Quickly wear this bowl of dog blood, I'm done

Chapter 107 Be a nanny with both civil and military skills (3)

Chapter 107 Be a nanny with both civil and military skills (3)

"Of course, if there is a situation where people in the small world do not speak Chinese, we will take special measures to allow you to obtain the common sense memory of the original owner, so that there will be no language barrier."

So-and-so added conscientiously.

"This design is quite humanized."

Gou Xue praised sincerely.

"Anyway, you don't have to worry about this kind of problem. You'd better go there first."

After someone finished speaking, he immediately opened the soul transmission channel.


Gou Xue walked in resignedly and closed her eyes.


"Teacher, I have finished my homework. I would like to ask the teacher to take a look."

As soon as Gou Xue regained consciousness, she heard an unusually melodious juvenile voice.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a very beautiful young man standing in front of him.

He has short pure silver hair with a mysterious aura, a pair of amber pupils that seem to glow, cold white skin that is almost pale, and quite delicate facial features, just like a beautiful boy who came out of a beauty manga.

"Let's put it here first, teacher, we'll look at it later."

Gou Xue couldn't help showing her aunt a smile, and her voice was surprisingly gentle.

"Okay, teacher."

Bogdan obediently put the thick homework book on Gou Xue's desk.

"Do you have anything else to do?"

Seeing that Bogdan had no intention of leaving, Gou Xue had no choice but to ask.

"Does the teacher have no new homework to assign today?"

Bogdan was slightly puzzled.

"Let's take a day off today, the teacher feels a little tired."

Gou Xue rubbed her temples and pretended to have a headache.

"Since the teacher is tired, let's take a good rest. I will be responsible for cooking today."

After Bogdan finished speaking with a smile, he turned around and left the study.

"Can cook at such a young age? That's great."

Gou Xue almost forgot that the original owner was still Bogdan's nanny, and she was usually responsible for taking care of him. If it was before, someone else would be responsible for Bogdan's meals, but after arriving in the cold palace, no one else would do these things. Can be done by the original owner or by Bogdan himself.

Moreover, Lucia will deduct the monthly salary of Bogdan and the original owner, and at the same time will not let people send food to them. If they want food, they must exchange it with the pitifully small monthly salary.

The original owner still had some savings, so they would not be without food for the time being, but the original owner's savings were very limited. When the savings ran out, it would be difficult for them to get food.

"So-and-so, can you give me part of the memory of the original owner? I can't understand the homework written by Bogdan!"

Gou Xue only opened Bogdan's homework and read a page before going crazy.

Although it was written in Chinese and she knew every word, she couldn't understand them when they were put together.

"The homework assigned to him by the original owner was to copy the part of Revelation in the Bible."

So-and-so can only give hints, but cannot satisfy her "wishful thinking".


Gou Xue found that she seemed to have hit a blind spot in knowledge, and she didn't know what the Bible so-and-so was talking about.

"The Bible is a very classic scripture, and the Book of Revelation is its last volume. It probably contains the vision that the apostle John saw on the island of Patmos."

So-and-so also checked the relevant information to know what the general content of the Revelation of the Bible is.

"Even if you explain it this way, I still don't understand what Bogdan copied."

Gou Xue really couldn't understand the content of "Apocalypse" because she felt it was too abstract.

"You don't need to understand this, you just need to know if Bogdan finished copying it?"

So-and-so said without thinking.

 I don’t know if the master is temporarily busy, and he hasn’t come yet. The harvester came over last night, and the master hasn’t been here today...

  Although it’s fine if you don’t come, but my millet can’t wait anymore, a lot of it is down, if you don’t harvest it, it will germinate (;`)
  PS: The names of Westerners are really too long. From this chapter onwards, I will use abbreviations instead of full names.

(End of this chapter)

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