Chapter 119
When the girl heard this, her face turned pale.

She was still impulsive after all.

She held her breath.

She hoped that the voice Su Wanwan heard was wrong.

But soon, she heard the uniform sound of bugles.

There were a lot of people here, beyond her imagination.

The footsteps were dense.

There has been no interruption.

The footsteps sounded for a long time. Although I don't know how many people came, but from the sound, there are many people.

The girl knew that Wucheng might really suffer this time.

The girl suppressed her emotions, not even daring to breathe.

After the footsteps had passed for a long time, her tears dripped down drop by drop.

The only luck in her heart was gone.

She knew that her brother was probably dead.

"We should go. This place is hundreds of miles away from Fog City. If we return at this time, no one will doubt us."

"Do you still have a heart?"

"As long as you return to the town, you can send a letter to your family, let your family know the news earlier, and react earlier. The most important thing is, once Emperor Heng's soldiers and horses return, they should see you and me here. How to explain?"

"What about you! With such a serious injury, can you walk back?"

"Now that my meridian is broken, I'm afraid it's much safer than you. I'm a useless person now, but I'm a good citizen. As a good citizen, I'm protected by Daheng's law."

The girl disdainfully said to Su Wanwan: "Good citizen! Just you, you have a household registration. If you don't have a household registration, you are a pariah. A pariah can only be a servant, a servant, and is not allowed to do business, farm, or politics."

"I'm pretty, and I can go to brothels, play musical instruments, and be a musician."

"You have no shame."

"The world is difficult, and life is so difficult. Miss Lao will give me a ride."

After hearing Su Wanwan's words, the girl said to Su Wanwan, "I would rather live standing up than die kneeling."

"The girl is a character, I admire you. In this world, there are few outstanding people, but after all, there are many ordinary people. I am also just an ordinary person."

The girl didn't taunt Su Wanwan this time. Su Wanwan was covered in injuries. With such serious injuries, the will to survive was still so tenacious.

The girl asked Su Wanwan, "What's your name?"

"My name is Su Wanwan. You don't have to tell me your name. I'm an ordinary person. In order to live, I'm afraid I'll tell you everything."

"Su Wanwan, why haven't I heard of your name? Could it be a fake name?"

"What about the real name, what about the pseudonym, it used to always be in the past, I have thrown it all away, and now I have to start all over again."

As Su Wanwan said, she stretched out her nails and drew three deep blood marks on her face.

"Why are you doing this?"

Su Wanwan said to the girl: "If this face is not ruined, how can I start again, please take me down the mountain and sell me to a music workshop! I still have some confidence in my own piano music."

The girl didn't question Su Wanwan, she had a good heart, she knew that Su Wanwan was seriously injured, and carried Su Wanwan all the way.

The girl carried Su Wanwan on her back, she was a little amazed at Su Wanwan's decisiveness.

It's a pity that such a beautiful face has been ruined like this.

She thought that Su Wanwan was really planning to serve others in Israel.

Now there is no face.

Just be a musician.

But this is also good, there is a craft, after all, you can't starve to death, although you can't be rich, but you can live a safe life.

Life is not easy.

Only now did the girl understand this sentence.

The girl walked for a long time, and it was a bit difficult, but she still did not let go of Su Wanwan.

The girl really sold Su Wanwan, she sold Su Wanwan to a small restaurant.

The girl said to Su Wanwan: "People's hearts are unpredictable, some people may not look at their appearance! It may be safer to sell here."

The person in charge of the small building is a feminine man of an older age, and there is an indescribable powdery smell in his demeanor.

He twisted his waist, walked over step by step, looked at Su Wanwan who was lying on the ground, and asked the girl: "This man is not a waste, is he! Not everyone wants our bamboo building."

Su Wanwan sat up, and at this moment she took the initiative to say: "My cultivation base has been completely crippled, and my body has no bones. I know musical instruments and some medical skills. In the future, if someone in the building gets sick, I can also help with diagnosis and treatment." two.

Now I just want to find a place to stay. "

The person in charge leaned over and touched Su Wanwan's wrist. Sure enough, the meridians all over his body were broken, and his dantian was broken. This cultivation base was completely abolished.

He asked Su Wanwan, "What musical instruments can you write?"

"I can play the piano and play the pipa."

The person in charge waved and ordered the servants to come over with a piano.

Su Wanwan played softly.

This song is a song that has never been heard before, but it pops up the chic artistic conception of Jianghu, which makes people listen to it, and there is a feeling of walking the world with a sword.

The person in charge's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he asked his subordinates to hand the girl a piece of silver.

The girl smiled slightly at Su Wanwan: "I didn't expect you to be worth so much money after your disfigurement."

Su Wanwan bowed to the girl and said, "Thank you for finding such a good place for me. I will have a safe place for the rest of my life."

Su Wanwan's thanks were sincere.

"Goodbye, I hope we can see each other again."

The girl walked quite gracefully.

The manager gently lifted Su Wanwan's cheeks, gently stroked Su Wanwan's face with his cool fingertips, and said with some regret: "The person who did it is too cruel, it's a pity that this one It's a good face."

Su Wanwan did not resist.

Maybe it's because Su Wanwan's piano skills are not bad, so the manager assigned Su Wanwan a thin boy to take care of Su Wanwan, and also allocated a private room.

Su Wanwan took a shower and changed her clothes, because this is a small restaurant building, the main people are men, and there are few women, so the manager handed Su Wanwan a suit of men's clothes.

Su Wanwan didn't care about these things.

Now she just wants to have a good place to rest.

The manager originally wanted to hire a doctor for Su Wanwan.

But Su Wanwan said that her medical skills were incurable, so she refused.

The manager originally didn't believe in Su Wanwan's medical skills, but Su Wanwan's hidden illness was cured after a few doses of medicine. The doctor is not as good as Su Wanwan's medical skills.

What's more, those doctors are still unwilling to come to this kind of romantic place.

It's nice to have your own doctor.

Therefore, the director prepared a pharmacy for Su Wanwan in the backyard.

Usually, people in the building would come to Su Wanwan to see a doctor if they had three illnesses and two pains.

The business in the Yihong Courtyard next door is particularly good. A new woman named Qingcheng has arrived, and it is rumored that she is the most beautiful woman in the world, Wu Qingcheng.

(End of this chapter)

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