Quickly wear this bowl of dog blood, I'm done

Chapter 294 Improperly Being a Faint King (25)

Chapter 294 Improperly Being a Faint King (25)

After retreating, the study room.

"The locust plague in Guangliang County started about a month ago. Although the local county magistrate organized people to catch locusts from the beginning, the effect was very little. In addition, batches of migratory locusts came in fiercely, and many of them were already about to mature. There was no time to harvest the damaged crops, and many farmers had no harvest and lacked grain reserves. Many farmers had no food to eat, and even grain merchants did not dare to sell grain because they were afraid that they would not have food to eat at home."

Official B explained the situation of the locust plague in Guangliang County in as much detail as possible.

"Does the county government have food in stock? Can it open a warehouse to provide food relief?"

Gou Xue sat upright, speaking in a serious manner.

"Yes, but not much. At most, it can only relieve temporary difficulties."

Official B reported back truthfully.

"Are there other local foods? Such as sweet potatoes?"

Gou Xue used the word "sweet potato" which is more down-to-earth than "sweet potato", lest official B would not understand.

"There should be some farmers planting them, but it's not the time to harvest sweet potatoes yet, so there aren't many edible sweet potatoes yet."

Official Yi Lue said in embarrassment.

"Are there migratory locusts in the surrounding areas of Guangliang County?"

Gou Xue still spoke clearly and decently.

"Not yet, but there is a tendency to spread to the surrounding area."

The disaster situation that Official B received was very detailed. Judging from the current disaster situation, the crops in Guangliang County have basically been eaten up by locusts. When they are really eaten up, the locusts will move their positions.

"After you go back, remember to inform the farmers around Guangliang County to sprinkle plant ash and lime powder on the crops to prevent locust plagues."

Gou Xue is well aware of the importance of disaster prevention. Other places must take precautions first, so that the migratory locusts in Guangliang County will not be driven away to surrounding areas and cause disaster to surrounding areas.


Official B nodded sharply.

Although I don't know why plant ash and lime powder can be used to prevent locusts, but since "Xuanyuan Duxue" said it so firmly, there must be a basis for it, and she just needs to do it.

"Have the existing crops in Guangliang County been basically eaten up by locusts?"

Gou Xue asked someone to take a look at the situation in Guangliang County before she opened her mouth with a serious face.


Official B hastily nodded yes.

"Then let's use fire to exterminate the locusts."

Gou Xue finally chose this plan.


Official B was slightly startled.

"Aiqing, you should have heard the story of moths rushing to the fire, right?" Gou Xue said casually, "Actually, locusts, like moths, have phototaxis. You can let the people light bonfires in the farmland while it is dark, and kill the locusts." Attract the past and burn to death."

"If the locusts can't burn out, then light the whole field on fire, turn over the land again, and expose it to the sun for a few days, so that the locust eggs in the soil can be basically wiped out."

"As long as there are no crops that locusts can eat, the few remaining locusts will leave sooner or later. When they leave, new crops can be planted."

"When new crops grow, farmers should also remember to sprinkle lime powder or plant ash to prevent locusts from turning back."

"This... Although I have never heard of these methods, what the Holy One said is very reasonable, and I am willing to let the people try it."

Official B showed admiration.

"Go ahead. If necessary, the government can send people to help. At the same time, you can buy some food from the surrounding area for disaster relief. You can report all the money needed to buy food. I won't let you suffer."

Gou Xue found that Official B was very responsible, and his attitude toward her became much gentler.

"Yes! I will obey your Majesty's will!"

Official B seemed to be greatly inspired in an instant, and even his voice became louder.

 Today is my grandma’s 70th birthday, and I was supposed to go and help celebrate it, but this time grandma is not celebrating her birthday at home. She is going to stay with my uncle, which is in the county. It would be more troublesome in the past, so I don’t plan to go.

  I wrapped a 200 yuan red envelope for my grandma and asked my parents to take it.

  Now it’s really poor, I can’t even get 200 yuan in cash, so I still use the V letter to transfer it to my mother, and then let my mother get the cash.

  If you can't get perfect attendance this month, you will really have no money next month.

  Your writers are really poor.

(End of this chapter)

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