Chapter 154 Nightmare
Su Wanwan had a very long nightmare. She dreamed that she had become a cannon fodder in the novel she read tonight. She hid under the bed tremblingly. In the darkness, her heart was beating heavily. A frightening voice came from my ear: I found you.

The voice made one's scalp tingle, and in the darkness, Su Wanwan seemed to see a pair of scarlet eyes.

only one glance.

Su Wanwan woke up from the nightmare in shock.

Su Wanwan was frightened into a cold sweat, her mouth was dry, her heart was beating continuously, her scarlet eyes were still in her mind, and just thinking about it would make her feel chills all over her body.

Su Wanwan reached out to touch the phone, but she didn't feel it. Why did the bed she slept in become so big, and she couldn't touch the light switch on the wall.

Su Wanwan touched a cold object, like a person.

It can't be a dead person!Su Wanwan's mind was wide open.

Su Wanwan was still sleepy, but she woke up instantly.

She only read horror novels before going to bed, and this was the time when she was the least courageous.

Su Wanwan was so frightened that she sat up suddenly, struggled to climb to the side of the bed, finally reached the bedside table, and turned on the lamp.

She was startled by the scene in the room.

This room is at least fifty or sixty square meters!One room can make do with a three-bedroom and one-living room.

Such a big room is even bigger than the room in her hometown, and the bed is three meters wide!
She can actually sleep in such a big bed.

All this was like a dream, Su Wanwan bit her tongue, it hurt, it was real, not a dream.

But there was also a man sleeping in a shirt lying on the bed.

The other party actually opened his eyes directly, woke up instantly, and sat up without rubbing his eyes.

Su Wanwan took a look at the scarlet light shining in the opponent's eyes, his eyes were like rubies, which made Su Wanwan's mind go blank with fright.

The eyes were exactly the same as the eyes in the dream.

Su Wanwan was startled, she called out tentatively: "Mo Bai."

The other party looked at Su Wanwan with very cold eyes, and he said coldly to Su Wanwan: "Turn off the lights and go to sleep."

Su Wanwan immediately picked up the pink mobile phone that was placed on the bedside table. She opened it and checked the time. It was one o'clock in the morning on XX, XX, XX.

Look at the pink nightdress on her body again.

At this moment, Su Wanwan was shocked when she saw this time, she only had two hours to live, and she didn't know why the author wrote down the death time of a cannon fodder.

Cannon Fodder's home seems to have the same layout, the headboard of the bed is also studded with sparkling diamonds, Su Wanwan's home is not so luxurious at all.

Mo Bai found out that Su Wanwan hadn't chosen to turn off the lights yet, so the eyes he looked at Su Wanwan became more and more sinister.

Seeing this, Su Wanwan immediately said to Mo Bai: "I feel like I have awakened superpowers in the dark, as long as the food I cook, it will be extra delicious, wait a minute, I'll squeeze a glass of juice for you Drink, you taste it."

After Su Wanwan finished speaking, she ran to the kitchen without waiting for Mo Bai's answer.

This Mo Bai is not her target at all. It is a strange creature from a strange planet. After he merged with human souls, he has part of human thinking and wisdom.

In the setting of this novel, after the crafty planet and Blue Mercury slowly merge, some people with special talents on Blue Mercury will awaken a special superpower.

And one of Mo Bai's abilities is to detect the aptitude of ordinary people. He discovered that Su Wanwan's aptitude was actually the legendary golden color, and then he followed Su Wanwan.

Becoming Su Wanwan's target, wait for Su Wanwan to awaken her super power, and then devour Su Wanwan to obtain Su Wanwan's super power.

In the novel, Su Wanwan's ability is really against the sky. What she possesses is the ability of equivalent exchange. She can use any part of her body, such as fat, fat, leg hair, etc., to display any superpower.

But every exchange, the lost body tissue will be lost forever.

It's a pity that the original owner swallowed it before he fully understood his ability.

Su Wanwan now actually possesses the ability of the original owner.

But she must not let Mo Bai know her ability, and Mo Bai will definitely swallow her.

She doesn't want to die yet, she wants to live.

Su Wanwan saw that the red mole on her palm had followed her through time travel.

God help her, this red mole is Su Wanwan's personal space.

In the beginning, there was only one spiritual spring in this portable space. After many trials, Su Wanwan found that only plants could be planted in it, and animals could not be allowed to enter it.

Su Wanwan's consciousness can enter this space, but she cannot enter it herself, otherwise, she would be able to hide in the space for a year or so.

Relying on this space, she opened a small frying shop. She grows vegetables and fruits by herself, with zero cost, not to mention how much money she makes, but she has achieved financial freedom.

With great difficulty, she bought a car and a house with all the money, but before she had time to enjoy life, it was all gone.

Fortunately, all the vegetables grown in the space are also there.

Watermelon, tomato, pepper, green onion, ginger, and ginseng.

There is no way, this space is only three square meters in total, and there are not many things to plant at all.

There is only one watermelon, and this is because Su Wanwan likes to eat it, so she grows it.

Ginseng, the older it is, the more valuable it is.

So Su Wanwan planted a dozen or so ginseng.

These ten or so ginsengs are a very large fortune!

No, now she is a rich second-generation Bai Fumei, not short of money, but her life is a little dangerous.

The kitchen here is fully equipped with kitchen utensils. Su Wanwan squeezed a large glass of watermelon juice, and she poured a lot of spirit spring water in the space into it.

Based on her experience in reading novels for many years, strange things belong to dark energy, and spiritual spring water belongs to positive energy. When the two intersect, there must be a wound.

She planned to feed Mo Bai to drink, and Mo Bai would definitely fall down when the time came, she would pick up a fruit knife, dip it in spiritual spring water, and slash Mo Bai, fearing that he would not be able to kill him.

"Why are you smirking! Is the juice ready?"

Suddenly, a voice suddenly sounded from behind Su Wanwan. The voice was so cold that it made Su Wanwan jump.

Mo Bai jokingly looked at the frightened Su Wanwan. According to his calculation, it would take another two hours before Su Wanwan would wake up.

So he is not in a hurry, he has always been very patient with his prey.

But Su Wanwan's aura changed, maybe she really awakened.

Su Wanwan handed over a large bottle of watermelon juice, handed it to Mo Bai, and said to him, "The juice is ready, do you want to drink it?"

Mo Bai didn't move, his eyes made Su Wanwan's scalp tingle.

"Do you think it's poisonous? I'll take a sip first and test the poison for you."

Su Wanwan lowered her head and took a big mouthful of watermelon juice, swallowed it, and opened her mouth to show Mo Bai: "Look, I drank it all."

(End of this chapter)

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