Quickly wear this bowl of dog blood, I'm done

Chapter 214 Improper Vicious Female Supporting Role (24)

Chapter 214 Improper Vicious Female Supporting Role (24)

"Shufen? Why are you here?"

After entering Zangshu Pavilion, Tan Taijing accidentally saw Nangong Shufen who was flipping through ancient books.

"I want to find out if there is a way to save Xue'er."

Nangong Shufen glanced at ten lines without raising her head.

"Actually... Xue'er is fine, you can go and see her."

Tantai Jing felt embarrassed.

He was too busy getting food for "Xue'er" before, and forgot to inform Nangong Shufen of the good news first.


Nangong Shufen suddenly raised her head and looked at him in disbelief.

"I have checked with my spiritual consciousness. Xue'er is in good health now."

Tan Taijing answered selectively.

"I gonna go see."

Nangong Shufen got up together, instantly became a gust of wind, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

"Shufen is still in such a hurry."

Tan Taijing smiled helplessly.

When Nangong Shufen was young, she was always reckless and hot-tempered. Many people said that she was not suitable to be Tantaiyun's stepmother, but he felt that a frank person like Nangong Shufen would definitely not treat his daughter badly, so in the end Regardless of everyone's opposition, she married Nangong Shufen.

When Nangong Shufen first married him, her temper didn't change much. It wasn't until she had her own daughter that she learned to be a good wife and mother.

It is undeniable that Nangong Shufen has always been good to Tantai Yun, but compared to her own daughter, she is still worse. The specific performance is that there is obviously no relationship between Nangong Shufen and Tantai Yun and Tantai Xue. So intimate.

This point, Tan Taijing is understandable.

After all, Tantaiyun is not Nangong Shufen's biological daughter, even if she brought her up, it is impossible for her to be completely separated.

What's more, in the eyes of the world, it is not honorable to be a stepmother. If Nangong Shufen didn't dislike him as a second marriage and brought a "oil bottle", his family would not be complete However, Tantai Yun could not enjoy the love from her mother.

Generally speaking, Nangong Shufen has done a good job, as long as she doesn't favor Tantai Xue too much and ignore Tantai Yun, he can accept it.


two months later.

Gou Xue celebrated Tantai Xue's tenth birthday, and also welcomed the public physical test witnessed by the whole family.

On this day, in addition to Gou Xue, there will be three children from the Tantai branch who have reached the age of ten to participate in the test together.

Their families will also be there, and the scene will be very lively.

"Xue'er, don't be nervous during the test, no matter what the result is, my sister will always protect you."

While combing "Tantai Xue"'s hair, Tantai Yun gave instructions in a soft voice.

"Well, Cher won't be nervous."

Gou Xue said with a crooked smile.

What kind of qualifications Tantai Xue has now, Gou Xue has already known, what else is there to be nervous about?

"There will be a lot of people later, and there are many elders, so you have to remember to say hello to them."

Tan Taiyun continued to exhort.

"Yeah, Cher will."

Gou Xue suddenly felt that she had become a "repeater with no emotions", no matter what Tantai Yun told her, her answers would always be in the same sentence pattern.

"Xue'er, are you not ready yet?"

Tantai Yun wanted to give some more advice, but suddenly Nangong Shufen's voice came from outside the door.

"Sister, mother called me."

Gou Xuedun felt as if he had been pardoned.

"Wait a second, Xue'er hasn't worn the headdress yet."

After Tantai Yun finished speaking, she put a set of hair accessories inlaid with pink gemstones on the head of "Tantai Xue" one by one.

This was the first time Gou Xue had worn so many headdresses, and her head suddenly felt heavy.

"If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight... This is probably the price of beauty."

She sighed silently.

"You're not pretending to be like this, are you? Even if you just read the literal meaning, you don't wear a crown, okay?"

So-and-so couldn't help complaining.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight is a Western proverb, which roughly means that if you want to be a king, you must bear the corresponding pressure.

 I think Tantai Jing is a very good and upright person. He will not favor any daughter, nor will he doubt Nangong Shufen casually. Only when he sees Nangong Shufen's vicious side will he believe that she is actually Not a good stepmother.

  PS: This chapter is posted regularly.

(End of this chapter)

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