Chapter 380 The cat fakes the power of the tiger ([-])

The name Ah Miao really exceeded Fu Xin's imagination.

But the young man is happy.

So Fu Xin had no choice but to obediently accept his new name, then "meow", and asked his name back.

The boy paused, thought of a name for himself, and blurted out two words: "Ah Bai."

Fu Xin recognized his simple and crude naming ability.

Well, judging from the color of his hair, he is quite white. The name is so clever that he deserves it!

There seems to be a kind of coercion on A Bai's body. There are many animals in the forest, but they all turn away immediately when they see him, so that Fu Xin even wonders if A Bai is a character who collects protection fees in this animal world—— The gangster brother.

Fu Xin was just thinking about it at first, but then, Abai showed her the strength of the forest underworld boss - they met the leopard again.

The big leopard circled around them, its sharp eyes kept falling on A Bai, as if he was sizing up who he was.

It stands to reason that when they see a person, these ferocious beasts can pounce on him without hesitation, and then bite off his limbs in one bite.

But for some unknown reason, the big leopard didn't seem to dare to get close to Ah Bai, but only dared to put on a fierce look from a distance, pretending to roar twice.

Fu Xin was stunned, feeling as if she had straightened her back in front of the leopard, and couldn't help but let out a "meow", to the effect that she scolded the opposite leopard for being a coward.

Hua Bao didn't understand, but Ah Bai did.

He twitched the corners of his mouth, looked at the little kitten obediently nestled in his arms, and felt that he saw her lively heart through the beautiful snow-white fur.

Leopards are still on the prowl.

Although it couldn't understand what the kitten was yelling, at least it could feel the disdain in its tone, so it frowned, and its eyes were a little fierce.

Fu Xin didn't know how long the cowardly leopard in the distance would put on a show, so she simply "meowed" a few times comfortably, to the effect of provocative words like "Come if you can, come and be happy".

Abai has seen the so-called bullying, but what she bullies is not a person, but a big leopard.

After an unknown amount of time, the big flower leopard finally used up his patience.

The bestiality of the beast is still stimulated!

The leopard stretched its limbs, like an arrow coming out of the string, and rushed towards them swiftly.

Fu Xin's pupils shrank slightly, and his dull cat brain finally came to his senses.

How could human beings in Abai defeat the leopard with their bare hands!
The leopard running wildly in front of her was getting closer and closer, and Fu Xin's vision became more and more blurred. She felt that she was put on the ground and lost her warm embrace.

And the next second, her eyes were filled with mist, and Ah Bai disappeared out of thin air, replaced by that big white tiger!
Fu Xin yelled "I'm lying down" all over her head. Before she could recover, the white tiger roared up to the sky, and then rushed in the direction of the leopard. It seemed that he planned to have a fight with the leopard. A fight to the death!
The fog just now has been left behind by Fu Xin, she is now concentrating on the scene in front of her, unable to think so much for the time being.

She has never seen the fight between ferocious beasts, at most she has watched animal programs on TV, she knows how ferocious beasts chase and kill their prey, and knows that ferocious beasts can bite through the body of a deer in one bite, and cruelly devour those weak animals alive.

Of course, she didn't just remember these cruel pictures, but she still remembered a sentence - spring is here, and it's the season of animal mating.

Fu Xin immediately put a brake on her crooked thoughts.

In this kind of battle, be serious!

 The weekend is here, and it’s time for me to play with my little cuties~

(End of this chapter)

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