Quick Transmigration: The Female Supporting Goddess Raiders

Chapter 824 Thank you for your one-eyed ten thousand years (1)

Chapter 824 Thank you for your glance (37)
She has nothing to worry about, but what should she do now, Su Morer is angry when she sees Mu Zichen's innocent face.

Originally, these things were not something she should bear, but now
"Mu Zichen, you heard what Xie Jue said just now? Then do you know what to do in the future?"

Su Morer felt that this was no longer her matter, but the two of them.

Moreover, Mu Zichen was also testing her during this period of time. Although he did it very covertly, she could still feel it.

If she didn't say it, it didn't mean she didn't know, and she wanted Mu Zichen to understand that since she had planned to have a good time with him, she wouldn't think about anything else.

The two of them still have Xiao Mucheng to take care of, even if she is not for herself, she still has to live for Xiao Mucheng.

Besides, Su Mo'er was a little proud of having such a good husband. Although it had nothing to do with her, she felt that this matter was worthy of her pride.

Su Mo'er is a very easy-to-satisfy person, so she doesn't have high requirements for Mu Zichen. As long as he treats her well, she doesn't care about the rest.

If one day Su Mo'er discovers that Mu Zichen doesn't love her anymore, then she will leave.

She didn't recognize this unrecognized love in the first place.Now it's just because she has nothing to do, that's why she chooses to try with Mu Zichen.

"Don't worry, what Xie Jue said will not happen."

Mu Zichen's response made Su Morer really happy, but it's a pity that she still can't respond to him well.

If the two of them are still like today, then she will carefully consider the relationship between the two of them.

But now it's better to keep things as they are, at least not to let Mu Zichen misunderstand her feelings for him.

"That's fine, but you have to know that you only have one chance to regret it. If you regret it in the future, I won't agree to it, right?"

Su Morer gave him a chance to go back on his word. If he was still firm in his choice, then she wouldn't be able to go back on it.

And Mu Zichen should be able to understand himself, so Su Morer is relieved.

"Okay, let's go to dinner quickly, I will continue to act in a while, I will be a little tired in the afternoon, if you are tired, remember to take a break for a while, you know?"

What Mu Zichen is most worried about now is that Su Morer will not adapt to the current work intensity, and he also knows that being a staff member is really tiring.

He didn't want his woman to be so burdened, and he never thought that Su Mo'er would be the screenwriter of this drama.

So now he has to learn to cherish his wife.

"Don't worry, I'm not as fragile as you think, but you have to know that I'm not doing this for you."

Originally, Su Morer agreed to the director to come to fulfill a dream of hers, so no matter what hardships she suffered, she was willing to do it.

She should cherish the time now. If she doesn't have this kind of time in the future, she might not do this kind of thing again.

"Of course I know, you are for your own dream, but I hope you will focus all your eyes on me, and I hope you will be proud of me."

Su Morer never thought about this kind of thing, but she felt that as long as Mu Zichen was at the workplace, she would be very happy.

She remembered that when she was watching the theater before, she always liked to watch Mu Zichen's plays over and over again, perhaps because of his appeal.

Although she didn't like him very much, Su Morer didn't dislike him when he was acting.

It is said that the most original is the most perfect. Su Mo'er only wanted Mu Zichen to shine in front of her. As for the rest, she didn't care at all.

What's more, Mu Zichen is such a strong person. Even after so long, he is still working so hard.

Su Mo'er wanted to tell him that she liked the way he looked when he was acting, but more often than not, she hoped that she could be Mu Zichen's strong backing.

(End of this chapter)

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