I really don't want to be a villain

Chapter 610: A World That Divides One into Two

Chapter 610 A World Divided In Two
Yi Junchu raised his head slowly, and gave the director a positive look, "Don't worry, director, I won't let her succeed."

This is an agreement between him and the director general, and since it is an agreement, he must abide by it.

The righteousness of the family and the country and the small love, which is more important, every rational person can give an accurate answer.

Although he was thinking about Xiao Ming, he hadn't lost all his sanity. What's more, behind him was not only his family and country, but the whole world.

In reality, there are so many people who are desperate and abandon everything. People have to see the reality clearly and make the most suitable choice.

The most important thing is that all the current wars are happening in virtual data and will not cause any harm to Xiao Ming.

That way, it's fine.

"Do you want me to notify the backstage to add the emotional threshold limit for you?" The director thought for a while, it wasn't that he was worried about Yi Junchu, but that emotions were indeed uncontrollable.

Yi Junchu frowned, "I don't need it for now, I gave her a strong medicine before the end of the last mission, I want to see her reaction."

"Strong medicine?" The director repeated in doubt, did he come up with some crazy idea again?
He nodded, "It's just that I'm worried that this strong medicine will draw out the person behind the scenes."

He has already figured out Xiao Ming's true temperament. Based on what he saw and felt in the world, he can almost be sure that Xiao Ming's heart is already shaking.

But if Xiao Ming is really the enemy's most important pawn, the enemy's big boss will definitely not let her have the slightest rebellious heart.

What will happen next is still unknown.

The director's fingers tapped the armrest of the sofa lightly, and he closed his eyes slightly. The opposite side is famous for its data capabilities. Data...

Hands and feet can only be on the data.

"I arranged for the technical department to speed up the progress and strive to spy on the abnormal data of your little girl. This may be of great help to our work."

The data capability of the data bureau is naturally undoubtedly strong, but after all, it is no match for those people who are themselves composed of data.

He handed Yi Junchu the file bag that had been opened on the coffee table, "Look, the latest progress, the conclusion reached after contacting the higher-ups."

Usually, he is not qualified to view confidential documents of this level.Since the director showed it to himself, it must be related to his current task.

Yi Junchu raised his eyes to look at the director, and gently pulled out a piece of A4 paper from the file bag, on which were printed relevant conclusions and inferences. He read it intently, and his face couldn't help but change.

After a certain accident, the real world is divided into two worlds: the data world and the power world. The data world is composed of data, and the people in the world are all illusory data... most of them have incomplete emotions.

There is no difference between the world of wish power and the real world, except that people pay more attention to emotions, which means that they lack rationality.

"The maintenance of the channel between the two worlds lies in the power of will. Enough deep and rich emotional accumulation will form an infinite force of will to open the channel between the two worlds."

Yi Junchu read this sentence aloud, his fingers holding the paper trembled slightly, "Director, can we use our will power to open the passage between the two worlds privately?"

"You read the rest of the story before you speak." The director sighed, a little worried, good boy, why did you lose your IQ?
He hastily responded, and then continued to read. "Willing World can't actively open the channel between the two worlds, but can only passively defend...?"

 The next world preview:
  Online game boss + number one student in GPA VS online game novice + middle school scumbag in GPA
  The game and reality are interspersed, and some game settings are referenced in "Jianxia Qingyuan Online Edition III".

(End of this chapter)

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