I really don't want to be a villain

Chapter 649 Picked up an online game boss 1

Chapter 649 I Picked Up an Online Game Boss 38
Lu Qiming was slightly stunned, and immediately understood what Yi Junchu meant. He didn't have any hope for him at all.

Although she was very angry, she had to say that she was indeed only at the level of lying down for a second.If you can really get two sips of milk, then it's probably because the other side didn't hit yourself with water.

What was even more unpleasant was that a certain delicate voice couldn't help laughing at this moment.

Her face couldn't help but darken, the countdown in the arena had already counted to 3, she hastily hung a needle for continuous treatment for everyone, and pressed the keyboard with slightly trembling fingertips.

When the word "beginning" appeared on the screen, Dark Light took the lead in releasing a dark dust scatter, and went straight to Naixiu invisibly.

As for Lao Mu and Yichu, they followed the aura step by step, while Lu Qiming and Wan Yue stayed in the aura obediently, at least with the effect of avoiding control.

The milk-killing team on the opposite side didn't seem to intend to procrastinate, and came straight to Lu Qiming-she had the lowest pretense score and looked the best to bully.

The enemy, Cang Yun, took the lead in pressing two shield strikes in a row, giving 60% healing reduction. This was the safest way, and Wan Yue couldn't save her.

Ce Zang immediately went up, with a sudden attack, a crane returning to Gushan, and a wind coming to Wushan, but in the blink of an eye, Lu Qiming died suddenly on the spot.

"..." She looked at Wan Yue, who hadn't had time to give the skills beside her, and then looked at the life-saving skills that she hadn't entered on CD...

She died so quickly that she didn't even realize it. She was really miserable.

The Naixiu on the opposite side doesn't have a lot of equipment. Mingjiao specializes in Naixiu, and Yichu has controlled the Naixiu. By the time the enemy DPS rushed over, Naixiu had already died.

The situation has basically maintained a balance, 4V4, all have milk.Although the enemy's configuration is a bit stronger, they can't hold back that they have two big bosses on their side.

The enemy's milk poison was quickly killed by our side with an explosive set fire, and An Guang was killed by a set of slashers because of a mistake.

Wan Yue's operation was not bad, he lasted to the end, cooperated with Yichu and Lao Mu, and successfully won the round.

"Thanks to Wanyue being able to hold on, otherwise how would we fight?"

Anguang's words were obviously alluding to Lu Qimingcai. She frowned, not in a very good mood, but she didn't know how to refute for a while.

After all, she is indeed a dish.

Lao Mu opened his mouth slowly, "Yo, Yichu and I are both vegetarians?"

Dark Light choked for a moment, since she didn't have the skills to fight against such a boss, so she could only hum a few times, "Boss, aren't you afraid of losing the winning rate?"

"Apprentice, row." Yi Jun chose Lu Qiming for the first time, looked at her quietly, and signaled her to ignore the nonsense about the dark light, and just go to the row.

Lu Qiming didn't speak, but just silently entered the next row.

The enemy Du Jing, Nai Du, Hua Jian, Bing Xin, Nai Xiu, and their internal skills are crazy and explode the dot team. If they are not careful, they will be burst to death with full blood.

In this round, the enemy didn't choose to fight Lu Qiming, a milk flower. Instead, they gave most of their skills to An Guang in order to protect their milk show.

The blood line was crumbling, and a seal was given to Lu Qiming's body. At the same time, the enemy Huajian used a move to burn jade and stone, and the dark light's blood bar was immediately emptied.

Yichu turned his camera, sold a loophole in his position, was caught by the enemy, and gave away his head.

Seeing his operation, Lao Mu also understood what he meant. With a trembling hand, the life-saving skill Zhen Shanhe was distorted, and both Lu Qiming and Wan Yue died in battle.

As for him, he was given a big life-saving move, and without the protection of the nanny, he naturally fell to the ground in minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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