Quickly wear this bowl of dog blood, I'm done

Chapter 266 Extra Story: Long Xue's Monologue (2)

Chapter 266 Extra Story: Long Xue's Monologue (2)

I decisively drew up a divorce agreement, and deliberately quarreled with Bu Fan to convince him that I was really tired of him and agreed to divorce me.

Afterwards, in order to prevent him from going back on his word, I kept acting very disgusted with the disfigured him, and even found a new boyfriend to dissuade him, and I was even more disrespectful to his parents.

Even though I knew that Bu Fan was in a difficult situation, I didn't lend a helping hand to him, but acted more hard-hearted.

As for whether his parents will die because of my "cold blood", I don't care at all.

His parents are so annoying, what does their life and death have to do with me?
If it weren't for the fact that they were Bu Fan's parents, I would have turned my back on them a long time ago.

So what if I'm the daughter of an upstart?Am I not worthy of being loved just because I am the daughter of a nouveau riche?
I don't regret anything I did, even if Bu Fan hates me for it, I won't regret it.

However, the development of things slapped me hard in the face.

Bu Fan didn't know when he completely changed.

He seemed to have completely changed himself into someone I didn't know.

Not only did he become very rich, but he also became very ruthless. When he knew that my dad's company had a problem, he actually pushed it secretly, causing my dad's company to go bankrupt completely.

Afterwards, my dad was devastated, and my family could only make money from my live streaming.

Originally, this was considered to be able to live on, but I didn't expect Bu Fan to attack me.

He took our previous divorce and posted it on the Internet as black material, and then I was banned not long after.

Immediately afterwards, Han Xi, who I had been with before, showed up and offered to support me, but I refused. I didn’t expect that he was actually a hidden second-generation rich man. He became angry and made a fuss on the Internet. Made my situation worse.

Not long after, I found out that my father was ill and my family had no money, so I had to sell the villa.

Because of the rush to sell, the villa was only sold for 500 million.

Although it wasn't much, it was enough to meet urgent needs, so I admitted my dad to the best hospital.

My dad received treatment, but still left because he had terminal gastric cancer that could not be cured.

My mother died when I was very young, and once my father left, I was left alone.

After cremating my dad and burying him, I felt that I had lost the meaning of living and was just lingering.

One day, I met Han Xi when I was drunk in a bar.

He also came to drink. When he saw that I drank a lot, he started to touch me and wanted to...

In my rage, I smashed a wine bottle at him, and Han Xi was killed by me just like that.

I became a murderer, went to jail, and was sentenced to death at the strong request of Han Xi's parents.

I thought my life was over like this, but it turned out unexpectedly.

After death, I discovered that people actually have souls, and they will be taken into a place called Quick Transmigration Bureau.

The person responsible for guiding me told me that as long as I was willing to give a small part of my soul power, I could restart my life and make up for my regrets.

I didn't believe it at first, but I didn't believe this unbelievable thing until I finally passed the screening, made a wish, and matched the tasker.

Once again, I don't regret divorcing Bu Fan, I just want to know why Bu Fan became like that, can I stop him from changing, and stop treating my dad like he used to.

I only have one relative, my father, and I hope he can live well.

When Bu Fan and I just divorced, my dad was not in the late stage of gastric cancer, as long as he was treated in time, he would be able to do so in time.

As for my love, it is no longer important to someone who has experienced life and death once.

For the rest of my life, he and I will live our separate lives.

 I never thought that this episode could write more than 2000 characters. I also thought that the latter could be combined with the second one, and I didn’t write (1) in the front. As a result, I can’t add it now, because the VIP chapter cannot be modified by itself. title.

  If I want to modify it, I have to find the editor in charge.

  Let’s forget about such trivial matters, anyway, as long as everyone knows about it.

  PS: This is the end of this extra episode, and there is another one behind it, which is "Lovers will eventually get married". If you are not interested, you can skip it directly.

(End of this chapter)

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