Quickly wear this bowl of dog blood, I'm done

Chapter 120 Be a nanny with both civil and military skills (16)

Chapter 120 Be a nanny with both civil and military skills (16)

In the evening, Gou Xue went into the kitchen and began to teach Bogdan how to cook.

What she cooks is the simplest stir-fry, and Bogdan has a strong learning ability, so he learned it after just watching it once, and he has a good grasp of the heat and seasoning.

The first time Bogdan fried it was as good as Gou Xue's, and the second time Bogdan fried it was even better than Gou Xue's.

"Sure enough, people are comparing themselves to each other, which makes people angry to death. Uh-huh-huh..."

After Gou Xue ate the second bowl of potato chips fried by Bogdan, the villain in her heart burst into tears instantly.

Her culinary skills have been practiced for several years. Although the level is still not high, at least she has experience. As a result, Bogdan just started learning and compared her. Gou Xuezhen's wife is so sad.

"Does the teacher think my fried potatoes are not tasty?"

Seeing "Xue Gou"'s complexion was not very good, Bogdan opened his mouth quickly and cautiously.

"No, it's so delicious, the teacher is crying with joy."

After Gou Xue finished speaking, the tears rolling in her eyes fell down.

She really didn't want to cry, but Xue Gou's lacrimal glands seemed to be more developed, she just started to cry when she was a little sad.

"It's the teacher who teaches well."

It was the first time Bogdan saw "Snow Gou" crying in front of him, and he was a little at a loss, so he could only say polite words dryly.

"The teacher is not as good as you. I think you are very talented in this area."

Gou Xue wiped away her tears with the back of her hand and said with a smile.

"Does the teacher mean that he will teach me to cook more dishes?"

Bogdan was a little unsure of what she meant between the lines.

"That's right, when Meili brings the flour and eggs, the teacher will teach you to do other things."

Gou Xue had secretly made up her mind.

After she has taught Bogdan all "what she has learned all her life", Bogdan will be responsible for the meals in the future, so that she no longer has to cook by herself, and she can eat better than what she cooks eat meals.


A day later, Mei Li sent a bag of flour and some eggs according to Gou Xue's request.

Flour and eggs only took up one basket, and potatoes and carrots were still in the other basket.

"Thank you so much. These are what His Highness Bogdan and I need most now. His Highness Bogdan is too thin to eat only vegetarian dishes."

Gou Xue said gratefully.

"I can bring you some meat next time, but you have to be careful not to be seen by others."

Melly actually sympathized with Bogdan. As long as she was not discovered by the queen, she could still help as much as possible.

"I will be careful, and you should also be careful not to be discovered by the queen."

Gou Xue lowered her voice to a minimum.


Mei Li nodded solemnly, then turned and left the kitchen.

"He is indeed a good man. I wish this good man a safe life."

Gou Xue watched Mei Li leave, and silently blessed her in her heart.


At noon, Gou Xue cooked a boiled egg for Bogdan, and made carrot cake with carrots and flour.

In the evening, she made egg gnocchi soup with eggs and flour, and added shredded carrots to the soup.

The next morning, Gou Xue baked egg pancakes with eggs and flour.

At noon the next day, she made potato noodles with flour and potatoes.

The next night, Bogdan made hash browns out of potatoes and flour based on his own ideas.

On the morning of the third day, Merry sent fresh flour and a cut of beef, with potatoes and carrots.

Gou Xue can only cook beef stir-fry and goulash, while Bogdan can make steak, so Gou Xue reserved more than half of the beef for Bogdan to make steak.

With Mei Li's secret help, their food finally got better.

 I am also very free today, because someone came to help harvest the grain.

  They want to buy my millet, so they want to help sweep the millet by themselves (probably written like this, anyway, it is to remove as much leaves as possible from the millet), and then pack it into bags.

  I shouldn’t need to help, and I don’t want to, because the blisters on my hands are suppurating and it hurts even if I touch them (;`)
(End of this chapter)

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