Quickly wear this bowl of dog blood, I'm done

Chapter 233 Improper Cannon Fodder Ex-wife (4)

Chapter 233 Improper Cannon Fodder Ex-wife (4)


Bu Fan chose to sign in without hesitation.

"Signing in... Failed to sign in."

The check-in system delayed for two seconds before giving the result.

"How could it fail? Are you kidding me?"

Bu Fan suddenly felt like he was being tricked by this broken system.

"This system won't play tricks on people. The failure to sign in is because you haven't obtained the corresponding disgust value."

The check-in system expresses its coldness in silent words.

"Disgust value?"

Bu Fan was slightly surprised.

When he was forcibly bound by this broken system, he only knew that it was a sign-in system. He had to complete the task to sign in, and he could get the corresponding rewards if he signed in successfully. He didn't know that there was a setting of disgust value.

"The full name of this system is the aversion value sign-in system. Simply completing the task is only a chance to get a sign-in. To successfully sign-in, you must also obtain the corresponding aversion value."

"Although you completed the mission just now, you didn't get the disgust value from Long Xue, so you couldn't sign in successfully."

"To successfully complete this check-in, at least 3 disgust points are required, please continue to work hard."

The sign-in system still gave a cold text reply without a trace of emotion.

"From the literal meaning, the disgust value should be the degree to which a person hates me. As long as the other party has disgust towards me, I can get the disgust value..."

"Didn't Long Xue already tire of me? How could it be that he couldn't get the disgust value?"

Bu Fan couldn't figure it out.

"System, explain to me."

In this case, he can only take the initiative to ask this broken system.

"Judging from the emotion detection results, Long Xue only had the emotion of boredom just now, and did not have any emotions of disgust or boredom."

The sign-in system still gave a paragraph of text without any emotion.


Bu Fan was quite surprised.

Long Xue looked at him with eyes full of boredom before, how could he suddenly find him boring?

"The detection of this system will not make mistakes, please do not question the scientificity and accuracy of this system."

After the sign-in system detected Bu Fan's suspicion of it, it immediately gave a "warm reminder".

"So-and-so, didn't you just answer me why he didn't speak for a long time?"

Gou Xue fiddled with her phone from time to time and looked at the time. The more she looked at it, the more bored she became.

The mobile phone is right in front of her, but she can't use it to play with it. Is there anything more boring than this?

"He should be looking at the options given by his system and wondering which one to choose."

So-and-so couldn't see the text displayed by the sign-in system, so he could only make reasonable guesses based on the settings in "The Strongest Son-in-law: Bu Fan".

"Is it necessary to struggle for so long? I have been waiting for him for 3 minutes."

Gou Xue wanted to just collapse and forget it, but Bu Fan was still here, so she had to maintain Long Xue's image.

"Judging from the description of "The Strongest Husband-in-law: Bu Fan", his choice should be relatively fast, and it will basically not affect the normal communication. This time, the slowness may be something wrong."

So-and-so also felt that he had been silent for too long.

If it wasn't for Gou Xue who was still patiently cooperating with him in acting, the plot would have collapsed long ago.

"You know what I thought of?"

Gou Xue's thoughts drifted away.

"How do I know that?"

So-and-so couldn't figure it out at all, because it thought her question was very sudden and inexplicable.

"I thought of the transformation anime I've seen before. It takes nearly a minute for each protagonist to transform, and the villain never takes the opportunity to do it. I couldn't figure out why when I was young, but now I finally know."

Gou Xue deliberately paused.

So-and-so instantly had the desire to listen.

 Originally, I should be able to write about [-] words after taking a nap today, but I didn’t write a single word in the end. Why?

  Because I accidentally answered a scam call this afternoon.

  I originally didn't want to answer such a strange phone call, but he called me repeatedly and accidentally made the wrong call. The other party said that he was a courier and accidentally lost one of my couriers. He also said it in a decent way, saying It's Jitu Express. I also know the last digit of the tracking number and what kind of product it is.

  Then I asked how much I wanted, and he paid me ten times the compensation, and I said it was 2 yuan, 9 cents, 9 (a small bottle of shower gel bought with a coupon on Dodo).

  I said yes, but he said that the money cannot be given to me directly, and asked me to go to a certain treasure and teach me how to operate it.

  When I was in the middle of the operation, I found out that the reserve fund that the other party asked me to get was actually a small loan, so I didn't want to talk to him, because after I saw the above description, I knew it should be a liar.

  But he said that he didn’t really ask me to get a loan, but that he could go in and apply for a refund. As a result, I clicked in and saw that a certain treasure popped up a reminder, saying that there are scams using excuses such as the courier is lost. , let you open that kind of loan, and then I didn't get it.

  I hung up the phone, but he still called me repeatedly. I hung up several times before he stopped calling.

  This incident made me feel very bad, so I stopped coding.

  If you encounter such a situation where you are asked to go to a certain treasure to open a reserve fund, it is actually asking you to take a loan. Don't do it, because he is actually asking you to borrow money and then have to pay it back.

  Little cuties should also be vigilant.

(End of this chapter)

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