Quickly wear this bowl of dog blood, I'm done

Chapter 368 Inappropriate Willful Sister (4)

Chapter 368 Inappropriate Willful Sister (4)

"is it?"

Gou Xue smiled awkwardly, cold sweat gradually broke out in her palms.

She won't be so unlucky, she'll just go out of her way from the beginning, right?
"Did you have two dreams? First, you dreamed that you were staying up late to watch dramas, and then you dreamed that you became a monk?"

Fan Yong could feel the embarrassment of "Fan Xue", and quickly helped out of the siege quietly.

"Right, that is it."

Gou Xue didn't expect Fan Yong to help her find a reason, and immediately went down the donkey.

"Then you may have to watch less dramas. Excessive dreams are a sign of poor sleep quality."

Fan Yong said seriously.


Gou Xue was even more embarrassed, she didn't know what to say, she could only nod her head obediently.

"Hurry up and brush your teeth and wash your face. The egg noodles are ready. If you don't eat them quickly, they won't taste good."

After Fan Yong finished speaking with a little urging, he turned and left the room.

"So-and-so, why is he so similar to Zhang Liangji? Is this a coincidence?"

Gou Xue walked to the washroom and asked XX.

Fan Yong is really very similar to Zhang Liangji, not only in facial features, but also in personality.

"This... doesn't seem to be a coincidence."

So-and-so quickly confirmed the pen name of the author of "The Resurrection of Spiritual Qi: The New Era of Cultivation of Immortals" - I am not Duckweed and the work under my name, and then said in all seriousness:

"The author of "The New Era of Cultivating Immortals" is the same person as the author of "The Wife Killing and Proving the Way of Cultivating Immortals", and "The New Era of Cultivating Immortals" was written later. It may be that the author directly The original template of Zhang Liangji was applied."

"Is it still possible to do this?"

Gou Xue couldn't believe it.

"Of course, the image and personality of characters are inherently limited, and each novel has to write about many different characters. If they can't write about similar characters, how can writers keep creating new works?"

So-and-so returned without thinking.

"That makes sense, but why did I get a novel written by the same author?"

Gou Xue felt that this should be a small probability event with extremely low probability.

"It should be a matter of luck. After all, some writers have written many works by themselves. It is not surprising that you will get the same writer."

So-and-so doesn't think it's strange, after all, this is only a small-probability event, not a zero-probability event.

"How many works can a writer write?"

In Gou Xue's impression, writers with many works seem to be rare, and most of them only have one or a few works.

"I don't have statistics on this here, but the author of "The New Era of Immortal Cultivation" has written quite a lot. As of the beginning of 2022 in country Z, there are already more than 40 books in total."

So-and-so directly gave me an example of non-duckweed.

"so much?"

Gou Xue was shocked.

"Actually, not too many, because most of the works written by this writer are short stories, and the shortest is only a few thousand words."

So-and-so didn't want to expose my fault of not being a duckweed, but just discussing the facts.

"I see."

Gou Xue almost thought that this writer wrote millions of novels.

"Since this small world can also cultivate immortals, can I use the teleportation skills I obtained before?"

Gou Xue still remembers the three special skills she obtained in the previous Xianxia Small World.

"Okay, do you want to activate the skill-adding state now?"

So-and-so wanted to remind me of this.

"Open, open all three for me."

Gou Xue opened her mouth decisively.

With the addition of the three skills of Ice Art, Teleportation and Healing, she is the queen of the new era of cultivating immortals.

 Next time I will not engage in monthly ticket explosion activities, because I found that my monthly pass is really useless, and it is ranked 626 (shown here by Zuosuke), and it is completely impossible to make it to the list, so I plan to download it Change the activity every month, for example, if you can harvest 5 careful hearts, you will have a blast update or something (q read here).

  Of course, if "Dog Blood" can get a particularly good recommendation, and the editor in charge asks me to add more updates, then I will definitely add more updates, after all, I don't want to enter the small black room (it is said that I will not recommend any more).

  Let’s stop writing today and continue writing tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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