu's biggest regret in this life is that he didn't marry a wife and have children. Even wanting a sweet little padded jacket is an extravagant hope. Niu Niu didn't particularly resist him, so he recognized her as his goddaughter, but Niu Niu has been unwilling to change her words, until this morning she always called him uncle, and he was wondering how to coax her to change her words, so she changed it herself. It was a surprise.

Hua Tieniu almost burst into tears on the spot.


Gou Xue repeated it without emotion.


Hua Tieniu responded with a smile on his face, and then said with a smile: "Niuniu call again."

"Didn't daddy say he gave me a new name? Why do you still call me Niuniu?"

Gou Xue finally didn't want to play such childish games with him anymore.

 I took a look today, "Dog Blood" is currently in the status of paying for reading on QQ, maybe it will not change its status this weekend, let's watch it next week.

(End of this chapter)

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