Quickly wear this bowl of dog blood, I'm done

Chapter 303 Improperly Being a Faint King (34)

Chapter 303 Improperly Being a Faint King (34)

Gou Xue listened carefully to their discussion, and wrote down all the more reasonable suggestions.

"Everyone's ideas are good. I will consider them one by one. Before I make a final plan and make it public, I hope everyone can keep their mouths shut."

Before letting them go back, Gou Xue gave them special instructions.

This kind of thing must be kept secret. If someone dares to leak the secret, Gou Xue will get rid of that person before dealing with the corrupt officials.

As an emperor, you must have zero tolerance for traitors.


Three days later.

Gou Xue put forward the slogan of anti-corruption and upholding integrity when he was in power, and announced the soon-to-be-established whistle-blowing system.

"Although I believe that all of you love ministers are trustworthy people, it is inevitable that some people will be blinded by the immediate interests and forget the importance of being an honest official. Therefore, I have decided to let you love ministers supervise each other."

"If someone discovers the situation of corruption and bribery, they can directly submit a memorial and report it."

"However, the report must be based on the premise of real evidence. If it is purely based on speculation or framing Zhongliang, I will severely punish it."

"I will secretly reward ministers who report meritorious service, and will not make it public. Lovers who have real evidence can report with confidence."

Before leaving the court, Gou Xue repeatedly emphasized the rules and precautions for reporting.

After the loud and neat "Farewell to the Holy Majesty", the hall fell into a dead silence.

This time, no one dared to talk casually after "Xuanyuan Duxue" left.

"Xuanyuan Duxue" must have known something, otherwise, why would he suddenly start fighting corruption?
This is the common aspiration of all the ministers.


After formally establishing the whistle-blowing system, Gou Xue soon received a lot of whistle-blowing memorials.

Most of these memorials did not describe in detail how the target of the report was corrupt and accepted bribes, but emphasized that they had evidence and could secretly hand it over to Gou Xue.

Afterwards, Gou Xue received evidence sent for various strange reasons.

Some pretended to submit a memorial and put evidence in the memorial, some pretended to give Gou Xue a gift and hid evidence in the gift, and some sent invitations to Gou Xue on the basis of happy events at home, disguising the evidence as "special invitations" ".

In short, these officials are like the Eight Immortals across the sea, each showing their magical powers, they can think of all kinds of tricks and can do them.

For this, Gou Xue only has one capital letter.

However, the evidence they submitted may not be all true. In order to avoid unjust, false and wrongful convictions, Gou Xue still sent people to investigate, and let members of the Intelligence Group participate in the investigation.

With the help of members of the think tank, the people in charge of the investigation will not be easily fooled by some old foxes.

The investigation lasted for half a month, and Gou Xue finally dealt with 23 corrupt officials, confiscated all the property obtained from the house raids, and collected it into the national treasury.

As for real estate such as houses and land, Gou Xue confiscated the house and land deeds, and decided to leave the house to the new official in the future, and re-divided the land to distribute it to the people who had been oppressed by corrupt officials.

The prosecution is still going on, and there will be more and more vacant official positions. In order to fill up the vacancies as soon as possible, Gou Xue simply reformed the "semi-hereditary system" of Xuanyuan Kingdom, making some of the original official positions hereditary and some official positions through examinations It was changed to a unified examination and selection, and the first national selection examination was held within two months.

Before the examination is over, those vacant official positions are filled by the remaining officials with similar functions.

Those officials are one and two big about this, so that they don't want to oppose the reform of the semi-hereditary system by "Xuanyuan Duxue", only some diehards are firmly opposed.

 If I remember correctly, "Dog Blood" should not be recommended until this afternoon. Although there is no hope, I still want to watch it. I will go and watch it in the afternoon.


(End of this chapter)

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