Quickly wear this bowl of dog blood, I'm done

Chapter 290 Improperly Being a Faint King (21)

Chapter 290 Improperly Being a Faint King (21)

"Tomorrow you'll find out."

Gou Xue smiled inexplicably, and opened a memorial.

"Tell me again?"

So-and-so looked at the screen on the work panel speechlessly, and then switched to the shopping interface.

While I have nothing to do now, I just took the time to buy a treadmill.

When the treadmill arrives, it can work while losing weight.


The next day, the main hall.

After listening to the invariable "Long live my emperor, long live, long live", Gou Xue sat upright and said:

"I read the memorials submitted by all the lovers yesterday, and I can see that all the lovers are very concerned about the affairs of the country. I am very relieved, but there are also clichés and people who moan without illness, which makes me very headache."

"In this regard, I have decided to make the following regulations on the submission of memorials."

"Any matter that has been resolved in the court, there is no need to submit a memorial."

"There is no need to submit a memorial for any small matters that can be resolved by the parents themselves."

"If there is no definite evidence, it is just a personal speculation. There is no need to submit a memorial. You only need to raise it when you go to court, and continue to investigate and collect evidence."

After throwing out the "Three Whatevers" in one breath, Gou Xue rested for two seconds, observed the reactions of the officials, and saw that they were all listening quietly and seemed to have no objection, so she continued to speak solemnly:

"At the same time, I have decided to make the following regulations regarding the need to submit a memorial."

"No matter what it is, just explain it straightforwardly. There is no need to add some flattering formulas or unrealistic guesses, and try to keep the number of words within five hundred."

"If there are more important matters that are difficult to explain in the memorial and have not had time to raise them in the court, you can come to the study to find me in private to explain."

"In short, in the future, whenever there are more important matters, try to bring them up and resolve them at the court, and don't have to go through the process of submitting memorials for everything."

"Do you have any objections to this?"

Gou Xue cast a stern glance at the civil and military officials standing below, showing her domineering imperial aura.

"I don't have any."

"The minister didn't either."


After Tan Pingping took the lead in reporting back, all the officials agreed one after another, and even Fu Hui, who has always been serious and rigorous, did not raise any objections.

"Then it's settled. The new rules will be enforced from today. I hope that all my lovers will cooperate vigorously."

Gou Xue took a sip of the tea handed over by the female supervisor, and moistened her throat.

"Besides, I have one more thing to announce."

Gou Xue looked at the many officials who were full of expectations, and said calmly: "I have decided to form a think tank, so that people of insight from all over the world can act as my think tanks, and discuss with me the solutions to difficult problems. .”

After she finished speaking, she added another sentence very calmly: "I don't think I need to explain more about the word think tank?"

"I understand."

Tan Pingping took the lead in answering.

Doesn't "Xuanyuan Duxue" mean wanting a group of staff?What do you not understand?

"The minister also understands."

"Your Majesty, although it is established, I am very much in favor of it."

"The minister has no objection."

The other officials echoed in a rush.

"Please give me the Holy Spirit's instructions."

Fu Hui frowned slightly, then stepped forward and bowed in salute.

"It's not bad, it's pretty good."

Gou Xue didn't expect that the unsmiling Fu Hui was the most upright person, and she felt a little happy in her heart.

She cleared her throat, and said word by word: "The think tank I plan to form is not a court official..."

 I went to rake the grain after breakfast today. Today’s millet is twice as much as yesterday. I feel a little tired after raking all at once [Vicissitudes]
(End of this chapter)

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