Quickly wear this bowl of dog blood, I'm done

Chapter 392 Improperly Being a Vicious Concubine (2)

Chapter 392 Improperly Being a Vicious Concubine (2)

"Do you think I have so many points that can be wasted?"

Gou Xue rolled her eyes directly.

Every time she does one more task, the points she gets will only increase by [-] points, and every time she skips one more task, the deducted points will increase by [-] points. Not to mention that it is not directly proportional, her points will still be consumed when doing tasks, Isn't this cheating?
"You currently have 281.5 points, and you can skip two more."

So-and-so said without thinking.


Gou Xue never expected that so-and-so would be so straightforward that she had nothing to say.

"I know you think it's a waste of points, but at least it's not a waste of time, is it?"

So-and-so thinks so, if the task in front of him is difficult for Gou Xue to complete, and it can't help, it's better to spend points to skip it than to waste a lot of time.

"Although this task is difficult, it is not impossible. Please tell me the specific situation first."

Gou Xue decided to find out first.


So-and-so quickly went through the content of "Three Thousand Loves in One Body" and said in a nutshell: ""Three Thousand Loves in One Body" actually tells the story of Yun Yu after he became the emperor, and it is the story of Yun Yu who grew up as a daughter. unfolded from the Lord's perspective."

"The heroine was originally a naive and lively modern girl. One day, an accident occurred accidentally, and she traveled to Yun Kingdom and became a little maid beside Yunyu."

"Yun Yu soon discovered that the heroine is different, and was deeply attracted by her innocence and romance. In the end, Yun Yu made her a queen, disbanded the harem for her, and pampered her alone."

"No wonder it's called the Three Thousand Loved by Time Traveling."

Gou Xuemao suddenly understood.

"Is the matter about Gu Qingxue Yun Yu's memory?"

The main storyline of "Three Thousand Loved Ones" obviously does not have the role of Gu Qingxue, which means that she probably only appears in Yun Yu's memories.

"Yes, Yun Yu executed Gu Qingxue in the first year after he became emperor, and the heroine only traveled through time later, so Gu Qingxue did not actually appear in the story."

So-and-so has already figured out the timeline. When the story begins, Gu Qingxue has been dead for two years, so the main plot has nothing to do with Gu Qingxue.

"What did Gu Qingxue do? Why does Yunyu hate her so much?"

Gou Xue still needs to know more detailed information.

So-and-so stroked the logic, and began to speak eloquently: "Yun Yu is the queen's son, and Gu Qingxue is the imperial concubine. Not long after the queen died, Gu Qingxue managed to persuade the emperor to let her raise Yunyu. "

"The emperor actually didn't want her to raise Yunyu, but Gu Qingxue is the only daughter of the prime minister. The prime minister not only has the power in the court, but also has half of the military power in his hands. If the emperor refuses to agree, Gu Qingxue will sue the prime minister and let the prime minister The prime minister came to threaten him, so he had to agree."

"Gu Qingxue doesn't have any children, because the emperor is afraid of the power of the Gu family and doesn't want Gu Qingxue to have a child. He didn't really favor her, and he didn't want her to be a queen, so he just made her an imperial concubine."

"Gu Qingxue thought that if she snatched the former empress's son, the emperor would make her empress sooner or later. As a result, the emperor never promoted her status, and he was still very indifferent to her. It hit Yun Yu."

"Yun Yu is the emperor's most beloved son. Even if he doesn't like Gu Qingxue, he will occasionally visit Gu Qingxue to see him."

 I overslept again today. I didn’t get up until nine o’clock. After eating, I washed a bunch of clothes. I didn’t start typing until after 10:30. I don’t know if I can finish half of the writing in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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