He is warm with time

Chapter 111 She Is My Only Faith 1

Chapter 111 She Is My Only Faith 2
the following afternoon.

Inside Li Chuan's studio.

Sitting on a chair wearing simple bright clothes, looking at the girl opposite.

"You really think about it, the curative effect of one treatment is very small."

After all, what she wants to wake up is far from easy.

Those things buried in the bones are not so easy.

Shi Yi has experienced ten times.

Persevered with super perseverance.

What is it that makes them so persistent.

Although curious, he also knows the duty of a doctor.


After several contacts, Ji Xi gradually saw this man clearly.

Just like what Shi Yi said, she looks gentle, but deep down she is lonely and cold.

As a patient, his voice and the way he speaks are undoubtedly very comfortable and relaxing.

But apart from this relationship, he basically doesn't like to communicate with people too much.

These few times, Ji Xi only saw what he had seen before.

"When did Professor Li know Xiaoxuan?"

When he came for the fifth time, Ji Xi was not in a hurry to start hypnotizing him.

Instead, he chose to talk about Ling Xiaoxuan.


His thoughts went back to eight years ago, when she walked around the campus with her shoulder-length hair, many students called her 'Sister Xuan'.

He was curious as to why many students gave her such a title.

Regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl, everyone who sees her is "Sister Xuan".

At that time, he was hired by the school to give a speech, and he became interested in this girl at a glance.

Later, in the supermarket, he saw a profile face that he thought was very similar to this girl, and when he walked in, he found that it was not one-tenth of that girl's face.

Later, he kept thinking about her, but he couldn't find her anymore.

"She took over the family business, Professor Li, you should know what the Ling family does."

Ji Xi looked at him, the look on his face was not deceiving.

"Emerald," he said.

"The Ling family has only one heir, but the Ling family never let the sole heir get involved in the family affairs before. Do you know why?" This has already involved internal affairs.

Ji Xi looked into his eyes, he shook his head, "I don't know."

"For jadeite, and even for rough stones, she has a very keen perception since she was a child. The first time she opened rough stones, she opened a variety of rare and rare jadeites. This is still under the condition that she pays attention to it."

"She was only 12 years old that year, and the chances were too high. Grandma Ling was afraid of having any other impact on her only granddaughter, so she was not allowed to open rough stones at a high frequency. Later... it still had an impact."

"Every time the relationship goes wrong, and she is very sincere and devoted to the relationship. Six years ago, she really gave up on these things, but this year she decided to inherit the family business. Do you know what it means?"

On this day, Ji Xi said a lot about Ling Xiaoxuan.

Li Chuan listened carefully to every sentence.

After she finished speaking, Li Chuan said sincerely, "Thank you."

"If it wasn't for Shi Yi, I wouldn't have said these words."

Ji Xi's mind is very sharp, but the sentence that cares about chaos is also true, because Ling Xiaoxuan, she really can't make a judgment.

"If there is another blow, I would rather stop you."

"So... If you really like her, please let her accept you..."

Li Chuan was very serious, his eyes were more emotional than the amber pupils that Ji Xi saw usually.

"Thank you, I won't make her sad again."

"The Li family in Southwest never makes promises easily. From the moment I understand my own intentions, she is my only belief."

Today, his mood fluctuates greatly and he is no longer suitable for hypnosis.

Ji Xi was very happy.

"An appointment next time."

(End of this chapter)

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