Quickly wear this bowl of dog blood, I'm done

Chapter 206 Improper Vicious Female Supporting Role (16)

Chapter 206 Improper Vicious Female Supporting Role (16)

With someone's guarantee, Gou Xue drank the whole bottle of profound liquid with confidence.

This bottle of profound liquid is diluted, it looks like there is a bottle, but in fact there is only one drop.

The profound liquid had almost no taste, Gou Xue felt like drinking a small bottle of plain water, and at first he didn't feel anything at all.

Nangong Shufen focused on observing the reaction of "Tantai Xue", ready to use special exercises to help her absorb the power of the profound liquid at any time.

"So-and-so, are you sure what I just drank is real profound liquid? Why..."

Gou Xue was complaining when she suddenly felt a stomachache.

There seemed to be a fire burning in her stomach, and Gou Xue's face turned pale from the pain in an instant.

"Mother, I'm in so much pain..."

After Gou Xue finished speaking with tears in her eyes, she clutched her stomach and fell down.

"Don't be afraid, Xue'er, my mother will absorb it for you."

Nangong Shufen immediately cast a spell, placed "Tantai Xue" in the air in front of her body, and used her profound force to pull the power of the profound liquid to quickly spread throughout her body.

The burning sensation in Gou Xue's abdomen gradually disappeared, but she didn't feel better, because the burning sensation didn't really disappear, but spread to the whole body.

This feeling was like burying her in a pile of hot sand, and there was no place on her body that didn't feel scorching hot, and it was also accompanied by needle-like pain.

Gou Xue seemed to see Hades waving at her, and Black and White Wuchang throwing chains at her.

"So-and-so, I feel like I'm going to die."

Gou Xue held her last breath and spoke to XX with her thoughts, and then completely fell silent.

"How could this be? Isn't that the diluted profound liquid? How could Gou Xue not be able to bear it?"

So-and-so panicked.

It really couldn't get in touch with Gou Xue, and the communication between it and her was completely cut off!

"What should I do? Do you want to forcibly suspend the mission and bring her back in advance?"

So-and-so became anxious like an ant on a hot pan.

At this moment, there was a loud noise on the screen of the work panel.

So-and-so immediately looked up.

Nangong Shufen's barrier was forcibly broken, and the locked door was kicked open.

Tantaijing and Tantaiyun rushed in.

"Shufen, what did you do to Xue'er?"

The first thing Tantaijing saw was "Tantaixue" floating in midair with a motionless face and pale face.

"Mother, did you give Xueer something to eat?"

After Tantaiyun quickly scanned around, she found an empty glass bottle on the ground.

"Why did you come here?"

Nangong Shufen stopped running the exercises and put "Tantai Xue" down.

"Tantai Xue" fell to the ground at once, not only his face was ugly, his whole body was covered in sweat, and his breathing was very weak.

It was only then that Nangong Shufen realized that "Tantaixue" had fallen into a coma and was in a very bad state.

"Cher! Cher!"

Nangong Shufen suddenly panicked.

"What did you do to Cher?"

Tantaijing strode forward and hugged "Tantaixue", his face sank like water.

"I just gave Xue'er a drop of mysterious liquid to drink. I didn't expect this to happen. I really didn't expect this to happen..."

Nangong Shufen staggered and fell to her knees, her face turned pale and she spoke incoherently.

"Confused!" Tantai Jing's heart sank suddenly, "Xue'er hasn't started to practice yet, how could her body be able to withstand the power of the profound liquid?"

"Xue'er is still so young, even if it's just a drop, she won't be able to bear it. If she can't make it through... Yun'er, take care of your sister, Dad will call the ghost doctor right away."

He handed "Tantai Xue" to Tantai Yun, and left Tantai Mansion in a flash.

(End of this chapter)

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