Quickly wear this bowl of dog blood, I'm done

Chapter 403 Improperly Being a Vicious Concubine (13)

Chapter 403 Improperly Being a Vicious Concubine (13)

"It's best not to, Yun Yu is not Bogdan when he was a child, nor is he the blood pupil of a juvenile body, and he has no blood relationship with Gu Qingxue, so you may be regarded as frivolous."

So-and-so said sternly.

"Bogdan? Blood pupil?"

There seemed to be two big question marks popping up on Gou Xue's head.

who are they?Had she kissed them too?

"Sorry, I forgot that you have sealed the previous memory, and I don't remember specific things."

So and so felt embarrassed.


Gou Xue didn't pay much attention because she had to take medicine.


the other end.

Yun Yu has washed his forehead and hands dozens of times with water and acacia.

"That woman is absolutely crazy. She is my mother-in-law in name after all. How could she do such an unbecoming and shameless thing? Could it be..."

After thinking of a certain possibility, Yun Yu stopped rubbing her fingers violently.

Yun Fan has never really favored Gu Qingxue. Although Gu Qingxue is a bit older now, she is at least perfect and pretty. If she wants to emulate the treacherous concubines in history, give up Yun Fan , and turned to seduce him...


Yun Yu's face turned green with anger.

How old is he now?Is this woman putting such an idea on him?


As soon as Gou Xue finished eating a piece of maltose, she sneezed suddenly.

"It seems that Gu Qingxue's cold is still a bit serious, do you want to exchange it for a bottle of cold medicine?"

Gou Xue still felt a little tired, and her nose was uncomfortable, and she always felt that the ancient medicine was not very effective.

"So-and-so, can the point mall be exchanged for common cold medicine?"

She didn't want to procrastinate, it was better to make a quick decision.

"It might work."

So-and-so opened the points mall and searched for cold medicine.

"Can be exchanged for over-the-counter cold medicine."

So-and-so quickly came to a conclusion because such a hint was given above.

"Is it a cold spirit?"

All Gou Xue thought of was the Ganmao Ling granules that were always kept at home.

"There's this, and some others, depending on what you want."

So-and-so searched out several types, both granules that can be brewed and pills.

"Let's get the cheapest one."

Gou Xue just wanted to save points.

"There is no cheapest, they are all the same price. 3 points can be exchanged for three days of medicine, and some can be exchanged for only two days, and it can't be less than two days, and it can't exceed seven days."

The point mall has strict regulations on the exchange of drugs, and taskers are not allowed to use too much drugs.

"Then exchange it for two days."

Gou Xue chose the least number of days without hesitation.

Cold medicine only needs to be taken for two to three days, and in the end it actually depends on the body's immunity, so there is no need to exchange more.


So-and-so immediately exchanged six packs of Ganmaoling Granules and sent them to Gou Xue.

Gou Xue just took a look at them and hid them under the mattress.

She can't take Ganmao Ling today because she has already drank Chinese medicine twice, which may cause a drug conflict.

"So-and-so, what is Yun Yu doing?"

Gou Xue waited for quite a while before Yun Yu came back and asked her to eat, so she couldn't help being a little puzzled.

"He was washing his face and hands before, and just took a shower and changed his clothes."

So-and-so answered truthfully.


Gou Xue never expected that one of her "love kisses" would be so powerful, almost comparable to rotten eggs.

"It seems that he really hates Gu Qingxue, alas..."

Raising cubs is not easy, Gou Xue sighed.

"Isn't Yun Yu always taking care of her?"

So-and-so was stunned by Gou Xue's brazenness.

Although Yun Yu didn't mean it sincerely, but at least she was really taking care of her, there's nothing to say about that.

 The weather has just changed. If it rains tomorrow, I won't go. Anyway, I can go anytime now, of course, when the weather is good.

(End of this chapter)

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