Quickly wear this bowl of dog blood, I'm done

Chapter 297 Improperly Being a Faint King (28)

Chapter 297 Improperly Being a Faint King (28)

"Although what you said seems to have a little truth, but I always feel that what you said is just an example?"

Gou Xue didn't want to dismantle someone's platform, but think about it carefully, didn't the third, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth tasks in the end not have much impact on the whole small world?

"This is not absolute. After all, our main purpose is to change the fate of the unfortunate, isn't it?"

So-and-so said without blushing.

"Meaning making the world a better place is just incidental?"

Gou Xue's illusions about the fast-traveling game were instantly shattered.

"It can't be said that, we do have this kind of philosophy. When we choose taskers, we usually choose people like you who are inherently kind. In this way, we can ensure that the small world will not be defeated by the taskers. Sometimes, some inadvertent acts of kindness left by you can also help the small world become a better place."

After so-and-so finished speaking eloquently again, he carefully recalled the follow-up of more small worlds, and then said unhurriedly:

"I don't know if you still remember the suggestion you made in the sixth small world to install surveillance in the alley. Not long after you left, the alley was installed with surveillance."

"And it's not just that one, but all the alleys and alleys that may pose potential safety hazards have been equipped with surveillance cameras. With those surveillance cameras, the overall crime rate in that small world has dropped a lot."

"Don't underestimate your seemingly small acts of kindness. Sometimes, they can really trigger a huge chain reaction."

So-and-so seems to have turned into a chicken soup expert, speaking clearly and logically.

"Hearing what you said, I suddenly feel that I am under a lot of pressure, what should I do?"

Gou Xue suddenly had the illusion that she was not trying to change a person's fate, but to save the world.

"Don't be nervous, just keep being yourself."

So-and-so spoke lightly and authentically.

Although what they actually want to do is not just to change the fate of an unfortunate person in the small world, but for a single tasker, as long as they can complete this basic task, it is enough.

"That's good."

Gou Xue breathed a sigh of relief.

It's rare for her not to be as nervous as other taskers, and she can be a little more relaxed, but she doesn't want to participate in the "involution" of other taskers.

"By the way, we just chatted for a long time, should you let go of Xuanyuan Xizi?"

So-and-so finally remembered this.

"She should have been silent or moving, can you see the change in her expression?"

Gou Xue could only see Xuanyuan Xizi's back, but couldn't tell what state Xuanyuan Xizi was in right now.

"You can see it, but I don't know how to describe it."

So-and-so adjusted the angle of the picture so that Xuanyuan Xizi's face was facing it.

Xuanyuan Xizi had her eyes closed at this moment, her expression was very calm, but her cheeks looked a little too rosy, as if she was blushing.

"Then I'll keep holding her. When she doesn't want me to hold her anymore, it's not too late for me to let go."

Gou Xue had no choice but to pretend that she was immersed in the previous atmosphere, holding Xuanyuan Xizi tightly and not letting go.

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness, what are you doing?"

So-and-so was about to complain about Gou Xue's manipulation, when suddenly, an "uninvited guest" entered the study.

 To be honest, I almost forgot where Gou Xue was acting before, anyway, that's it.

(End of this chapter)

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