Quickly wear this bowl of dog blood, I'm done

Chapter 437 Don’t Learn from the Past (1)

Chapter 437 Don’t Learn from the Past (1)

"Why are you less anxious than me now?"

Gou Xue couldn't help showing a strange expression.

"You only stayed in the small world for less than four days this time, and I only spent less than an hour here. Isn't it right to take a rest?"

So-and-so took it for granted.

"Is the time I saved by spending 100 points used to give you a vacation?"

Gou Xuepi twitched the corners of his mouth with a smile.

"This one……"

So-and-so felt guilty for a moment.

"Also, when I was in Small World, why didn't you take the time to run?"

Gou Xue hasn't asked it to keep an eye on the small world for help recently, so why doesn't it know how to organize the time?
"I didn't do that to ensure that I was always online, so that you would not be trapped in isolation and helplessness."

So-and-so argued cheekily.


As soon as Gou Xue heard it, she knew that XX was just putting gold on her face, but she didn't bother to expose it, so she opened the properties panel, entered the interface for drawing tasks, and drew a new task.

Task Description:

Title of the novel: "This interstellar is a bit chaotic"

Mission object: Cannon fodder Fang Xue

Mission description: What Fang Xue regrets the most in her life is that she followed her tribe back to her family, became a victim they used to marry the orc tribe, and died on the way to escape marriage.

If she could do it all over again, she would definitely choose to stay with the grandmother who adopted her, to support her until the end of her life, and never return to the family.


"It's an interstellar theme with orcs... a bit exciting."

After reading it, Gou Xue felt inexplicably excited.

"Why are you so excited? You don't want to marry the orc instead of Fang Xue, do you?"

So-and-so felt that her reaction was a little weird.

"Is the focus on the interstellar theme?"

Gou Xue couldn't help rolling her eyes.


So-and-so immediately shut up.

"For the interstellar theme, there should be many different planets, right? Can there be multiple planets in a small world?"

After recalling the interstellar-themed web articles she had read before, Gou Xue suddenly thought of this question.

"No, a small world can only have one planet. Generally speaking, most interstellar-themed novels that can derive small worlds actually only write about one planet, and the rest are just pure backgrounds, like "This Interstellar World" A Little Chaos", the protagonist in it has always been the Blue Star living in the future, so the small world derived from the novel is the future Blue Star."

So-and-so was meticulous and authentic.

"Then how did races other than humans come about?"

Gou Xue didn't think it was reasonable.

"The small world will automatically rationalize this part of the setting, turning the races from the aliens into mutant races of the blue star. For example, the orcs are evolved from the mutation of wild beasts. They can maintain the shape of a beast or change into a human shape. "

So-and-so explained it in an easy-to-understand manner.

"What does that have to do with Interstellar?"

Gou Xue suddenly discovered that the small world derived from "This Interstellar is a Little Chaos" cannot be regarded as a real interstellar at all.

"Although an interstellar novel can only generate one planet and cannot form an interstellar novel, the small worlds derived from different interstellar novels can be connected. When they are combined together, they can form a small universe. If any planet has enough technology Developed, if a spaceship that can travel through the universe is developed, people from different small worlds can meet."

So-and-so said without thinking.

"In that case, can't the small worlds derived from other types of novels also be connected?"

So-and-so's words this time completely overturned her original cognition.

 There are no questions in this chapter, I will pick them up later.

(End of this chapter)

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