I really don't want to be a villain

Chapter 700 Raiders Mission

Chapter 700 Raiders Mission
To leave a chance to fail, Bai Yi would be so kind...?
Lu Qiming looked at Bai Yi suspiciously, waiting for him to continue speaking.

Bai Yi didn't disappoint her curious gaze, as he opened and closed his lips, he uttered words that would make Lu Qiming petrified in place.

"After all, the tasks in the new world may not be easy to do." Bai Yi showed a meaningful smile, "The task is transformed, and the strategy route is changed."

"..." The strategy route is not the one she thought of, is it?

Lu Qiming was silent for a while, "What is the strategy?"

"What else can I attack, naturally I want to attack the young man on the opposite side." Bai Yi spread his hands innocently, with a harmless smile on his face.

Seeing her puzzled, Bai Yi patiently explained: "An important person on the front line of the enemy, if we capture him, our odds of winning will increase at a speed visible to the naked eye."

Lu Qiming was stunned, please, didn't she get the villain script?Right now, Bai Yi asked her to do something romantic, just kidding.

What's more, in the first two worlds, she just turned Yi Junchu's face ruthlessly, and she cut off all kindness and righteousness.

She reasonably suspected that Bai Yi was messing with her, and Bai Yi must have done it on purpose. "Not very good, he will definitely doubt it."

"So what about doubt?" Bai Yi asked back, "As long as he likes you, that's enough."

"I don't need to tell you these things." He stood up and stared at Lu Qiming condescendingly, "You should know that I am very kind to you."

His eyes did not allow Lu Qiming to refuse at all, Lu Qiming let out a sigh of relief, some things may have been settled. "Well, I see."

The surrounding darkness was suddenly dispelled, and dense 0s and 1s appeared in front of her again, followed by countless people composed of 0s and 1s.

is the database.

After returning to the database after ten worlds, the emotions in my heart were very complicated, and I was speechless for a while.

All kinds of people passed by her, without their eyes staying on her for a moment.She was taken aback for a moment before she realized that she had disguised herself again by wearing the white clothes so that no one else could see them.

"Database, what are you doing here?" Lu Qiming looked around, a little puzzled.

Bai Yi pointed to the big screen in the distance, on which the mission news in the world was scrolling. The mission that Lu Qiming had seen earlier had disappeared, replaced by some ordinary small missions.

"Let you meet the people in the database. They are constantly struggling to avoid being reorganized by the data, but they can only live in the database." Bai Yi turned to look at her.

"And you, the opportunity you have is the opportunity to leave the database directly. Don't you think you should cherish it more?"

What he said was high-sounding, but there were countless murderous intentions hidden in it.

Lu Qiming frowned, and endured the impulse in his heart, so he didn't speak angrily at Bai Yi.At that time, she was impulsive and wanted to seize this opportunity, so she stepped into this pit of fire.

What's more, after the victory of the war, where would she go after she left the database?
No one knows where the war between the two worlds will end and where it will go.

Bai Yi hummed lightly, "By the way, I want to tell you something, I will watch over Mu Ziqin temporarily, you should know my methods."

Talking a lot, Bai Yi lost the feeling of being cold and lore, and even a little chatty and annoying.

Lu Qiming knew his methods all too well.

(End of this chapter)

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