Quickly wear this bowl of dog blood, I'm done

Chapter 308 Xuanyuan Duxue's Evaluation

Chapter 308 Xuanyuan Duxue's Evaluation

system space.

"So-and-so, was the bottle of the negative effect remover just now recycled?"

This time, Gou Xue immediately asked about the recycling of empty bottles.


How could someone lose the chain in such a place? Before Gou Xue returned to the system space, it had already been recycled.

"That's good."

Gou Xue was finally relieved.

The bottle of the negative drug effect remover cannot be left in the quasi-ancient small world, because it is not a product of that era.

"Why don't you care about ratings and reviews this time?"

So-and-so always felt that Gou Xue was a little abnormal this time.

"It's a matter of priority. Compared with looking at these things, it is of course more important to confirm whether the empty bottles are remembered to be recycled."

Gou Xue said seriously.


So-and-so rarely saw her being so serious after she came back, and didn't want to spoil the atmosphere, so she just oh.

"Shouldn't you take the initiative to tell me Xuanyuan Duxue's rating and evaluation?"

Gou Xue waited for a while but did not wait until XX actively "reported" as usual, so she couldn't help feeling a little puzzled.

"So you still care about these?"

So-and-so thought that she no longer valued these "virtual things".

"Can't I be curious?"

Gou Xue tried her best to maintain a polite smile.

"Xuanyuan Duxue's rating is 99."

So-and-so immediately gave the answer.

"Why is it 99 again? Can't you just give it full marks?"

Gou Xue is really convinced, why do both of them like to deduct one point?

"She probably means that although she is very satisfied with your performance as the emperor, she is still not very happy because you have pinched her peach blossoms."

"She originally planned to deduct one point for a handsome man, but she found that you would fail if you typed it that way, so in the end, she only deducted one point for her favorite handsome man."

So-and-so extracted the most critical part of Xuanyuan Duxue's comment.


At this moment, Gou Xue has deeply realized what it means to change the world easily and change one's nature hard.

"Her favorite person should be Wen Renyan."

Gou Xue was not curious about Xuanyuan Duxue's follow-up, but she had a heart of gossip.

"Yes, not long after you came back, she married Wen Renyan and made him the queen."

So-and-so watched Xuanyuan Duxue and Wen Renyan's follow-up very cooperatively, and answered truthfully.

"Does Wen Renyan like her?"

Gou Xue's desire for gossip became even more intense.

"I probably like it. He looked very happy on his wedding day."

So-and-so took a special look at the situation on Wen Renyan's wedding day with Xuanyuan Duxue.

"Has he given up being an officer?"

Although Gou Xue has carried out various reforms, men in Xuanyuan Kingdom can also be officials, but this does not include men in the harem, because the harem cannot interfere with political affairs has not changed, and Gou Xue does not intend to change. After all, this It's quite reasonable.

"Although it looks like he gave up, but in fact... no."

So-and-so continued to look back, until she saw that Wen Renyan and Xuanyuan Duxue had three children, and then stopped.

"Wen Renyan finally became the Grand Tutor, and he personally taught the children of him and Xuanyuan Duxue, as well as the children of some ministers, who were also taught by him."

"The Grand Tutor of Xuanyuan Kingdom is dedicated to the children of the royal family and the children of high officials. It is equivalent to an exclusive special teacher. Basically, he will not directly participate in politics. Therefore, it is said that being a Grand Tutor has not met much opposition."

So-and-so is methodical and authentic.

Wen Renyan's contribution to the think tank was obvious to all. Even if he finally married Xuanyuan Duxue, he was not removed from the think tank. As a veteran think tank member, he was already qualified to be an official, let alone just a Tai. Such a "fake job" like Fu's.

 The next chapter should lead to the next story, so stay tuned.

(End of this chapter)

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