Quick Transmigration: The Female Supporting Goddess Raiders

Chapter 636 Humble Maid VS Sick Palace Master (9)

Chapter 636 Humble Maid VS Sick Palace Master (9)
"If it's beauty, this king is naturally inferior to you, the witch doctor woman. After all, the charm of the witch tribe is known to everyone in the world."

Su Moer didn't know what the witch clan Ye Ming was talking about.But what he meant when he said this was that she was from the Wu tribe.

Things are getting more and more complicated nowadays. Su Morer doesn't know if she has enough brain cells, but now it is obvious that she seems to have missed a lot.

But she felt that there was nothing wrong with staying by his side like this, anyway, she would leave one day.

As for this period of time, she should regard it as repaying him. After all, Su Moer is not a person who refuses to save him.

"In this case, can you tell me what you want to do? I can stay and help you, but I also hope you can tell me the truth."

For Su Morer, she doesn't want to be deceived, after all, what Ye Ming wants to do is definitely not that simple.

Otherwise, he would not use a false identity to establish Yeming Palace, although Yeming Palace and Yeming have the same name.

But how many people in this world are smart, if not for people with ulterior motives, they would never investigate Yeming Palace at all.

So what is the problem with Ye Ming, and he seems to have been poisoned, although this is what she observed these days.

But he must have known about his own poisoning. After all, how could a person with such high martial arts not know.

But who exactly did it to him?And what is their purpose? Since Su Morer wants to help others now, she naturally doesn't want Yeming to hide anything from herself.

"Little girl, it's not a good sign to be so curious. What if you die from your curiosity one day?"

Yeming's reminder made Su Mo'er realize that she is now approaching Yeming's secret step by step, and he probably doesn't want him to know.

But she hoped that Yeming could tell her, after all, their current relationship can be regarded as friends, isn't it just that friends have difficulties to bear together?
Since she was already planning to help him, she had to show some sincerity.

"What's the matter with curiosity? Don't you want me to help you? Tell me quickly, what do you want me to do, if it's detoxification, you have to give me some time, as for other things, you can talk about it first."

Su Morer didn't know if she could really help him, but if she could, she would do her best.

But she didn't mean anything else by doing this, she just thought she should repay him.

Although he has done too much to himself, she can still help him.

"Actually, what I want to do is very simple, and that is to overthrow the royal family."

Overthrow the royal family?What did she hear just now?Su Morer couldn't believe her ears.

What exactly does Ye Ming want to do? It's not just for this reason that he treats himself like this.

Since she is like this, then she is really tragic, how could she be like this.

"But isn't the emperor your father? Why do you do this? Aren't you afraid that he will be sad?"

When Yeming heard Su Morer's words, he seemed to be listening to a joke. At first, Su Morer didn't understand what was going on.

until he said to himself.
"You said that the current emperor is my father? Do you know that my father was killed by the current emperor a long time ago? He is my father-killing enemy. Do you think I will let him go?"

Ye Ming's words shocked Su Mo'er, because she had no idea that things would turn out like this, and she always thought he was the emperor's son.

Now it seems that she misunderstood, but what did the emperor do to him to make him become like this?

There is also the poison on his body, which is obviously formed after many years of accumulation. Fortunately, it is not particularly difficult to solve, otherwise Su Mo'er must have no way to deal with it.

So why on earth would they attack him.

(End of this chapter)

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