Chapter 88
And sorting out Rongli's belongings was done by Chen Ling himself.

However, in the process of sorting out, a mysterious small box fell out.

Rong Li's close maid said: "My majesty, this is your empress. She started writing when she was in her boudoir, and she didn't stop writing until she entered the palace."

With doubts, Chen Ling asked someone to open the box.

I saw that there seemed to be a long letter inside!

After opening it, it was filled with Rongli's handwriting.

What will be written here?
Chen Ling read it curiously.

But then, the content inside completely made him feel heartbroken, life would be worse than death!

My name is Zhao Wuhuan, and the person I like the most is the current crown prince, Chen Ling. In order to marry him, I would ask my father to beg the emperor to marry me to him.

Although after marriage, he didn't treat me well, he didn't even like to see me, and he didn't perform the ceremony of husband and wife with me.

But I thought, as time goes by, he will slowly accept me.

But later, the cruel truth slapped me hard.

After he ascended the throne as emperor, he still didn't come to see me, he only gave me the status of a noble concubine, and left me there, regardless, and turned his head to make love with Li Juanlan.

In this regard, although I complained, there was nothing I could do, and I gradually realized that his heart was not with me at all, and my heart also became cold little by little. Over time, I began to accept all of this.

After all, this is the marriage I asked for.

Now it has become like this, and it is my own fault.

But what I didn't expect is.

Later, Li Juanlan had a miscarriage, and because the evidence pointed to me, Chen Ling didn't investigate thoroughly, and directly thought that I was the murderer, beat me 100 times, and threw me into limbo. I was in so much pain that I almost lost half my life.

Later, Li Juanlan came to tell me that all of this was her design, and my family was also executed.

I was distraught, and my heart was ashamed.

But compared to Li Juanlan, I blame Chen Ling more. With his status, it is not difficult to thoroughly investigate the truth, but he directly chose to make my life worse than death!

Later, I vomited blood and died.

But what I didn't expect was that maybe it was God's pity.

I was born again!

In this life, I swear to stay away from Chen Ling, stop being that stupid person, and let him and that woman Li Juanlan pass by.

But, why did my heart still throb when I saw him again?
But this time, I learned how to be good, and I won't take the initiative to approach him again. Regarding Li Juanlan's frame, I saw every trick, but I didn't expect that he would also see Li Juanlan's true face.

Along with that, his attitude towards me also changed.

Later, he took the initiative to ask the emperor to marry me as his concubine, but he also married Li Juanlan.

We both had our weddings on the same day.

It's the same as the previous life, but it seems different.

About the only difference is that this time, it was he who proposed to marry me.

After marriage, his attitude towards me was also very different from his previous life. He actually wanted to consummate the house with me first, but because of the knot in his previous life, I was hesitant to do so, and he didn't force it.

Later, after getting along for a period of time.

My heart finally beat again.

I always think of him unconsciously.

I told myself not to think he was a bad person, he was bad to me.

However, he couldn't control his heart no matter what.

It is undeniable.

I fell in love with him again.

Later, when he ascended the throne as emperor again, the moment he wanted to make me queen, my heart returned to him again!

I scolded myself for not living up to expectations.

But it's funny.

Since you can't escape your own heart, let's face it calmly.

Besides, he has been very good to me in this life.

In the following period of time, we had a very happy time, and we also made an appointment to go to Jiangnan together.

I have decided that when this Mid-Autumn Festival banquet is over, I will completely accept him and become my husband.

We want to be together, live a lifetime, and have many, many children.

The handwriting ends here!

But to Chen Ling, these words were like sharp knives, piercing his heart, riddled with holes, and painful!
It turned out that the dream he had that day was all true!

Maybe it's because God can't stand it anymore and wants to punish him, a heartless person!

"Hahahaha!" Chen Ling laughed sadly: "Chen Ling, what are you? She loves you so much, and this is how you repay her love?"

In distraught, Chen Ling picked up the knife on the side, and stabbed him fiercely in the chest, hoping that the pain in his body would relieve the pain in his heart!
Later, he learned from capable people and strangers that there are very few people in the world who can be reborn because of great unwillingness and resentment.

Zhao Wuhuan is one of them.

But after she came back, not only did she not take revenge on him, but fell in love with her again!

And he.

For the last two lives, she has failed her!
Chen Ling was so distraught that life would be worse than death.

He put all his energy on political affairs, and managed the country in an orderly manner, hoping to paralyze himself.

132 AD.

Ming Emperor Chu Ling died of overwork at the age of 36.

After his death, his body was buried in the imperial mausoleum together with the former empress Zhao Wuhuan.

When people in later generations think of Chen Ling, the first thing they think of is his queen, Zhao Wuhuan.

Ming Emperor Chen Ling's lifelong love, Bai Yueguang!
For her sake, a generation of emperors died of overwork and worry early on!

(End of this chapter)

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