Quickly wear this bowl of dog blood, I'm done

Chapter 317 Don’t Marry a Blood Prince (8)

Chapter 317 Don’t Marry a Blood Prince (8)

"Collapse if you can't stabilize, Xu Xiaoxue's character design is not important, it's the same if you collapse."

So-and-so answered while speeding up the filling out of the questionnaire.


Gou Xue didn't expect that so-and-so would actually support her Beng character design this time, but since Xu Xiaoxue's character design is not important, of course it is a happy Beng.

She took out her Chinese book, found the text she was studying recently according to Xu Xiaoxue's random notes on the book, and began to read the book quietly.

"Is she really going to study hard?"

Xuetong rested his chin with his left hand, pretending to look at "Xu Xiaoxue" casually.

Today's "Xu Xiaoxue" is still ordinary, even if he is reading a book seriously, he still feels the same ordinary.

Time passed by every minute, and there were more and more people in the classroom. At the last moment before the class bell rang, the last student arrived.

The first period is a Chinese class. The teacher who comes to the class is Zhou Jing, the head teacher of Class One and Three.

After Gou Xue confirmed from XX that Zhou Jing was the head teacher, she listened to the class wholeheartedly.

After class, she would go to Zhou Jing to ask for a change of seat.

Anyway, she has legitimate reasons, Zhou Jing should not refuse.

"Gently I leave, just as I came lightly, I waved lightly, to be a cloud in the western sky..."

Before the explanation, Zhou Jing gave a recitation with both voice and emotion.

"This poem must be memorized, students memorize it first."

Zhou Jing drew a five-pointed star next to the words "Farewell to Cambridge" written on the blackboard with red chalk.

Gou Xue then used a blue water-based pen to draw a five-pointed star on the Chinese language book.

Xue Tong glanced casually.

The size of each corner of the five-pointed star drawn by "Xu Xiaoxue" is different, and it feels ugly.

"Even drawing a five-pointed star is so ugly, human beings really...what's the smell?"

After suddenly smelling an unusually sweet smell of blood, Xue Tong's eyes turned blood red for an instant.

In the classroom, there are different bloody smells coming from different directions almost every day. He has long been immune and will not react to the general bloody smell, but the bloody smell just now is completely different from the others, as if Attracting him to taste the sweetest blood in the world, it instantly aroused his most primitive desire as a vampire.

"Damn it! Why is it this time!"

The bloody smell is getting stronger and stronger, the color of the blood pupils is constantly switching between brown and blood red, and the fangs disguised as ordinary fangs are also constantly changing. In order to avoid being discovered, he can only keep his head down head, clenched teeth, desperately overcoming the thirst for blood.

However, he still failed, and finally had to temporarily block his sense of smell with magic power to stabilize his state.

"The smell was very close to me just now, could it be..."

After regaining his composure, Xuetong's gaze shifted to "Xu Xiaoxue".

From the beginning of the school year until yesterday, he had never smelled the bloody smell particularly close to him, and the people sitting in front of him and in front of "Xu Xiaoxue" were both boys, so the bloody smell just now could only have come from "Xu Xiaoxue" .

"Did she come there?"

Xuetong glanced down subconsciously. Although he didn't see anything, his guess should be right.

"Did she not feel it? Why don't you deal with it?"

He glanced at "Xu Xiaoxue" several times, and found that she had been listening carefully and writing some notes from time to time, as if she was okay.

"Should I remind her?"

Xue Tong couldn't help but fell into a tangle.

If she doesn't deal with it as soon as possible, he may be the one who suffers after a while, but how can he remind her?Was he going to say that he just smelled blood?
 To be honest, I can’t remember what the texts I learned in the first semester of high school, so I checked it online, and after the start of school, I probably learned the second lesson, so I picked a section of "Again The verses in "Bie Cambridge".

  I'm actually not sure which one his is, but it's all written on the Internet, so I just copied the one on the Internet.

(End of this chapter)

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