Chapter 142
"You bastards, you don't even know where the queen has gone, what's the use of raising you bastards."

At this time, Ye Nanxian was venting his anger on the shadow guard, but the people below him had no complaints. After all, they knew it was because they were not doing things well, but they were a little baffled that the emperor, who had clearly not cared about the queen before, why did the queen leave? Is he like this after the palace?
"Your Majesty, you have time to vent your anger on us here, so why not settle everything. Since your empress left, you have been losing your temper here, which will greatly affect your image."

Because Yu'er didn't follow Su More'er, she appeared in front of everyone as a shadow guard at this time, but she didn't follow Su More'er, but she knew where she was. After all, she had been there long ago. He told her that, as for why he didn't tell Ye Nanxian, he was naturally going to teach him a lesson.

"What is the use of you, why is there no news from the queen for a whole day? As the queen's personal maid, why are you not by her side?"

Even if Ye Nanxian asked her this, she couldn't answer.After all, since she returned to the shadow guards, she has never heard of Su Morer again, but she doesn't want this emperor who doesn't know how to cherish to find her so quickly.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty is very disappointed with your previous actions. If you really want to find your Majesty, you still have to go by yourself. This is all I have to say, and I will leave first."

When the shadow guards left the upper study room, Ye Nanxian sat on the throne alone and wondered what he was thinking. In fact, when Su Morer left, he also regretted it for a moment, but unfortunately he didn't stay.

I don't know when he started to care about Su Mo'er, but unfortunately he never found out, if she hadn't left now, maybe Ye Nanxian would have thought that he had made a mistake for the rest of his life.

"Come and pass on the seventh brother and Xiao Yun'er." Before Su Mo'er left him, he didn't have time to solve Xiao Yun'er's affairs. In the past, he let her live because he saw her being pitiful. Fortunately, he is really suffering and can't tell. .

"Your brother sees the emperor."

"The daughter of the people pays homage to the emperor."

The reason why Ye Nanxian wanted to meet them was because he wanted to know what Su Mo'er had said to them before. Although he sent shadow guards to follow him, he did not order anyone to eavesdrop. Now the queen ran away in person However, he felt that Yu'er's words made sense. After all, if he really wanted to find Su Morer, he would have to settle everything. Maybe she would come back when the dust settles.

"Seventh Brother, you should get up first. In fact, I called you here because of your sister-in-law's affairs. What did she go to your residence yesterday for? Please tell me the truth."

Ye Nanfeng didn't expect that his brother-in-law hated his sister-in-law a few days ago, what's going on now?He didn't care until he was gone. It seemed that his imperial brother's consciousness was not very high.

"Brother Huang, in fact, the reason why my sister-in-law came to my house is because of Xiao Yun'er. She has already understood everything, but you may have one thing that you have been kept in the dark until now. Yours is Su Mo'er, not the Xiao Yun'er in front of you, you have misunderstood the emperor's wife."

Ye Nanfeng's words hit Ye Nanxian's head like a bolt from the blue, causing him to lose all senses in an instant.

When his brain reacted again, he really realized suddenly, thinking to himself, no wonder she would tell such a nonsensical story at that time, no wonder he would be disappointed in himself, it turned out that every bit of this was accumulated slowly, By now, she was afraid that her heart had been broken.

(End of this chapter)

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